Chapter 32: The truth

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Luna's POV

Ok my makeup was still good, I just put on a bit of lipstick and we're cool right.

Somehow, someway, when I'm with Lex the creepy feeling of being watched disappears, it feels good not being watched.

I've been feeling like this since a few years ago, since. . .no, I shall not speak of him, ever.

I just can't shake it off, it's there when I'm eating, sleeping, walking, talking, bathing, and everywhere else besides where there's Lex.

Maybe it's because he's helped me once, maybe I looked up to him way too much, maybe I should just stop.

Luna, stop overthinking shit

I walked out of the restroom and Lex wasn't at our table, did he ditch me, just like that, why would he stick around for me?

The waiter passed by and I didn't bother humiliating myself infront of everyone by asking where he is, I put my self respect too high.

"Madame, Monsieur is in the rooftop, he's always liked being there after his meals" he said and I finally breathed

I walked up the stairs only to find the most horrifying thing I could picture in my head.

Ther stood four men of which two I recognised and Lex. Another was on his knees infront of Lex as he had a gun in his hand pointing towards the man's head.

"YA zhe govoril, chto my budem iskat' tebya, naydem, a potom ub'yem, ty, dolbannaya svoloch'. My predateley ne shchadim, a ty slomal Omertu" Mr Flair, said, who was on of the four men (I told you we'd look for you, and find you, then kill you, you motherfucking cunt. We don't spare traitors, and you broke Omérta)

"I guess this is he over isn't it, you messed up big time you little Mom fucker?" The blonde said, and I recognised him as Mr Luthor

The other two were bulky and dressed in black, one had a t-shirt on and on his thick arm right under his shoulder was a Tattoo. It was a small triangle with words overlapping it, the second had the same Tattoo on the side of his neck, the same Tattoo that Lex had on his wrist, Mr Flair had that tattoo on the back of his neck and Mr Luthor had on his right arm.

What was this omérta about? I had heard Hope talking about it, she mentioned it as some kind of oath she read about in her books, she also wrote about it in her notebook that she filled with her theory of mafia. Which can only mean that they were in a Mafia gang

Lex pulled the trigger and I guess the gun had a silencer since it made no sound

A loud whimper made its way out of my mouth from fear as I flinched at the man who fell on the floor and layed there on a pool of his own blood.

I could feel the adrenaline rushing in my veins as all attention turned to me

"Luna?" Lex murmured as he started to walk closer to me really slowly

"Please don't come closer" I said as tears whelmed my eyes

I don't know if I was crying because of the dead body and gore, or because I started to trust Lex not only with my faith and hope but with my heart too.

"Ok, the princess just walked into the wrong situation, at the wrong time, what bummer " Mr Flair said

"Felix.Chert, prosto zatknis', ne mog by ty!" Lex shouted, in the same language that Mr Flair used, judging by the aggregation of words, and tones used I'd say it's Russian, oh and cause I did have a Russian friend once in high school, she'd curs a lot in Russian, so I could tell by the curses (Shit, just shut the fuck up would you)

"Ok, I'm shut" he gives into whatever Lex said "Mne nuzhno izbavit'sya ot stressa, khotya nemnogo kiski soydet. V lyubom sluchaye, Bingo i Logan, privedite sebya v poryadok i derzayte v etoy chertovoy igre, kogda vy ponadobites' Prizraku. Mozhet byt', ty naydesh' sebe kakuyu-nibud' suku, chtoby trakhnut'" Mr Flair siad as he put his hands on his hips looking pissed (I need to get some stress gotten off me, some pussy will do though. Anyway, Bingo and Logan, get this cleaned up and have your fucking heads in this goddamn game for when the Ghost needs you. Maybe you'll get yourself some bitch to fuck)

"Luna, listen-" Lex said in the softest voice he could

"Lex get away from me" I said clutching my phone and thanking the smart gesture installed in it.

I clicked the volume button three times and the power off twice, and it called whoever was available on my speed dial at that moment no matter who it was

I could hear it ringing so I turned and ran downstairs, then Lucas

Fucking Lucas, was the one to be the first one who's available, holy, fucking shit I had no choice

On call

"Lucas" I said

"Hey Luna, Wassup" he said before I cut him off

"Lucas, could you please come pick me up I'm scared"

"Luna, the fuck are you"

"I'm at umm, Exquisité de restaurant, ok well not exactly that but somewhere along those lines"

"You're lucky I was passing by" I ran towards the exit and stood across the street when a red sports car car stopped right infront of me

End of call

"Luna, let me explain " Lex said

"Get in" Lucas rolled down the window

"Luna I'm falling in love with you" Lex said with something real in his eyes

"Let's go, Lil sis" Lucas said and I opened the door.

I didn't want to be involved in anything with Lex, not even one thing. I didn't want to be involved with him.

What if he kills me because I know something.

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