Chapter 11: sucks to meet you

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Lex stepped into the room chuckling. He was impressed with what Felix found. Never thought Lucian had family besides his son.

There was a girl on a chair. She had night black hair and beautiful dark eyes. She was pretty. She was really pretty. Infact very pretty.

"Hi" Lex greeted.

"What do you want from me" the black haired girl asked.

"I want you to look at me" he said

She simply just didn't

"Look at me" he commanded

She couldn't help but flinch at his sexy, manly, icy, powerful voice. And she raised her head to see the most handsomest, handsome man she had ever seen. Her jaw dropped just looking at his beautiful cold eyes.

??? Girl's POV

I saw a handsome male with snow white hair, and beautiful, gorgeous, cold, grey eyes. I would describe him as Lucifer Evil. Evil but handsome. Bedazzlingly handsome. Bewowingly evily handsome.

Especially his eyes; they were so mysterious, so luring, so cold that it seemed as if they were holding many dark secrets, without any emotion in them
. And they kinda seemed liquid silver in the dark.

And his hair. What the fuck was up with the hair. Why the hell is it white. And why the hell is it so attractive. Whyyyyyy? What is up with this guy.

I knew who he was. Everybody knew who he was. Not only was he the boss of Legend corporation group. But he was also a mafia. One of the most powerful. One of the most feared. One of the most dangerous. He was no game to be played by kids. He was the devil himself. He is the devil. He is the Mafia Lex Legend. The real Mafia Ghost And he was a hell of a total hottie.

"Your grandma wants her hair back" I said, trying to pull his leg.

"Tell me about you. I want to get to know you better." He said, completely ignoring my statement

"She'll be disappointed if you don't give it back" I said, doing my best at pissing him off

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm afraid of this man. I'm horrified of him infact. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

"Well tell Grandma to fuck off, cause I'm keeping it" he then said with  the most gorgeous smirk I've ever seen.

You are so unpissable

"What do you want from me. I mean I'm just a middle class girl who likes partying and is very much a hell of a hottie, is also very crazy sometimes and is also craving some drugs." I said. Not a sign of lying in my soul.

The Bible says 'the truth shall set you free'.

I don't exactly know where it says so, but I know it does.

Hallelujah to that.

Im so proud of me. I finally am the child of God.

"Oh darling. You know something I wanna know. So I need you to tell me what I need to know. Then we'll be done, and I'll let you go right after. You just need to share this with me." He told me. His voice stern and cold, but with signs of humor.

"Why would I share anything with you?" I asked

"Because sharing is caring. . . and. . . because your life depends on it."

"What do you wanna know?"
I asked,the fear in me reawakening and it was strong.

"First, your full name" he said simply

"I'm Hope. Hope Lola Diaz." I told him.

"Beautiful name." He just said, which made me blush a little.

Fucking hunk

"Let's just get to the point." I said, getting sick of the man

"I like you" he said smirking

"Please." I said rolling my eyes

Bad habit

"Ok," the smirk dropped and he's face got serious "What do you have to do with the Khahara family?" He asked

What the fuck. No no no no no no no, No. Hell no. I will absolutely NOT tell him about my uncle. I swore never to tell anyone. And I will not turn back on my word. And if any of this involves Luna, then they'll know nothing. She's my girl, I'm her girl, and we're each other's girl. No way. I can't give her away. She's more than my cousin, she's my sister, she's my friend, she's my shero, my little friend.

"He is my aunt's husband" I said, telling the truth

"Who is your aunt" he asked with a cold tone and a stone face.

"Promise you won't kill me"

"Fine, I won't"he said, rolling he eyes.

"How do I know that?" I asked him

"Because a mafia never backs down on his word. He keeps it till the very end. He might even die fulfilling his promis. And he will do all it takes to make sure everything he says is done."

"She is my aunt. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She died in a car accident. Well that's what people say. But I don't think so" I said

"What do you mean you don't think so?" He asked. He was feeling curious

"I mean, I don't believe that she died. Her body was never found. I never saw her dead body. But the police say that her body might've fallen out the car then off the bridge. So there is no total evidence of her survival nor her death." I said, all those incidents replaying in my head.

"Thank you for the information. Almost all I needed to know." He said, feeling satisfied.

He then pulled out a 9mm pistol and put it on my head

"Tata, now close your eyes and I'll meet you in hell" he said smirking.

"I-i thought y-you said you w-weren't g-gonna kill me" I stuttered.

"Oh I almost forgot," he said putting it back "I guess I'll just make you a little prostitute"

(A/n) i love all of em supporters blah blah blah, and all that shit. I'm a first time Wattpad writer, and I'm already trying to balance two books at once, and I'm doing pretty good. . .I think?


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