Chapter 29: Ideal dad

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Luna's POV

Just forget it, I understand if you aren't comfortable with. . .going out with me

Is he really asking me out? What do I say? Is this really happening? Why am I so flustered?

As I was deep in my thoughts I flinched as my phone started ringing

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry?
Well that's alright because I like the way you lie
Love the way you lie, ohh

How can a human love another human so mush they'd love the pain, all the lies? I wouldn't be able to handle all that, the same reason why I don't understand this song.

But what the heck, it makes me think smarter, it's pleasing to the ears and anyway besides loving BTS, I also really like Eminem, he's how I learnt to curse

Stop overthinking shit Luna

Anyway, I answered the call and my Amy's loud voice screamed through the phone

"Finally, the fuck were you doing, why did you take so long to fuckin' pick up the goddamn phone, it's not that hard to do bitch" she screamed at me

"Ok, ok, I'm sooo sorry grandma" I chuckled

"Anyway I forgot what I wanted to say sooo, just make dinner I'm on my way, and if you feel like sleeping then sleep, don't wait for me. And also if you do sleep, this is very important ok, so listen extra super carefully " she said

"I'm listening extra super carefully" I smiled

"Don't forget, and I really mean it so listen. Do not, absolutely do not-" she warned

"Do not what now dad" I whined, I always used to like calling her dad, because she'd always act like my dad.

And because when we were still kids, and I told her that I didn't have a dad, she thought he died and said that she won't mind sharing her dad. I got to know her and in highschool, I finally told her that my dad left me, probably because I was kinda pathetic, she only just gave me a huge bear hug and said those special four words that touched my heart and mad me love her much more, she said "I can be your dad" I was surprised and said she shouldn't joke like that so she told me that she didn't mind, and that's when she became my real father

She really did become my dad, she taught me how to not fall of a bike, and which boys to not go out with, she taught me which foods not to eat because of calories and how healthy it was, and when she got her very first pay she gave half to me, well technically she forced me to take it.

Hope and Amy then started saving up for this apartment so I can move out of my aunt's as soon as possible and Amy really did look out for me, she was the absolute best friend and best dad I could ever ask for. She's my ideal family.

"Just tell me what not to forget" I whined

"Just don't forget to dream about you silly" she said which made me smile

"Whatever" I said and hung up

I love this bitch

I made dinner and everything went pretty well since I wasn't a good cook, Amy said she enjoyed my cooking and I really appreciated it. We went to bed then I finally thought about it,

"Amy should I go to dinner with him?" I asked staring at the ceiling as Amy's arm rested on my waist

"Go out with who?" She asked really curiously

"With Lex" I answered subconsciously

Amy immediately sat up "As in, Hottie-begottie, billionaire, handsome boss?" She asked as her eyes widened and that twinkle came back

"Yeah him" I said, subconsciously smiling at myself just at the thought of him

"Oh definitely, you should, it's the chance of a lifetime. . .wait did he actually ask you out, himself " she asked

"Yeah" I replied still kinda smiling as a light shade of pink dusted my face, and fortunately it was dark and Amy couldn't see it, or she would have teased me to death

"Luuucky" her mouth gawked open "say hi to him for me, and if you actually become a thing, don't forget about me. At least remember to ask him for BTS concert backstage passes, then you can forget about me" she said as she lay back down

I gave it a bit more thought

Should I

Lex's POV

Asking her out was bad idea, I shouldn't have done it.

I laid in bed thinking about her, if she would ever be cool with me again, just normal then my phone vibrated as a notification popped in the screen. I slowly took it and turned it on, and the brightest smile ever crept to my face

Is that dinner you were talking about still on?

I quickly sat up as I smiled
Did she really think about it

Sure, it is, so you thought about it?

Yeah I did, and I'd love to go

I knew you wouldn't resist

Oh whatever

Ok, goodnight, and don't dream, unless it's about me


She really thought about it

(A/N) I'm still alive and updating

Sorry for the short chapter, I was just running out of ideas, well the past few weeks I've had a writer's block. Trust me it's awful

Oh and anyway, do any of you guys like BTS, tell me in the comment section if you do then I like you more then I should fellow army. Please vote, maybe some ideas might just pop up in my head thanks to the encouragement.

And anyway you can comment anything good or bad, if good then thank you that is very nice of you, if bad then whatever, I don't care it just pushes me to do even better

Don't forget to vote, cause I'm not dead, just stop voting when I'm dead

I purple you💜

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