chapter 48: Vincent

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"Tell me what's going on" the psychiatrist asked

"I don't wanna talk about it" Luna answered eyes dull and emotionless

"why not" the annoying woman asked

"because nothing is going on" Luna said not looking the woman in the eyes "Vincent!" Luna started shouting "Vincent!" She shouted again for the man in the mask "darling?" The man answered

. Luna looked at the psychiatrist and Vincent took the hint "you may now leave ma'am" the woman left without a word hastily.

Vincent sat down next to Luna "do you wanna talk to me about it" he asked

"why do you wanna marry me" Luna asked not looking Vincent in the eye

"because I love you. I always have before that lex took you away from me. I want you. Nobody else but you darling" he said. Luna had a gut feeling that something about vincent was wrong

"I don't know if I can trust you," she said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Vincent asked, looking hurt.

"I just have this feeling that you're not being honest with me," Luna replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Vincent said defensively. "I'm being completely honest with you."

Luna shook her head. "I don't think you are," she said. "I need some time to think."

Vincent nodded, looking defeated. "Okay," he said. "Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready to talk."

Luna stood up and walked out of the room, feeling more confused and alone than ever before. After that incident Vincent 'saved' her,he 'helped' her get throughit and even hired a person for her, so she trusted him.l

.She went straight to her room and just lay on the bed when Vincent walked in after after a few minutes of her just staring at the ceiling

"if you don't trust me then there's nobody else you can trust muffin" Vincent Said

"I know" Luna breathed out defeated "Tell me, what are your intentions "she asked

"to give you everything you want" answered Vincent "darling you say you hate everyone. You say they hurt you and you wanna hurt them back, and I'm here to support you. I will never let anybody get away with harming you. I love you too much darling. And I'm positive that you'd never betray me just like lex did" Vincent smiled maliciously.

Luna sat up on the bed, feeling a knot form in her stomach. Something about Vincent's words didn't sit right with her. "What do you mean, 'betray you'?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly. Vincent's smile faded, and he looked at her with a cold, calculating expression.

"I mean that I'm not going to let anyone come between us," he said. "Not even you." Luna felt a chill run down her spine.

"What are you saying?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Vincent stood up and walked over to her, leaning in so that his face was inches from hers.

"I'm saying that I love you more than anything in this world," he said. "And I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side." Luna felt a wave of fear wash over her. She knew that she should be running in the opposite direction, but something inside her was drawn to Vincent.

She reached out and took his hand, looking into his eyes. "I trust you," she said softly. "I know that you would never hurt me." Vincent smiled, his eyes glinting with something that Luna couldn't quite place.

"Good," he said. "Because I would hate to have to hurt you."Vincent walked out of the room after placing a kiss on her forehead and telling her to get Goodnight sleep.

That voice in her head spoke again "do you trust him really' it asked and I knew I didn't trust him. He looked way too familiar to a person who once hurt hurt her She wanted to just see him from the inside first.

A heavy headache took her head as those flashing blurry memories came back to her and she shut her eyes tightly and opened them once again remembering exactly who she was.

Luna took a deep breath and opened her eyes, determined to stay in control of the situation. She knew that Vincent was dangerous, but she also knew that she had to play along if she wanted to stay safe. "Goodnight," she said, her voice steady. Vincent smiled at her and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Luna waited until she heard his footsteps fade away before getting up and locking the door. She knew that she couldn't trust Vincent, but she also knew that she couldn't let him know that she was onto him. She had to be smart if she wanted to stay alive. Luna lay down on her bed, her mind racing with thoughts of how to escape from Vincent's clutches. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she also knew that she had to try. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart, knowing that she had a long journey ahead of her.Luna took a deep breath and opened her eyes, determined to stay in control of the situation. "Goodnight," she said, her voice steady.

Morning came and the sun hit her skin, she got up and just when she was about to open it she heard a knock on the door. She hesitated for a moment before unlocking it and opening it slightly. Vincent was standing outside, looking at her with an expression that she couldn't quite read. "Good morning," he said, his voice smooth. "I hope you slept well."

Luna nodded, trying to keep her expression neutral. "I did," she said. Vincent stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Luna felt her heart race as she realized that she was alone with him again.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," Vincent said, his voice serious. "I know that you don't trust me, and I understand why. But I want to help you get revenge on the people who hurt you." Luna felt a knot form in her stomach as she realized what Vincent was suggesting. She knew that she couldn't trust him, but a part of her was drawn to the idea of getting revenge.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Vincent smiled at her, his eyes glinting with something that Luna couldn't quite place. "I mean that I know exactly how to made the people who hurt you pay," he said. "And I can help you get your revenge."

Luna felt a chill run down her spine as she realized what Vincent was suggesting. She knew that she couldn't trust him, but a part of her was drawn to the idea of getting revenge. She hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay," she said. "I'll do it."

"But darling you're too weak to do it. We'll have to shape you up. You can barely hold a gun, you are my future mafia queen so you strive to impress. Get ready for training love" Vincent said

Luna felt a shiver run down her spine as Vincent spoke. She knew that she couldn't trust him, but she also knew that she had to play along if she wanted to stay alive. "Okay," she said, her voice steady. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Vincent smiled at her, his eyes glinting with something that Luna couldn't quite place. "Good," he said. "I knew that you were a smart girl." Luna felt her stomach churn as she realized that she was in deep trouble.

"When do we start?" she asked, trying to sound eager. Vincent grinned at her, his eyes darkening

. "Right now," he said. "Get ready for training, love." Luna nodded, trying to keep her expression neutral. "Okay," she said, her voice steady. "I'm ready."

Vincent placed a wet kiss on her lips and she wanted to push him away but knew she couldn't

'will you kill him too' the voice in her head said, she knew it was slowly turning her into something she was not but it had helped her through the fear she had. She knew that there was something wrong with her. That somebody was in her head, somebody else's voice was in her head.

Vincent looked at Luna with an intensity that made her skin crawl. "You know, I want to take your innocence right here and now," he said, his voice low. "But my mother doesn't agree with ultimate intimacy before marriage." Luna felt her stomach turn as she realized what Vincent was suggesting. She knew that she had to play along if she wanted to survive.

"I understand," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Vincent smiled at her, his eyes darkening. "I'm glad that you do," he said.

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