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Luna's pov

I looked myself in the mirror, sitting by the vanity, brushing my hair in the morning.

I was beautiful, gorgeous even and all these years I held myself down caring for people who didn't give a slack to care back. So I'd make them suffer, starting with Vincent

He would thought I was a fool, he thought that he'd handle me and heed just slip into my life like noting happened at all in our pasts. He tried to make me go crazy, tried to mold me into what he wants me to be... And he'd see the monster he molded me to be.

He'd deal with the monster he created. He'd pay for the trauma he gave me and look up to the new me begging for mercy but I'd give him non of it

Then my dad would be next. Lucian Khahara. He was no man of light, and he had brought the darkness in me. He left and took my future, my happiness and my life from me. He failed to be a father to me and I'd fail to show him mercy.

Then it would be Lex. Lex legend. The man who dragged me into his world by peppering me with kisses thinking I'd fall for his tactics... And I did. But not anymore.

He lied to me. He made me believe that I'd have a future with him. He made me feel alive in the most painful and beautiful ways but he dragged me into a world where I had to face my past and lose my sanity. He deserved no mercy either

These three men who dictated and played with my life like some sort of game of chess. A twisted game of chess Infact. They could take an innocent soul and turn it into a monster using her weaknesses and insecurities and now they'd face the monster they'd created,, they all would.

From the ones who abandoned me, the ones who abused me to the ones who showed me a facade of genuineness, the ones who showed me love just to take it away... They'd all pay and I'd rule their empires.

I finished doing my makeup, looking sexy as hell. I would the queen of this mob in a few days, smaller than lex's but with a little cultivation it would grow. Then I'd turn Vincent's men against him in less than he could say fuck.

I got dressed in a black lacy mini dress that clung to my curves tightly showing off my lines and contours.

I wore lacy gloves that came with and thigh high booty high heels

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I wore lacy gloves that came with and thigh high booty high heels.

I straightened my hair letting it fall, coping my face with that middle part.

My heels clicked on the floor as I walked through the dark marble corridors, everyone who came across me bowing before turning their heads to watch me walk away.

I felt powerful, not like the Luna from before. The frail and innocent Luna was gone, replaced by one who was tormented by the world and betrayed by her own trust for people.

Finally I reached Vincent's office a smile paining my red lips when our eyes met "good morning, fiance" I said walking toward him, seated infront of his desk. He smiled at me, eyeing me from top to bottom so I gave him a 360° view, let him take me in because I knew he enjoyed the new me. The much less frail me. The me who'd soon betray him so painfully I almost pitied him

The poor thing was clueless. Soon he'd learn tho that mercury poisoning won't always make a girl lose her sanity fall in love with him but it would make her lose her sanity and have a craving for revenge.

"good morning darling" he greeted me, vice smooth as velvet, eyeing me seductively as he took in my appearance "you look stunning"

I walked to him, sitting myself on his lap giving him a nice hot kiss before pulling back and looking into his eyes "of course I do"

"I like this attitude of yours" he smirked grabbing my waist and letting his hand run up my side and back down

"a craving for revenge makes everything better" I commented letting him know my drive, clueless that it was a warning in disguise "can't we move our wedding to a sooner date? I don't think I can wait a whole week anymore,, I wanna be touched and driven crazy" I grinded my hips on his crotch slightly and impatiently,kissing kon his neck leaving marks of my lipstick all over his neck and jaw

He was gonna want me so bad it hurt him painfully. I'd play with his feeling better than he played the piano.

"if I could I would, love, but you gotta be a good girl for daddy and be patient for daddy... I promise I'll have you screaming so loud the soundproof won't work at all" he groaned as I kissed him, my thin fingers tracing the mask that covered half his face, slowly seducing him into falling harder

"come on, let's go, your meeting is starting soon, and I want every one of your allies to know who I belong to. I don't want a situation where you have to chop hands off again" I said, fixing his tie, getting off of him satisfied with the marks of lipstick I left on him

What beautiful artwork.

I walked in on Vincent while he was busy with his allies during a meeting. All eyes turning to me

A girls standing besides two of the men in the room. Clinging on to their men, not being allowed to sit... I smirked at all the eyes that took me in sitting myself on Vincent's lap

Who looked at me kissing my neck quickly before moving on. They all now understood who the lipstick marks all over his neck and jaw came from

I eyed the girl. She was the daughter of one of the men who sat infront of Vincent. A beautiful and innocent looking girl
I felt a tint of pity for her
She was a pawn in the game these men played and at the moment she was being sold to Vincent in return for his allowance against lex.

I watched quietly as things unfolded, a few of the little men in the room seeming intimidated by my presence.

My eyes looked back up to the girl being sold. She was young, about 17 years of age and she looked back at me. Her eyes were pleading me and I couldn't help but feel a tug at my strings as I gave her a quick look of reassurance before going back to my stoic demeanor.

She'd be useful to me later on in the game so id have to be kind and gentle to her,, id groom her to get her own vengeance, just like I did to all of Vincent's least loyal men.

Seduction and promises of freedom from him had them dancing to my guitar in less than two day and I already had 8% of his empire under my control.

That was all I needed for my plans to go smoothly. And even if these unloyal bastards decided to betray me I'd make sure that I'd be the only person who'll ever be right in Vincent's eyes, I was his obsession after all

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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