Chapter 55: Friends?

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The cold night breeze hit Amy's fair skin. Her blonde hair flying in the wind as she sat under the brightness of the stars thinking about how far she's come since the moment her life began

Her struggles and triumphs. She was put through what no kid shouldn't have. She had a father but not a dad, and a mother who was dead to her.

She remembered the old days when she was young and happy, playing with her two brothers under the warmth of the sun, in the hot summer breeze... They were all so happy till the truth came out

Her mother and father split, her dad taking Keith and herself, and her mother taking her half brother. The three siblings kept contact for awhile but then lost each other.

Everything went down the drain for her. It was horrible for a 5 year old.

The she met Lex, her night in shining Armour. Both kids were from elite families but were different from all the other elite kids. They had a knick for adventure and fun, they wanted to jump in the mud on rainy days, and splash water all over on summer days. It was only a few before they became the best of friends

They were inseparable, for the years to come. Amelia hit 12 and Lex moved, her world came crashing and her relationship with her father went down the drain

Maybe Lex was meant for her instead. She met Luna and after years she found out Lex's whereabouts. Maybe that information wasn't for luna but for her instead, maybe this was about her and lex all this time, not about luna

"stop thinking about me so hard" a familiar voice spoke behind her and she turned her head back to see the iconic white haired man. He then sat down on the grass next to her

"I wasn't thinking about you" she chuckled knowing she was lying

"of course you weren't" Lex said sarcastically before looking up the stars "those always reminded me of you" he whispered about the stars

"you know I admire them" Amy said closing her eyes and taking in the beautiful view of the sky "I was just remenacing about old times... All the fun we had"

"back then when you were shorter than the garden gnomes at my grandma's place, huh? " lex joked feeling that his old best friend was back

"no I wasn't" Amy giggled playfully punching the man's shoulder as he kept staring into the sky. She looked at his side profile... He was still so perfect.. Her heart skipped a beat. His jaw was so sharp it could cut through basically anything, his skin was fairer than the fairest and his eyes... The first thing she fell in love with when they first met.

"Stop thinking about me so intensely," he interrupted, his voice breaking her reverie.

She turned to see him, the familiar figure sitting beside her on the grass.

"I wasn't thinking about you," she chuckled, a playful lie on her lips.

"Of course you weren't," he retorted sarcastically, his gaze fixed on the stars above.

"They always reminded me of you," he whispered, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"You know I've always admired them," she replied, closing her eyes to savor the moment.

"I was just reminiscing about the good old days," she confessed, a smile playing on her lips.

"Back when you were shorter than the garden gnomes at my grandma's place," he teased, a fondness in his tone.

"No, I wasn't," she giggled, playfully punching his shoulder.

She looked at him, taking in his features, still as perfect as ever.

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