Chapter 14: Sugar rush

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Luna was at the movies with Amy. They were just walking into the building when they saw a candy store. Luna's eyes glistened like a child's eyes would when seeing a Ice cream truck.

Luna looked at Amy with those huge eyes of hers, and gave her that pleading look of hers, and said "Can we?"

Amy rolled her plump pink lips into a thin line signaling Luna that she was just being childish and said "seriously?"

Luna gave her the puppy eyes and blinked her strong icy sea blue eyes a few times "pleaaaaaaaase" she pleaded

Amy rolled her eyes "ok fine"

Luna smiled pleasantly and ran to the store and brought two ice creams, six chocolate bars, and a long line of lickerish.

"What are you gonna do with so much candy. I mean you know it's not allowed inside, right?" Amy questioned

"Relax I gotta plan" she looked at Amy with that 'we're gonna get in contact huge trouble' look.

"Okay I just realized that you and I change roles when it comes to food. I mean why can't you go vegan, like me?" Amy looked at her

"Is it because you made me take more than two shots so I could be pumped up? And are you cursing me, because you are a disgrace to the history of food. Frome lattes to gin and tonic, and simple calamari salads to the biggest burger you've ever seen, why in the goddamn universe would I leave all that just to be vegan?" Luna asked absolutely disgusted by her friend's behavior

"Now that is what I call a speech" Amy applauded "so what's your plan?"

"First can I borrow your boobs?" She asked

"Fuck you" Amy mumbled

Then Luna started stuffing Amy's girls then her own.

"Give me my ice cream" Amy enthusiastically said "I wanna go to the Neons after this" she said with a bright smile

"What is it with you and alcohol?" Luna asked as they started walking.

As they were walking Luna bumped into a man and respectfully apologized.
The man was greasy, fat and reeked of alcohol, he also held a bottle of whiskey. He stumbled on his feet and successfully managed to keep his balance. He took Luna's wrist and pulled her towards him.

"You disrespectful little whore. You bumped me. Me. The greatest director of all time" he said sounding drunk, then gulped some alcohol down "do you even know who I am? You are just like Lizzy. She thinks she can fire me. She's a slut, just like you. Now you will pay s big price little missy. You sure look sexy you know" he said as he swayed side to side.

"Leave me!" Luna said pure disgust painted in her words.

She struggled and shouted and kicked but no one paid attention to her and just walked away as if it was totally normal for something like this to happen. Maybe it's because he's a rich movie director.

A young man in black walked by and saw this scene. It was Andrew. And he immediately went after Luna.

"Mr Conners, you're still alive?" He asked playfully

"Andrew you man whore what do you want, you already took everything, now what?" The man said holding Luna's wrist in a tight grip as his attention moved to Andrew

"Oh not much, just to tell you that you have the property of Mr Legend in your hand, and you don't wanna hold on to her any longer, dew to the impact it might have on you entire existence on Earth." He said calmly

The man cursed under his breath as he slowly let go of her slowly. And walked into a slick black car still cursing.

"Andrew!" Luna said, relief coating her voice

"Luna, baby, so movies?" Andrew smiled like nothing just happened

"Yeah, sure, I guess?" Luna said confused.

They walked inside the building with Amy following behind with wide eyes


Meanwhile Felix was showering in the hotel, getting ready to leave this place with terrible, beautiful memories of Hope and him doing the thing.

Suddenly Hope barged in and her eyes widened with awe.

"Holy Shit! That thing was inside me?" She questioned herself more than Felix.

"There's something called knocking you know" Felix said, as his legs squeezed together and his hands covered his thing

"I thought you went out or something," she "my vajayjay must be torn open like a huge rabbit whole" she said feeling sorry for her 'vajayjay'

"It's pretty big isn't it?" he said feeling proud

"Big? That thing is absolutely huge, infact it's traumazingly gigantic" she said feeling so much pity for herself

Felix's eyes were stuck on her plump pink lips, which were urging him to kiss her.

"Hello? Earth to Fuckix? Are you still there?" Hope waved her hand around.

Suddenly his lips were on her own as they kissed. At first she was surprised but then she started enjoying the kiss and kissed back. His tongue made it's in her mouth and danced in melody with her own and before you know it they were in the shower, under cool running water, with each other's body grinding against each other, having sex. More like, Shower Sex. And they both loved it.


The two soon arrived at the den after an erotic shower.

"Where the fuck were you? Ghost was looking for you, to prepare for the A.C.G. And what on the burning depths of hell are you doing with her?" One of Lex's main goons, Slayer, asked.

He had ink black spiky hair, dark eyes, and sharp features.

"Why are you holding hands like that? What are you? Are you like a thing?" Slayer then asked stressful about the A.C.G, and dumbstruck about what was going on with Hope and Felix

"Nooo, we're just fuck buddies. Right?" Felix asked looking at Hope

Hope just stared back, her face as red as a tomato.

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