52: little boy

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He looked pathetic sitting there on the floor. He leant on a wall, a bottle of whiskey next to him, glass of the alcohol in his hand. He had dark eye bags, and his hair was a wet mess, kinda looked sexy I guess but this wasn't what I expected.  There was furniture laying on the floor unnaturally, some priceless pieces of the furniture broken and some survivers, broken  glass scattered all over the floor from what seemed like violent rage.

The lights in the room were turned off, and only the moonlight illuminated the room. I sighed and walked over to the boy who sat there in the darkness. His head was leant back, and his eyes were closed, so I assumed he was sleeping.

I didn't expect this from the most powerful man I know, I didn't expect this from the Russian mafia king. He looked weak.

I crouched down a bit reaching my hand to touch his hair when the sound of his voice startled me

"Don't.You.Dare" he spoke, voice low and husky

I stepped back, and released a scoffing breath

"You look pathetic lex" I spoke to him voice impressively confident, which was the complete opposite of how I was feeling.

"You know the funny thing is, if you hadn't said anything I would've let you go home with no issues, but now I'm not letting you go home." He let out a humorless chuckle

"Good 'cause I was not planning on going home" I rolled my eyes

"This isn't the place for little girls like you Amelia Sirens" he spoke, eyes not open

"I don't care Mr Legend " I raised my voice towards the end of the sentence
"Then what do you want" he asked

"you know coming here isn't the greatest idea"

"I want my luna" I said. I needed her. I needed my best friend here now. He opened his eyes, anger, frustration, and pain. Swirling in those silver orbs

"Luna is gone, Amelia, they took her" he said, a sadness in his voice

"You let them take her" I snapped at him "you did, so help me find her"

"I've done everything, I did everything i could to find her but she's gone. Vincent took her and he hid her well" he said

"You know i once had a best friend long ago. He was an amazing person but he left and he changed so I found luna. And you let him take her" I accused him again

"I've done what i had to do and i couldnt find her, there's nothing more I can do" he huffed out a breath

"There is something you can do" I said getting more aggressive

"And why do you think that " he raised his voice too, orbs looking into my green ones menacingly

"Because you love her, lex" I yelled at him "you love her more than anyone, and you're sitting here wallowing in self pity. You're supposed to be the most feared person on earth. If anyone could find her it's you, you're supposed to be the legend." I spoke. He loved her. I could see it, and I could feel it, he loved

"Love doesn't exist in my heart" he said coldly

"You can have any girl you want, but you chose her, so many times, even though she showed you countless times that she's not interested in falling in love  you  pulled her in, you even went as far as to kidnap her for fuck's
sake, y-"

"And that's why he took her. Took her because of me and I don't care" he cut me off

"You can have any girl you want, but you chose her, so many times, even though she showed you countless times that she's not interested in falling in love you ATI pulled her in, you even went as far as to kidnap her for fuck's sake, y-"

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