Chapter 50: Buried memories (bonus chapter)

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(A/n) the photo above is a better version of Amy to clear out the anime version

"This is your new school. You better behave because this took a lot from my pocket so fucking appreciate it brat." Her nagging voice said in my ear. She flicked her brown to red hair and plastered a smile on her makeup painted face, fluttering her long lashes like butterfly wings.

"Ms winters, it's nice meeting you again" a male voice spoke after walking into the room and closing the door behind him. He had a bald head and pale blue eyes cropped by wrinkled skin. His thin lips molding into a genuine smile as his eyes softened a bit more at the sight of me and Aunt Milly. He fixed his church priest attire and took a seat in the chair behind the desk infront of us

"Oh no, Mr Williams, call me Mellicent" aunt milly fluttered her long lashes once more. Her red painted lips cropping her perfect pearl white teeth. Her makeup was done perfectly as always, consisting of a red and gold colour scheme for her eyeshadow and her liner wing perfectly done complimenting her sapphire blue eyes.

"Of course Mellicent. This must be luna Winters. Nice to meet you too" he smiled at me, his smile wrinkles so visible as I smiled back

"I hope I'll come back to my little one still so obedient like I taught her. Treat her well for me" Aunt milly smiled at me as she put her arms around me rubbing my arms a little as if trying to comfort me. Her facade was flawless,gosh this alcoholic seemed like an angel at the moment, a talented actor, liar, and manipulator, who used her looks to get what she wanted.

"Of course, I'm sure she will make multiple friends here," he said before he lifted his wrist to his gaze to check the time "Mellicent darling, I would love to sit and catch up but I have a meeting in a few minutes so I must get rushing"

"Of course" Aunt chuckled softly "take care of her for me" she took my hand, standing up and wrapping her arms around me in a hug

"Don't fucking do anything that will ruin my reputation, so fucking behave yourself" she muttered under her breath into my ear

"Yes Aunt milly " I said, tone flat and emotionless

I was just empty. My heart had stopped feeling so long ago, the things she said didn't affect me anymore and she hated that. It was like I was void of any feelings, I was just skin, meat, and bones who obeyed her every command

I wanted to hate this woman, but I couldn't find it in my heart. She took me in, she raised me, and she made sure I didn't starve or freeze to death besides the awful treatment.

She let go of me and said her goodbyes and the priest led me to my dorm room.

"Amber Sirens, this is Luna Winters, your new roommate" the priest said with a warm smile motioning for me to walk into the room

"Hiii!!!" A girl about my age exclaimed. She had the most beautiful green eyes, and shiny blond hair, her skin flawless and her energy beamed

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