Chapter 8: Even at 73

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"I'll let Luna walk you out" Lex said as he walked out rudely on Lucas.

They both got into the elevator. The doors closed and the whole way she said nothing. She didn't even look at him. She absolutely despised him.

"You've grown" he said to her, looking for at least the slightest amount of emotion. But her respond was only a hum. A few minutes of silence passed till he said "C'mon, we can't act like this forever, we both know that." He then said impatiently "oh?" She then responded sarcastically

"Luna listen, you know I--" he said but was cut off by Luna looking straight into his dark orbs and said "Mr khahara, I'd very much like for us to keep this professional." She then turned on her heels and walked out as the elevator doors opened.

She walked ahead of Lucas. But Lucas swiftly moved to the front of her causing her to stop right there on her tracks "Can't we just fix things, I don't like it when you're like this. It's just that. . .I. . .just that. . ." He struggled to find the right words at the last line but Luna cut in and said "You promised you would protect me, you promised you won't let anyone hurt me, you promised to always stay here with me, you promised that you would never leave me, you promised me you would come back for" he could feel his heart drop to his stomach as she reminded him of all his promises to her "I did, didn't I?" He said in a whisper. She could already feel tears building up in her eyes as they threatened to mercilessly fall down her freckled cheeks, but she held them back and continued on and said "But you never did any of that didn't you,you. . . you never came back for me. But now it's way too late."

She then continued on walking towards the door when he said "but we can't avoid the truth" she chuckled darkly and said "The truth. . .? What truth? Do you mean the truth that you abandoned me? The truth that you left me shattered into a million pieces that took my whole life to pick up? The truth that you left me to suffer in this cruel,poisoned Earth? The truth that I slept in the cold floor outside with an empty stomach, when you promised to come back for me?," She chuckle once more but this time with emotion, an emotion of pure hatred and pain "That truth? I never tried to avoid it, all I did was deal with it and forget about it and live my life like you never existed. I've already told myself that Luna Winters never knew Lucas Khahara. You are dead to me. And now here we are. And all I have to say is good bye sir. Travel safely Mr Khahara."

He slowly walked to his car and looked back at her. She was facing the floor not wanting anyone to see her face. He turned back and ran to give her a deep passionate hug that reassured her that he was here and wasn't going anywhere for a while. He said tightening the hug "Luna, you were my little sister, you're still my little sister, when you get married you'll still be my little sister, when your first and last child takes their first steps, you will remain my little sister, and even when you reach 73 you'll still be my little sister. You are and will remain my little sister forever more."

"You have no idea how much I hate you Lucas. Congratulations on being the head of the Khahara maner." She said coldly as she pushed him away from her and walked the opposite direction in a speed. Than he shouted to her catching everybody's attention "That's the truth we both can't avoid!!"

She got to the elevator trying to avoid his words but they just kept echoing in her mind, you are and will always remain my little sister.

No she had to forget. She would not take down the walls she took so long to build, no, not now, not ever. She wasn't gonna let her heart break again. She wasn't gonna be the same girl she used to be. She had grown up now. She had gotten a good job. She had the best friend a girl could ask for. She fed herself every night. She slept on a warm, comfortable bed. And she had everything she never had. And she was not gonna lose everything again. She wouldn't let anything go that easily.

She walked into Lex's office. He was sitting down looking at some contracts when she walked in he slowly lifted his head to her. He could immediatly tell that something was wrong

The tears piercing her eyes. Her breathing was heavy. Her heart pounding out of her rib cage. The emotions that stirring in her eyes. And all those memories feasting on her helpless heart.

"What's wrong?" He asked turning his eyes back the papers in his hands "N-no it's nothing" she stuttered

"Ok" he just said with no emotion in his eyes.

Whatever is going on between these two I'll have to find out. Although I am afraid of the what the truth might be. But I'll use it to my advantage. And then I'll find a way to get my love back. Even if it means turning the sky red with anyone's blood I will.

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