chapter 54: burn them to ashes

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Luna's pov

I was up all night thinking about what Vincent did to me. What did he do to me?

I needed answers because I couldn't bare how loud my head was getting, my head was fucking loud. And I wanted silence.

"You can't silence me" she spoke

It was the voice in my head

"Shut up" I whispered

"They don't know how much of a mess you are" she said

"Stop it"

"How broken,"

"I said stop"

"How ugly,"

"I'm not listening"

"You don't deserve anything, you're just a burden"

"You're a liar"

"I'm not. You know I'm not"

"Why did you come here?"

I was shaking at this point trying to shut my ears as she laughed

A shadow walked in from the moonlight. She was beautiful. She wore a long black skin tight satin dress, it had a Long v neckline exposing some cleavage and high slit on the left leg. Her bright red lipstick and long lashes screamed dark femininity.

And her blue orbs, as beautiful as the stars in the night sky, and her auburn hair cascaded down to her ass in beautiful fiery waves and she smiled slightly deviously

"Look at yourself " she whispered. Waves of different emotions hit me like bricks.. the fear crawled through my skin and the pain of her words piercing my heart  like the daggers of destruction, the anxiety creeping through my guts.

"Please... please stop" I cried out, my vision blurring from tears. I held my hands to my ears trying to shut her out though I knew it was vein

"Look at what a mess you are" her words came like venom to my blood.

"Stop it. J don't wanna listen anymore!" My voice cracked out as I screamed at her to stop.

The door burst open but I couldn't see who was came in because I was trying to focus myself  on trying to shut her away

"Darling, luna" Vincent speeded towards me engulfing me in his arm "it's ok darling, I'm here with you now"

"Don't worry he'll leave you too. Just like your father and mother,  and your brother, and your lex, and soon your precious Amy. Do you know why?" She barked out a wicked laugh "because nobody wants a burden"

"Leave me alone... p-please" I cried, tears downing on my face like great waterfalls "make her go away, please" I clung on to Vincent for dear life pleading with him to make her stop

"Baby, there's no one there" he spoke to me softly.

Why was he lying? She was right there. I could see her, I could even feel her presence.  What the fuck was Vincent trying to say?

"You're going crazy luna" the woman smirked

"No! No I'm not! Y-you... y..ou... You're lying!" I cried out wanting to punch and kick but I was shaking so hard I could barely breathe "I-im not going crazy!"

"Darling, you're not. You're ok" Vincent spoke soothingly as he softly rubbed my back and stroked my hair.

My heart pounded aggressively in my chest, my mind racing with uneven thoughts, my stomach churned painfully and I felt like throwing up

"She's lying. Tell her she's lying" I sobbed

"They are lying, not me. They all don't deserve you. They all did you wrong and now it's your turn" she spoke to me, something dark and mysterious ringing in her voice

"No... n-no.. no, no, no..." I refused to hurt anyone. I didn't want to. "I-i.. I won't ... I don't want  to... n-no, no, I won't "

"I'm only hear to help you. Look at how pathetic you are... you can be something better" she spoke, her voice as soft as heaven.

My vision got blurry  and my lungs felt stuffed. Ny heart pounded against my ribcage harder than thunder.

"Stop!" I begged her pulling myself closer to Vincent as of he was the hero of story

"Baby, it's ok, I've got you" he rubbed my back and stroked my  head

"Look at him... acting innocent after what he did to, the trauma you had. And deary Lex. That lying bastard. If really did love why isn't he here. "

"Shut up"

"He led you to Vincent. He left you with this monster. He is the reason why you're in pain."

"Please arop talking.. you.. You're a liar"

" And Keith?"

"You're hurting me"

He hurt. He broke your heart after everything you went through for him."


"And let's not talk about you father. All these people in your life... they've hurt you... it's burn them to ashes"

Fires. That's all I remember seeing– fire. It felt like there was this flame in my heart and it ached for vengeance. I wanted burn them all alive. I wanted to hurt them, to make them feel the pain that they made me feel. .

The woman crouched down to were in Vincent's arms,shaking on the ground, a teary I was.

She softly put her hand on cheek and caressed it like my mother use do.

"Do what you know you must do. Not what you think is right" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Vincent" I croaked

"I'm here, darling" he spoke to me

"I want.. I wanna kill  them" I spoke honestly, my voice cracking

"You can kill everyone. I won't judge you" he said, softly and turned me to look him in the eye "I want you to kill them"

"I... I'm tired"

"I know"

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