Chapter 41: Virgins cost more

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Luna's POV

I got to my feet, and ran (limped). I could feel that those men were dangerous, for one they all had the same tattoo. From the days I stayed at Lex's bigger than a mansion House, I learnt that these tattoos, they look similar but are different and they mark dangerous men, really dangerous men.

One of the six guys that attacked my blonde 'friend' had the tattoo on the side of his neck. I could see it easily though I was sure he wanted to hide it, he wore a black hoodie with the hood up and a black face mask that covered half his face, he wasn't as bulky as all the other guys who were with the bulky guy chasing me.

I tried to go further but my legs started failing me. I breathed in too much smoke the day of the fire. What was wrong with me, if I hadn't started that fire, if I controlled myself, maybe I wouldn't have been here, maybe I would still be in that big beautiful boring room, in peace and not scared to hell right now

But then, I couldn't have cute little Amy number two. I couldn't have gotten this workout, atleast I'm sure by now I've lost some carbs, right? I just had to look at the brighter side of things, if there was.

I got up once more and limped forward but once again my legs gave up on me. My chest felt heavy and felt like a thousand bombs erupting inside my body. I was weak and my vision was blurring, so this was how fear felt physically, or was I mentally dying again?

I felt that I wasn't gonna make it, the blonde looked back at me and I screamed "run!!" to her, but she decided to do the exact opposite.

She ran to me and started helping me up muttering things in a heavy  Russian accent to me "sister, please get up. Don't give up after running all this way, get up and let's go, these men are dangerous, don't lose hope we'll make it" she said trying to help me up,

somehow her words made an impact as I got up and limped as fast as I could as she tried to be a support to me.

Right at that moment I was running on pure adrenaline, I could feel it pumping in my veins and I've never felt more alive.

Who knew death would bring life to a dead flower.

We hid behind a dumpster as they ran past it. I could see blondie's face clearly due to the moonlight. She looked young, in her early twenties. She had pale skin, smooth like porcelain dolls. Her brows were a seemed naturally thick and darker colour than her hair, and her lips were a beautiful ruby colour, her russet brown eyes glittered in the moonlight, her thick lashes were long and wet with tears, no make up on, I would guess since I'm also a no make up person.

"W-whats your name sister?" She asked in a low but feminine voice, she seemed calmer than what her tears said

"L-luna" I whispered

"Now Luna, we're gonna run ok, follow my steps because this part of town is dangerous,ok? So don't leave my side" she smiled calmly

Well right now I couldn't think properly, my brain was all over the place, I just prayed that I wouldn't get my sick urges again because it might hurt someone. I nodded as yes, because my throat was burning up like crazy.

She got up then helped me to my feet, I hanged on to her for support and we both started running towards the outermost part of this place, it was the safest. We avoided crowded places, bars, and stuck to the shadows till we finally reached.

A white car was stopped by a traffic light and we limped towards it. There sat a older woman and male, who seemed to be in their middle forties.

"S-sir, can you please help us" blondie said as she stood beside the road looking at the drivers window and put on an innocent look

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