chapter 49: Shrine

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Luna lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep, no matter how hard she tried. Something was nagging at her, something that she couldn't quite place.

Suddenly, she sat up, her heart racing. She had heard a noise, a faint scratching sound that seemed to be coming from the floor. She got out of bed and walked over to where the sound was coming from, pressing her ear against the carpet. The scratching sound grew louder, more insistent.

Luna felt a chill run down her spine as she realized what was happening. She pulled the carpet away and her eyes widedned at what she had found.

There was a little trapdoor in her room that Vincent didn't want her to know about. She knew that she had to investigate if she wanted to find out what was going on. She walked over to the trapdoor and tried to open it, but it was locked.

Luna felt a sense of frustration wash over her. She knew that she had to find a way to get inside if she wanted to uncover Vincent's secrets. She looked around the room, searching for something that she could use to pick the lock. Finally, while shuffling through the room, she looked in her jewelry and she found a hairpin and began to work on the lock.

It was clear that Vincent was hiding something, something that he didn't want her to know about. After a few minutes, she heard a click and she opened the trapdoor, as she walked down the stairs instead of getting darker the room was rather dimly lit up by what seemed like candles.

She walked a bit further towards the flickering  light but what she saw was nothing like she expected.

  It was a shrine. There was a big picture of her in the middle, roses that had long died, underwear that disappeared from her room a few years ago, pictures she took with her best friend torn up to show only her, love letters that she once received from a 'secret admirer".

There were crunched up notes she made in high school, the notebook she use to doodle in, there was tied up strands of her red hair that she never new was cut off before she dyed her hair unto a darker color a few years ago, the glasses she wore, a glass with lipstick that she drank from.

There were even pictures of her in her apartment that she never knew were taken. And then there were writings on the walls in Italian. She could only comprehend a a few words and lines and what was written made her heart sink.

There was all the jokes she shared with her ex male best friend written in detail with a red marker, all her puns and lines that her friends knew were her favorites, there were her old toothbrushes and hair brushes . Her old art kit that was used up years ago.She couldn't shake the feeling of fear that now consumed her.

Every creak of the floorboards made her jump and every shadow made her heart race. She knew she had to do something, but she didn't know what. All she could do was wait and hope that Vincent wouldn't find her.

Luna ran back upstairs feeling a knot in her stomach she closed the trap door and pulled the carpet back over it and tried to calm herself scared of what she just saw.

Luna sat there in the dark, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to calm herself by taking slow, deep breaths, but her mind was racing. She couldn't stop thinking about what Vincent might do to her if he found out that she knew about that shrine.

She knew she needed to be strong and stay calm, but she couldn't help feeling scared and vulnerable. As the minutes ticked by, she felt more and more alone and helpless. She knew she had to come up with a plan, but her mind was blank. All she could do was sit there and wait for Vincent to make his next move.

Vincent was a mad man. He was crazy. He took her once and he now did it again right under her nose.  She never knew back then that his obsession would get this worse. She didn't understand what he wanted but she knew that she had to be wary of him. The voice in her head screamed at her "he too wants to kill you. Are you just gonna stand there and cower"

her depression and anxiety now were taking control of her as she had a mental break down and anxiety attack but she was smart enough not to make noise knowing what Vincent could do to her. After a few minutes of absolute horror she picked herself up and told herself that she was gonna outsmart Vincent.  Every cell in her body was alert and wary of him. She decided to not go against Vincent knowing exactly what he was capable of.

Something ticked inside her mind. It was no longer the voice that took control of her. It was like she just remembered everything

"Lex" she whispered to herself remembering exactly who he was. He was her only hope but she couldn't shake off the fear that he might not come for her this time.

She knew that Vincent looked familiar. A bit way too familiar. Everything about him reminded her of someone she once knew, someone she once cared about, someone who hurt her more than anybody else.

It was everything about vincent that reminded her of this person.  Every single detail about him. The way he talked, the pace he spoke in, his voice. The way he walked, the way he cocked his head, the way he smiled when content, even the way he moved his fingers when writing something down. Gosh even his handwriting.

Luna just couldn't pinpoint who this person was, And the more she tried to remember the more she forgot.

She was frustrated. She just wanted to scream her lungs out but that voice came back

"Don't,  you'll get us killed. You have to be smart about this" it said.

She didn't know the owner of this voice but it was quite similar to her own. She knew she was going crazy. If she was on her own she she would've gotten herself killed but she had this voice. It seemed nothing like her

It was bold, wild, smart, and strong. The complete opposite of her so she made the decision to just listen to it for the meanwhile.  And when things go back to the way they were she'd get rid of it cuz it drove her mad.

How did you let yourself trust him
It asked

"I trusted him because he was gonna help me get rid of you" she whispered

Luna's pov

Get rid if me?! Darling im you, I'm the better version of you. So get that into your pretty little head. You are nothing. You see all these men?they all want to use you, Lucas and his father just want to get rid of the guilt, nothing more. Lex wants to use you, take your virginity and leave. Felix wants to bang you too, but you're too naive to see that. And Vincent, well Vincent is a psychopath and you know it. I'm in your head you worthless thing, you can't get rid of me, without me you'd be drowning in your own depression, anxiety and paranoia.  Not to mention that you're a pyromatic fuck. You're hearing things luna, that nobody else can hear, I'm those things, you are crazy and we both know it.

My head was fucking loud. I just wanted to smash something, I wanted to destroy everything,  I wanted to burn it all down.

As far as I remember,  lex is my crazy boss, Felix is his druggie side kick and well, Lucas and his father, deserved to die a horrible death.

I wanted to kill everyone. I wanted to get my revenge from everyone who hurt me. I started laughing humorless like a psychopath as a long forgotten memory hit me hard and my laughter turned to cries

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