Chapter 12: Fucking Hormones

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This is the chapter where Luna is Luna, not good girl, nice girl, perfect princess. But fucked up, broken down bestie

Luna's POV

Beep beep beep beep beep beep

Fuck that alarm clock. I reached my hand to my night stand, with the blanket over my face. Yeah, I was that sleepy not to even give a damn what I was doing, so as soon as I got hold of the beeping alarm clock, I threw it too the wall, probably smashing it.


I stirred off in my beautiful beautiful bed, into glorious glorious dream world. . . until my stupid phone started ringing.

Fuck the person calling meeeeeeee!

I let out a screeching scream out of annoyance. Who on Earth would be calling on I don't give a damn what the time is right now, I just wanna sleep o'clock, on a goddamn SATURDAY.

I then reach out to my nightstand to take my phone then answered it.

"Hello?" I  yawned

"Babeeeee! Fucking shit, I think I just saw Mr hottie-begottie sexy, fucking moneyed up, really really handsome boss's really beautiful expensive car zoom right past me!" My very very ecstatic friend squealed.

"So that's why you woke me up?" I asked, really really sleepy.

"Pretty much, yep. But it's not my fault Mr Legend aka your fucking hell good looking boss is really hot"

"Where are you and why aren't you asleep" I asked knowing she didn't sleep home last night

"I just fucked in a church. And I feel great. I mean when was the last time I got laid?" She muttered

"Literally the day before today" I deadpanned

"Fuck it sex helps me lose calories" she whined

"I love you, you know that. But sometimes I feel like you're the most psychotic bitch on Earth"

"Thank you, I am very much creatively crazy and really really bitchy. Anywow wanna get drunk tonight. I know this super hot place called Golden Neons. It's got lots and lots of hotties and I wanna get laid tonight. And also get myself a girlfriend, then tell her I'm not into girl's the morning after having a threesome with her, and her pretty hot brother"

"Hmm, you got yourself figured out. And yes I really wanna get drunk today"

"Great, I need you at your door in 3. . .2. . .1"

And I quickly ran to the door and opened it revealing my bestie in a red short dress and strappy thigh high, red high heels. Her hair in beautiful golden curls that are now being pulled into a pony tail.

Sometimes I have no idea why i love you so much

"So let's talk about Mr the legendary hottie-begottie" she said as she went straight for my kitchen to my fridge "There's always something nice in here" she muttered to herself as she rubbed her hands together like the villain usually does when planning something evil.

"Like the fact that he stole my first kiss" I lowly mumbled to myself, leaning on the door frame of the door to my apartment.

"He what!?!" She jumped up and faced me, with her eyes widened and those emerald green eyes glistening with excitement.

"Nothing" I closed the door and walked to my room.

"Tell me!" She followed me behind

"It's nothing, just talking about work" I whined, which annoyed her.

Haa. I love it when she's annoyed. Especially by me, so you go Luna

As soon as I walked into my room and I swear I could literally hear my bed call calling me 'come, come, you know you want to, come' fuck life for doing this to me.

"I'll tell you how Keith really feels about you" she said

Why does your brother have to be my crush. FUCKING HORMONES.

"And he stole my first kiss, so?"

"A super hot, handsome, sexy, billionaire boss kissed you and all you can say is 'so'?" She asked me with wide eyes

"Yeah, so?" I asked getting into bed.

"So he is my dream. And he kissed you. You are so crazy not to realize how lucky you are you lil bitch?"

"He is your dream, and my boss"
I trailed off.

"Why can't you see the big dream and not my dipshit, fuck face of a brother?" She asked, reaaally annoyed of my behavior

"I don't know okay, maybe it's fucking HORMONES" I deadpanned

She pulled a long string of colourful curses and incredibly infectious swear words that not much people know exist.

"Do I have to kill him to fucking get you to seduce Mr hottie-begottie?" She whined

"Over my fucking dead body" I shot back

"That could be arranged" she said with a mischievous smirk

"Anyway he's too out of my league"

"Baby, you're beautiful. If I were a boy, I'd totally fuck you.Fuck, I really wanna fuck you right now. You have beautiful long red hair. Beautiful sea blue almost icy eyes. And your little freckles seem like tiny stars with they're own special constellation that is the exact description of beautiful. And I really wish I would fuck you in the shower one day.  No man can resist you. Fuck it, no woman, lesbian, gay, or tomboy can resist you" she said.

I've never been a person to look in the mirror and say WOW I'm at least pretty. I'm just a complicated fucker who seems pure, simple and angelic, but is actually not perfect, and is kinda psycho when drunk. I know, no one would believe me if I said that, but maybe not everyone knows me. I've been through some craZy shit. Fuck it I need alcohol in my system.

(A/N)Shitty chapter but meaningful words. You can never know a person without loving them. Some shit is just complicated. And I just realized I've got a hell lot of homework and studying. My shit is really complicated. But what the fuck, I'm right here writing on Wattpad and not in my school books. I'm a bad influence (go me!!:)

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