Chapter 13: Rebellious Hope

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Felix's Perspective:

Amidst the cacophony of the den—girls screaming, men pleading, guns loading, and the distinct smells of cocaine and marijuana lingering in the air—came a little "issue." Hope, our runner, was locked in her room, either scheming an escape or playing obedient.

Exiting the garage on the first floor after checking our cocaine shipments, I stowed away my black card post a quick snort of coke, then lit up a sizable joint. Suddenly, Aaron tumbled from the second floor of our sprawling den, or rather, compound.

I dashed to him, checking his pulse. He's alive. I shoot a call to Yves, our go-to medic.

"Yve be here in less than five"

"Wow when they said you were crazy they weren't lying"

"It's fucking serious"

"As if anything you say is fucking serious"

"Ghost's little slut pushed Aaron if the balcony"

"Fuck you're actually serious"

"Son of a bitch"

Haa, I am actually the son of a doctor at day and a stripper at night, doctor stripper "

" You have no shame"

"So is that stick ass Aaron still breathing?"

"Why on Earth would I ask you to come attend a fucking dead fucker?"

"Fuck, my life would've been easier without him"

"Fucking get here or I'll shoot your balls out you medical dick"

"Geez fine"

Off call

Fuck head

I signal some guys to take Aaron upstairs. I need to deal with Hope.

Heading upstairs, I find her sitting on the staircase, looking forlorn. I instantly regret what I say next as I sit beside her.

"What's wrong, bitch?"

"I just realized I don't know how to get out of here. I should've planned it better before shoving that asshole out the window. Damn, I liked him better than the coke," she admits, resting her head on my shoulder.

"You know you're gonna pay for nearly killing one of Ghost's men, right?" I warn her.

"Who's the real Ghost?" she asks, looking up at me.


"Yeah, he's hot enough to be Ghost, but I don't think he's old enough. Ghost is one of the most powerful Mafia figures globally. So, I doubt Lex Legend is the true Ghost," she replies, surprising me with her insight. I maintain a stern expression.

"How do you know so much about the Moca (mafia organized crim association) ?" I inquire.

"I've been through some rough shit," she replies before walking to her bedroom door. "See you, Fuckix," she taunts.

"It's Felix. And good luck with your next escape plan, bitch," I retort as she flips me off.

Oddly enough, I kinda like her.

Life continues with failed escape plans one after another. Despite that, I get to know Hope better, and she's surprisingly resilient.

In the gym, she watches me snort coke with fascination.

"Can I try?" she asks.

"Nope." I answer bluntly

"Please." she begs, her voice annoying as fuck


"Druggie," she scoffs.

"For once, you say something sensible. Wanna get some alcohol?" I suggest out of the blue.

"Finally using your head. I'd love to get drunk," she agrees.

We change and head to my favorite red Porche two-seater.

Hope eyes the sleek car in awe, then gives me a look that says, "Can I touch?"

"No, Lola," I veto.

"Who's Lola?" she tilts her head.

"My car," I explain.

"You named your car?" she nearly bursts out laughing.

"Duh," I roll my eyes.

"Worse, you named it Lola," she giggles.

"Want to get drunk or stay cooped up in that boring room?" I raise an eyebrow sarcastically.

"Okay, okay."

We hop into Lola and do what we set out to do: get drunk.

As I watch Hope dance, I can't help but notice her lips—painted a bright red 'kiss me' color—matching her tight red dress. Fuck her for being sexy. And fuck me for being drunk and attracted to her.


I wake up with a pounding headache, realizing I'm in the presidential suite of Hotel Moonlight, in bed, naked, with Hope beside me.

Fuck her. Oh wait, I already did.

Fuck life.

"Get up, and off me, bitch," I shake her shoulder.

She stirs, her eyes widening as she turns the brightest shade of red. Then she tumbles off the bed, tangled in the red sheets.

"Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark. And stop looking at me like that," she hides her crimson face.

"Sorry, it just feels weird. Do you even realize what we did?" I blurt out, regretting it instantly.

"Yeah, we pretty much fucked," she mumbles from beneath the sheets, clearly embarrassed.

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