Chapter 34:nice young man

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Lex's POV

I was at the compound with a glass of whiskey in my hand, I had already finished two bottles already.

Its been four days since that incident but it still hits hard in my heart. I went to her apartment but the owner said she moved. I did everything but there was no sign of her anywhere. You couldn't tell if she even existed. But I got Xander to find her and he did. Now I've found my love

I've called and called but I can't seem to reach her, her number doesn't exist anymore. I finally told her that I was falling in love with her, but she left. She left with that moron


I'm gonna kill him

Luna's POV

It's been four days since I left with Amy. I found a job at a small cafe for tourists fortunately, so English is a thing here.

Anyway almost everyone speaks fluent English thanks to the new era. Amy found another job and on day two she got employee of the year, still wondering how she did that in two days, yesterday she got the Manager's spot and I was like the fuck is she so perfect

I got home and greeted grandma before walking to the kitchen to make dinner

"Luna, there was a handsome young man here I wish for you to meet" she said

"Who did he say he is grandma" I asked smiling

"He didn't say. He even made me the best cup of tea I had ever tasted, by best I mean better than your mother's. I know I can't see well, I'm probably half blind but I could recognize him in a crowd. " She said smiling sweetly

"Tell me about this you man granny" I asked her curiously

"He had a wonderfully built body, and a well defined face. I couldn't see the colour of his eyes but I'd guess they were a cool silver because of they're glitter," grandma was old but she was quiet wise"he had beautiful pale skin, and snow white hair " snow was hair!

"Grandma what did he say about me" I asked getting worried

"He said that he came here in place of his grandma who is hospital, she is my old friend, her grandson is quiet handsome, he has her hair. Well her hair naturally had white locks on the front" she said

"Grandma tomorrow I'm leaving cause Ms Svetlana will be coming back, so don't open the door for just any one. People are evil out there and I don't want you to land in they're dirty hand." I said

"Ok, but I'm still so fresh, I have a long life to leave" she smiled

"Grandma you're old, now take your medicine " I said coming close to her with her medicine and a glass of water

"Nonsense, you say that because you are still a freshman to life" she said and I smiled

A week passed and me and Amy were staying with my crazy Russian friend, Kayla. I was in my in a bus about to go home after a long day of work when a two big bulky men arrived but I paid no attention to them

"Ticket" the driver asked but the two men didn't seem to care "ticket you-" one of the men put a gun in the driver's head

"Ms Luna Winters, may you please step out of the bus and come with us please" they said

"What" I mumbled

"Ma'am if you refuse everyone in the bus dies. If you must know, we're men of power so whatever we do will bring no trouble at all to us" they said

"I am not going anywhere " I said

"How about everyone on this bus, your two friends, and-"

"No the old woman lives, that's what Ghost said." One cut the other off

"Do you want to be responsible for these innocent people's deaths?" They asked coldly

I reluctantly got up and walked to them slowly, one of them roughly took my wrist and put a gun to my head.

My heart was pumping, as I could see death coming. What was all this about? Was it Lex doing all this? Was he gonna kill me for finding out his secret?

I silently prayed as I got shoved into a black SUV. A cloth covered my nose and mouth and I tried to struggle but to no avail

Soon my eyelids got heavy and I tried but failed to stay alive.

Slowly I'd open my eyes a little but could only see blurres then fell black into sleep again. I felt myself being taken out of the SUV and carried like a bag of potatoes over a shoulder then fell back into sleep.

Then I heard some voices, they were familiar but I couldn't pinpoint whose voices they were

"How dare you treat her like that. Don't you know she is your future queen" the voice said then I fell back into unconsciousness

I soon woke up for real this time, tied up on a chair in a dark room. A big bulky man then came and untied me

"Uhmm, can you please tell me where I am." I murmured fearfully but knowing I was gonna die soon

"prosto zatknis', ne mog by ty!" the man shouted in Russian (just shut the fuck up would you)

I shut myself up as I was dragged down a hallway full of dangerous looking men, some handsome some hot. But I noticed something, they all had the same tattoo though they were at different places they definitely had the same tattoo; the triangle with some writing overlapping it

Soon I was tossed into a room and I managed to balance myself and not fall, I looked up and my worst nightmare came true.

Lex walked closer to me slowly with tears in his eyes and hugged me tightly and kisses my head as he was taller than me.

I just stood there frozen, with years in my eyes, from either the fact that I made so much effort trying to run away from him just so he could find me or because I never realized how much I missed him

"I missed you so much" he said brushing my hair with his hands then he took a chance to look at me

I was just a lifeless statue with tears in my eyes and they started rolling down. He wiped my tears and caressed my cheek

"You're finally here" he said with so much care in his voice

"L-lex, please let me go home"
I muttered

"Baby, Luna, I'm your home" he said

"Lex take me home to my best friend and my grandma" he said

"If you don't stop your tantrums right now, I promise that friend of yours will pay because I will never hurt you baby" he said coldly as he cupped my cheeks
"Do you want me to hurt her"

"No, don't. Can you atleast tell grandma that I'm ok, please " I murmured holding back the tears

"If course I will love. I love that old lady like I love my own old lady" he said as he took my hand and he started leading me somewhere

What was happening

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