Chapter 23: Heavenly lips

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"Yeah,  taking you home" Lex said, with an innocent look on his face, but a different game in his head

"M-me?" Luna stammered again, those big innocent eyes as wide as the world. She could easily get trapped in in Lex's teasing webs.

"Yes you. Who else?" He asked

"Who else" she repeated his words

"No one else" he said, seriously meaning it this time

"No one else?" She mimicked again

"Just you and no one else" he said

"M-me" she asked

He decided to stop teasing her and took her hand. He then entwined their fingers together.

As soon as Lex's skin touched her own Luna's heart immediately skipped a beat, and started pounding against her rib cage and her innocent blue eyes glittered

Oh my snowfall, what is happening to the world, Luna thought to herself as she looked at their hands

He was holding her, he was really holding her.

Why was she feeling this way, as if the heavens were favoring her. It wasn't an intimate gesture so why did she react to his touch like this.

Was it because of the words he said the previous day

I don't care if you aren't mine, I just want you to know that I am yours

His voice rang in her head over and over again as he pulled her to the the VIP indoor parking.

They got into the car as she was still in her daze. He inserted her seatbelt and as he moved back he lightly pecked her lips. Then immediately it her mind finally ticked

Oh my flipping flamingos, he likes me likes me she thought and her face immediately flushed

Lex only smirked at the affect he had on her.

So I really affect her he thought

He got into the car and drove

A few moments later Lex spoke again "I'm taking you out tomorrow"

"M-me?" She asked

"You and my little sister" he said

She was relieved to hear him saying they weren't gonna be alone. "Ok sir" she murmured lowly

A small smirk crept to his lips as he said "What? Are you disappointed that we won't be alone together?"

"N-n-no sir" she quickly stuttered

"Why aren't you" he asked

"P-pardon?" She looked at him slowly

"I don't like repeating myself and you should know that" he said

"Sir I'm not disappointed, I'm just glad they I'll meet your sister" she tried to coax

"So you're saying I'm not good enough to spend alone time with you?" He raised an eyebrow

"N-no sir, I don't mean that. I mean I'd love to meet your sister" she said as cold sweat formed on her forehead

"So you're saying you're not satisfied with me but want my sister too?" He asked

"Sir, that is not what I meant I love you for you, and you satisfy all my needs, and that's all I want" she said not realizing what she just said

"So you really love me?" He smiled slightly

Her eyes widened when realizing what she said"No sir, you are my boss and I like you the way you are, cold and composed, and I'm grateful to have a boss like you" she amended her words

He decided to stop teasing her and just said "ok"

She could feel her nerves relaxing a bit as she realized that he had stopped talking

"Relax would you" he said as he put his hand on her trembling ones that clutched the hem of he dress

Her heart started skipping as gesture was unexpected.

The rest of the ride was quiet and they arrived at her apartment.

"Thank you Mr Legend" she lowly said

He put his hand under her chin and moved her face to look at him. Her bright eyes glistened for some reason, as they turned wide and she subconsciously blinked a few times.

"What?" He asked in a deep, seductive husky voice

His voice immediately ran shivers down her spine and her heart started to skip

"N-nothing" she stuttered which made him smirk

"You sure?" He asked and she nodded lightly

He then moved his head slowly towards her face and she subconsciously closed her eyes ready for a kiss that she didn't know she desperately needed till now

His small smirk grew even wider as he realized what she was thinking. He then unclipped her seatbelt as his lips brushed against her ear as he said "Goodnight Luna"

Her eyes opened widely as she realized how dirty her mind was becoming

Luna, remember what sister Anne told you, dirty thought are unholy.

She didn't know why she felt so disappointed when she didn't want to be with him so she said "night" in a small kinda disappointed voice as if all hope was lost

As she put her hand on the door handle to open it she felt a pair of strong hands on her waist. Then suddenly she was being lifted and put on his lap with both her legs in either side of him as his heavenly lips attacked her own soft ones.

First she was shocked but her lips slowly adapted to his own. He then started nibbling, pulling and tugging on her bottom lip.

He then bit her lightly and a small moan escaped her lips.
He started to tease her as if asking for permission to enter.

The girly made a tiny opening on her lips ad his tongue made its way in. He explores every inch of her savoring the sweet taste.

His arms snaked around her waist the then pulled her closer to him and she gasped softly into the kiss

Her fingers crawled and ran through his snow white hair and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

He then ever so slowly pulled away for some air then took a moment to look at the beauty on top of him.

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