Chapter 40: Running for dear life

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Luna's POV

Why was Lex doing all this? Why was he being so nice? He wasn't gonna use my own grandma against me was he? He was bad but he wasn't that bad. . . right?

Lex was in here all day, trying to get me to listen to what he was saying, acting innocent, being so goddamn charming I couldn't help but be charmed.

Damnit the guy knows his game, I tried and tried to not feel affection from his well thought out words.

Why couldn't he just leave me the fuck alone!?

Well that's what I thought till he actually left at like 23:00 when it was dark and the lights were off.

I hated being alone. What more being alone in the dark hospital room. I wished that he'd come back to me. Not because I wanted him back but because I was absolutely horrified by the dark.

Every little sound or movement made flinch and my heart would almost jump right out my chest.
Soon owls started hooting, and all the lights were out, the nurses were gone and all the patients were asleep.

I was under the blankets with my eyes tightly shut praying that when I opened them it would be morning, but to my dismay and misfortune it didn't happen that way.

Suddenly I heard a big BOOM coming from the bottom floor, and then gunshots, screams, and men shouting words in Russian. I could only put together a few words from what I know.

Kill. . .all... P-pe. . .kill everyone?

I quickly get out of bed and and hid under a stand near the door as someone ran into the room screaming, I knew no one would notice me here.


The person's blood and brains splattered across the room and I put my hand on my mouth to muff out my screams of terror.

What kind of people would do that to other people? The alarms were making loud whaling noises and red lights beaming, smoke all around, screaming, gunshots and gore everywhere .

When I finally thought it was a good time to run for my life I ran, I ran like my life depended on it, and it did. Everytime I saw or heard a scary looking man I hid behind some cleché place because they seemed smart enough to know a smart person would not hide in the most obvious of places, I mean they already killed everyone stupid, right?

I found a emergency fire kit and and took the axe because it was the most useful, but I also decided to drag the fire extinguisher along just incase.

I ran and hid in corners under chairs with my axe and extinguisher. Then just when I thought I was doing great, a great big bold man was at the back of me, holding a gun to my head. I slowly turned around and he smirked.

I started slowly backing away from the danger, from him, but he came even closer just to cover the space between us

"I see you follow the saying; where there's smoke there's fire.
You got all the tools in hand, but where is the fire? You must be thinking, my sexy little fire fighter" the ugly grease bag smiled as a toxic disgusting smell escaped his mouth with every word.

"There's something called a toothbrush, do myself and your self a favour and just learn to use it more often " I smiled back and swung the fire extinguisher over my shoulder then banged his bold head as I wished he was just unconscious and still alive "I'm sorry"

I left the extinguisher on top of the guy in case of if he woke up and decided to jump on me. I ran towards the exit hiding, dodging, and just making sure to stay alive for Amy, grandma, mom, and everyone who wants me dead.

Lex said that a person's death is their enemy's success. I don't know my enemies and who I'm an enemy to but I shouldn't give them a chance at success, plus I'm way too young to die, I've still got a life to live and fun to have.
If there's one or more things that that stupid ass Felix taught me is that I've never experienced fun, and curse words don't exactly make you a bad guy, they just help you get what you want because they make you sound bad aka dangerous once

I found my way out and I ran into a dark alley way without knowing it. I admit that I was scared and tired but I wasn't gonna stop, my instincts told me to get away from the danger and I was doing just that

Then I heard something. It was a girl crying and a few male voices. I tried to mind my own business and stay alive but my curiosity got the best of me.

I wandered off to where the sound was coming from and to my horror a blonde girl was on the ground surrounded by six guys

What made me more scared was that from afar she looked like Amy, my Amy. She cried loudly begging the guys to stop and just let her go

Tears filled my eyes from fear and I started backing away. I backed away till I felt something hard against my back. It felt warm and hard so I slowly turned to see was.

A big bulky man stood behind me and I wished he was one of Lex's men. I searched his arms for any sign of the weird tattoo but no, there was one with some writing that also had a triangular mark but smaller than that of Lex's. He wasn't with Lex

I turned back and started running toward the group. I pushed one of the men hard enough for him to hit the ground and while the others tried to help him I pulled the girl to her feet as they tried to figure out what was happening. I screamed at her to run and she started following me.

The 6 guys started running after us along with the bigger male. we ran, turned corners, crossed paths with more bad looking men and still we were lost in the dark.

I turned back to see the men catching up to us but saw some motorbikes some distance before the blond girl and I. We ran past them and I pushed them down to distract the men, but to my dismay the owners were right there, drunk and angry.

They started throwing bottles of alcohol at me but I didn't stop,I ran and dodged as much as I can pleading my poor bare feet to carry me a little longer.

I stepped on one of the broken bottles and fell to my knees as the pain ran through my whole body like a shock wave from the hells. The pain of not resting enough while in hospital caught up to my body causing it to feel heavy and tired.

I looked ahead of me and got up to my feet, I couldn't just give up now and I wasn't

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