That Sudden Spark Part2

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They decided to head back to Blair's place for a nightcap. Of course, Jennivine knew that there were not only going to be refreshments at Blair's place. She wasn't that naive.
Blair's penthouse suite was luxurious. The blonde felt uncomfortable to be there. Blair led her to the living room to take a seat, and headed off into the kitchen. The aged ivory painted walls and assorted colors of furniture blended nicely with a rainbow inspired layout. It was definitely a unique combination.
"So Jenny, I'm guessing you already know that you're not only here for a taste of my exotic, Caribbean, cherry wine."
Jennivine gave the redhead a smile as she was handed a wine glass. Taking a sip, her eyes widened with surprise.
"This is really good."
Blair nodded and took a sip from her own glass. She wondered if Jennivine was ready to be with someone on an intimate level-she'd never do something that Jennivine was not comfortable with.
"Yes it is. It's made from Trinidadian Cherries. It's one of my favorites."
"And yes, I do know that not only refreshments are on the menu."
With a wink, Jennivine received a smirk from the redhead. Casual sex definitely wasn't a problem for her.
"Are you sure that you're ready?"
Jennivine knew what Blair meant to ask-was she ready to have sex with someone? Though, that was not an issue.
"I've had sex after my wife. I just never got into another relationship."
Blair placed her glass down and looked intently at Jennivine. Her eyes roamed over the blonde's hair and the length of her shoulders.
She's beautiful.
Running her fingers through her red locks, she stretched her hand out for Jennivine's and interlinked their fingers. Jennivine slowly inhaled a breath as she reciprocated the intense stare. Her heart fluttered inside of her chest and stomach trembled with anticipation.
This is really happening.
"I'd like to kiss you."
Jennivine whispered and Blair inched her face closer, the heated air between their bodies intensified their arousal. Moving her blonde hair over to one side of her shoulder, Blair placed a kiss on Jennivine's collarbone, then on the nape of her neck, before finally reaching up and cupping the woman's cheeks with the palms of her hands. Jennivine inhaled steady breaths as her heart skipped a beat each time Blair touched her.
It feels perfect.
Blair leaned closer, her lips grazing against Jennivine's cheek, then her upper lip. Fighting the urge to plunge right in, Blair softly pressed her lips against Jennivine's. Her tongue quickly made it through the blonde's parted lips. And the kiss intensified. Blair gripped onto Jennivine's shoulder blade and gained a moan in return.
"Think you can make it upstairs?"
Blair flashed the blonde her charming smile. Jennivine nodded. Their faces were so close. Their breathing fanned the other's face. Blair stood and sank her teeth into her bottom lip. She stretched her hand out for Jennivine to take, and led her up the stairs to her bedroom.
"I... uh..."
Blair soothed with the tip of her index finger pressing against Jennivine's lip. Jennivine stepped backward and gulped. Reaching for her zipper, she allowed her dress to slip off of her body and onto the floor, leaving herself in a matching pair of white lingerie. A grin spread across the redhead's lips as she took in the view. Her eyes roamed over the slenderness of Jennivine's body, and heat rushed down her stomach.
"Your turn."
Jennivine smiled. Blair reciprocated the gesture by allowing her dress to fall to the floor, and to be only left in a black thong.
"I guess I dress lighter than you." The blonde admired Blair's exposed breasts, and considered her usage of no bra with her outfit. Her nipples were hard and her chest rose and fell slowly. Blair ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip and smiled. "You're really beautiful, Jenny."
Blair wrapped her arms around Jennivine's neck and leaned her head close enough so that their lips sensually brushed. Jennivine's hands gripped onto Blair's waist and pulled her in further-their bodies leaving no space for air. Their kiss was passionate-electric. Blair's nipples rubbed against the blonde's cleavage.
Jennivine moaned as Blair trailed butterfly kisses down her neck and towards her cleavage. Sucking on Jennivine's nipple through the thin fabric of the lace bra, Blair ran the tips of her fingers along Jennivine's sides, dipping into her panties.
Pulling the fabric down the blonde's legs, Blair trailed her kisses further down as she got on her knees and lightly shoved Jennivine back to lye down on the mattress.
"Oh Blair."
Jennivine gasped as Blair's lips made contact with her inner thighs-kissing her way up and licking over her pubic bone. Slipping Jennivine's panties through her feet, Blair threw it to the floor and allowed her eyes to linger over the glistening of wet folds.
"I'll take it slow."
Jennivine smiled and gave Blair a quick nod to continue. Placing a kiss on the blonde's mound, Blair slid the tip of her tongue along her slit. She clasped her lips around Jennivine's bundle of nerves and sucked gently. Jennivine's hand slid into Blair's hair and pressed her closer.
Blair's tongue delved into Jennivine's folds in search of more juices. She licked between Jennivine's inner lips-slowly running her tongue over Jennivine's opening.
Jennivine's hand gripped onto the fabric of the bedding-her knuckles becoming white. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung with satisfaction. She was enjoying it-really enjoying it.
Blair moved the tip of her index finger over Jennivine's bundle. She rubbed over the small patch of foxy, blonde hair, before closing her eyes to enjoy the feeling. Blair loved to please a woman. As her tongue dipped into Jennivine's opening, the loud moans filled Blair's head with adrenaline.
Jennivine felt an invasive wave rushing through her lower stomach-she was going to burst. Trying to keep her eyes open, she looked into Blair's as the sensation came further to an explosion. Blair could sense the release willing to rise, and clasped her lips around Jennivine's bundle in anticipation.
"My God!"
The blonde screeched as her walls tightened and her jaw clenched.
Blair smiled and licked up her prize. She loved every second of it. Placing one last kiss on Jennivine's mound, she trailed a few more butterfly kisses up the blonde's torso before pressing her lips firmly against Jennivine's lips.
"I'd rather be called Goddess, if you don't mind."
Blair grinned, gaining the glare from Jennivine. Jennivine panted beneath Blair's body-her breathing inconsistent.
"That was..."
The redhead smiled and placed another kiss on Jennivine's lips before rolling off of her and onto her back on the bed.
"You're quite skillful."
Blair's chest rose and fell with every breath that she took. Her eyes narrowed at the white ceiling, as if attempting to burn the blankness into memory-her focus was unwavering. There was nothing more compelling than the ecstasy of release to Blair. She strived on release. It satisfied her on levels that only her mind would ever know.
"I aim to please."
She said as she shifted onto her side. Jennivine was still recuperating from the intensity of her orgasm. Blair placed her hand in Jennivine's and guided the blonde's head onto her chest. Jennivine wrapped her arm around Blair's torso and smiled.
This is lovely. "I'll repay the favor in a second."
Jennivine whispered as she placed her right leg in between both of Blair's-their bodies fitting perfectly together. Blair moved blonde hair from blocking her face and wrapped her right arm around Jennivine's back.
"Why don't we just cuddle? I much rather that."
Jennivine sighed and moved closer into Blair's body-comfort enveloping her entirety.
"Yeah. That sounds lovely."
They both inhaled a deep breath enjoying the sensuality of their closeness.

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