Chapter 51: amilia Sirens

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Amy's pov

After days of silently crying at night, worrying about luna and grandma I finally got up. I had been trying with all means to get ahold of any information of how I can find luna and some way some how I was now in the dining room, with My father, my fiance that I had no idea I had and his parents.

These people looked very wealthy, they were the kind of family you swore would have secrets

But I wouldn't be surprised. My father was someone like them too. He had many secrets, so dark the darkness might blind you. He had scars all over his body, he had tattoos that symbolized his job. His forest green orbs guarded showing no emotion, cropped by thick dark lashes and bushy brows. His lips in a straight line, as straight as the face he kept as he brushed his sleek back sandy blond hair. I really was my father's daughter wasn't I?

"Darling, ivan is the best there could be out there, nobody deserves you more than he does" The male across me said, i guessed him to be the father of this fiance of mine.

"You should be grateful your father got you the opportunity to become a daughter in law to the Romano family. You're gonna be so happy" the mother said showing her perfect pearly white teeth in a smile. How fake could she be?

I raised my brow mockingly before chuckling slightly

"Behave yourself" my father hissed like a snake to me, giving me a dark glare. I forced a smile to my face, just enough for them to see how fake it was

"I see" the words rolled roughly off my tongue

"We'll leave you two together now. Take your time to get to know each other" the mother smiled again before the three parents stood up and left us sitting together in an uncomfortable silence

I loved my dad, and I knew that he loved me too, he only wanted the best for me, but us having the same rage and attitude never did us a favor. People thought he was the kind of father who probably abused his wife to death leaving me with him

"Look, play along  to parents' strings, it will do you good. I'm not here for love I'm just here to please my parents so please don't make this any harder for me" the male infront of me stood up ready to leave but I chuckled darkly

"Or what. They're gonna kill me? You're gonna kill me?" I chuckled making sure I keep my dark femininity at bay "I'm not afraid of you. Oh no. Just because you're sworn into the Russian omérta doesn't make me any afraid of you. Ghost is the boss, not you. Ghost is the king, not you. So please don't try to intimidate me"

I had noticed the tattoo on just over his jaw and I was gonna use my current knowledge of the Russian mafia to squeeze some Information out of this twerp

"You're smart. So I think you know that you shouldn't be playing with fire. You better shut that pretty mouth of yours" he plastered an unamused smile on his face

I had to get luna back. She needed to come back, grandma needed her. Grandma's words kept ringing in my ear over and over again keeping me going, giving me the strength to fight till the end

I'm leaving soon Amelia. I need both of my granddaughters here with me before I die

She called me her granddaughter. My fathers mom died when I was young and I my mother's mom hated me. I never had a grandma, just as much as I never had a mother.

I was grateful for luna and grandma. They gave me the love and warmth of a mother and sister. I was going to do anything to get her back and so I took the step to risk it all to reunite us once more.

This man was Dixon Ivan Romano,one of the most trusted men of lex legend.

I had done my research like a good little girl, I dug up enough information after I  found out that lex was a dangerous man. I didn't care of the danger, I just wanted grandma to see her luna again.

I squeezed information about lex's men out of Keith and that led me to knowing who exactly my criminal of a father was getting me Married to was. So I took this chance to get what I wanted

Because thats how I was raised.  My mother left me with my brother and left it to my father to raise me alone since I was five. I found out it was because my father had impregnanted another woman when my mother was pregnant with my brother. This was before I was born but my mom decided to leave me when I was 5. Months later my father found out he had another son, Keith. We both had mother's who didn't want us so we vibed

I don't care anymore because my father got into the business he was in today and got loaded. I guess money can replace a mother and buy all the happiness a girl can want.

I looked at the brown haired male Infront of me and smirked

"Tell lex I know where luna is, would you" I then smiled a smile of kindness to him as he narrowed his gaze at me, his orbs piercing into my own

"Who are you" he questioned lowly

"Luna's bsf of course, who else? I thought you knew this crazy blonde girl she hangs out with. Don't you keep an eye on your boss's girl?" I smiled from eye to eye

"What. Do. You. Know?" He questioned once again oh so coldly

"Everything needed to know. I can hp him find her. Take me to him"
I said lowly, I needed to get to lex to find luna.

I wasn't scared, I knew how to work a gun, I knew how to get to a man's mind, and I knew how to protect myself. I was my father's daughter. I wasn't afraid to sleep myself to the top if I needed to, I wasn't afraid of having to use dirty methods of getting what I wanted. I was determined that I'd get my luna back

"Don't play games with me woman. I think you're smart enough to realize the fire you're playing with, so stay out of other people's businesses" he spoke in a menacing voice. I stood up and walked closer to him, Inches between us slowly getting smaller

"Luna is not just my friend you know. She is my family. She is my sister. And sisters look out for their sisters. I'm not letting anybody get in my way of finding my luna. So if you're not going to take me to lex, then I'll get to him myself. And if I find out that he has to do with her going missing, then I have my ways with the Italian mafia, I can make things so hard for him He will lose everything. So if lex helps me find her, I will give him all the information he needs to know about the Italian mafia. I swear that on all my jewelry" I said. I meant every word. The Italians and I had some history, oh, sorry, I meant the Italian boss. We had history, and he was addicted, I used that in every opportunity I got and I wasn't afraid of selling that snob off to lex for my luna.

"Now you're talking business" he smirked

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