Never Ask a A Woman Her Age

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ROSALIE FOLLOWED YASMIN outside for a cigarette. Yasmin offered her one, but she refused, knowing that she wouldn't want Abbi to catch her smoking.
"You two are quite a pair."
Rosalie said, as she rubbed her hands together to warm herself up. Even with two jackets on, she was still freezing. She probably should have grabbed her gloves and earmuffs too.
"Really?" Yasmin took a pull of her cigarette, "thanks, you and Henry's mom are quite a pair too," she giggled, "I hope Henry and I are as in love with each other when we're your age."
Rosalie frowned. She wasn't that old again, and neither was Elizabeth.
Rosalie muttered and looked down at her feet. The last thing that she needed was to worry about her disintegrating youth.
"You look so great though. What skin products do you use? Your skin's absolutely flawless."
Hold up, how old does she think I am? Rosalie quirked a brow and bit down on her bottom lip.
"I use this lotion with Aloe Vera sometimes. I guess that helps. But I don't use any anti-aging stuff."
Yasmin looked at Rosalie with a tilt to her head. She seemed to not be buying it.
"Oh come on. You've got to tell me your secret. No one over forty-five looks so good."
Yeah, she definitely doesn't know how old I am. Can I really pass for forty-five? The thought scared Rosalie. She touched her face, feeling petrified.
"Who's forty-five?"
Michelle came outside and bummed a cigarette from Yasmin. She lit in and took a long pull.
"I was just asking Rosalie how she looks so good and is over forty-five."
Michelle coughed and held her chest.
"Forty-five?" Rosalie narrowed her eyes at the huge smile on Michelle's face, "yeah, she could definitely pass for forty-five."
She studied Rosalie's face teasingly. I'm not so sure how much I like Henry's girlfriend anymore, or Michelle, for that matter.
"Rosalie's not forty-five. How old would that make me? Dead?"
Kaitlyn walked out with a chuckle escaping her lips. Yasmin shrugged and Michelle chuckled as well. It was too funny not to indulge in the teasing.
"I've never been good at age. So she's like forty-three then?" She must have a good plastic surgeon.
Kaitlyn tried to hold back her laughter, but failed miserably. She knew how hard it had been for Rosalie to accept that she was getting old, and the last thing that she wanted to do was make her daughter feel worse than she already was.
"Yeah. Totally."
Michelle shook her head, as she leaned against the front of the house. Yasmin was yet to realize that her mouth was getting her in a lot of trouble.
"Honey, you don't look that old. Don't worry."
Kaitlyn tried to assure, but Rosalie wasn't buying it. The sour look on her face didn't go unnoticed by even Yasmin, who seemed as dumb as a box of nails, at that moment.
"I mean it wouldn't hurt to see your waistline every now and then. You got married and started wearing sweaters and jeans only," Rosalie glared at Michelle and huffed out a breath, "what happened to the sexy crop tops? That's all I'm saying."
Rosalie didn't answer, instead she stormed into the house to find her daughter. Abbi was the only one who could cheer her up.
"Really, Michelle? You seem to have a crush on her, from what you're saying."
Michelle shrugged and finished her cigarette, before stretching her hand out to Yasmin for another.
"I'm a lesbian. Of course I checked her out back then, and sometimes even now. Doesn't mean I want to fuck my best friend's step-mother."
Kaitlyn shook her head, realizing that sometimes it was no use trying to talk some sense into Michelle. She turned to Yasmin and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Don't you know how to be sensitive when it comes to a woman's feelings? She's all butt hurt now."
Yasmin's eyes widened and she swallowed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-what did I say wrong? I told her she has flawless skin."
"Yeah, for a woman her age. That's not a compliment, if you didn't know."
Michelle chuckled once again. God, Rosalie's skin is even more flawless than mine, and I'm younger. Yasmin was being a dumbass, in Michelle's opinion.
"Let's just say, Henry's mom is one lucky cougar. She's got a young wife who's also a millionaire?" Michelle scoffed, "I'd jump for that too, given the chance," Kaitlyn looked at Michelle with speculating eyes. What was she implying? "I'm referring to a woman like Rosalie, not Rosalie herself. Geez. I rather fuck you than bang Beth's wife. I don't want a target on my back."
Yasmin retreated inside and Kaitlyn held her hand up for Michelle to not say another word. They both headed inside as well, and found Rosalie on the living room floor with her daughter.
"Mommy, no tickles!"
Abbi giggled loudly, making the entire room light up. The best thing about growing old to Rosalie was being able to watch her little girl grow up. So even when her skin wrinkled, and her tits sagged, she'd look at Abbi and know that it was all worth it to be able to see her turn into a beautiful young woman.
"But tickles are the best!"
Rosalie responded, while being tickled back. Abbi knew all of her most ticklish spots, and she hated it, but loved it at the same time.
Yasmin took Henry's hand, and led him to the end of the room to ask him a question.
"Why do you ask, babe?"
Everyone turned their attention to them at the sound of Henry's voice. Yasmin felt intimidated under so many eyes.
"I was just, uh, wondering."
She rubbed the back of her neck, as a blush creeped onto her cheeks.
"You're wondering how old my step-mom is? That's strange."
He chuckled, causing Michelle to join in, of course. She never missed a chance to laugh.
Elizabeth walked closer as the conversation got interesting. Why is she asking?
"I'm thirty-three, for god's sake. Can we go back to enjoying Christmas now?"
Abbi jumped up with her hands on her hips.
"You never ask a woman her age."
Her duck lips didn't help with her serious demeanor. Barbara found herself laughing. It was true-never ask a woman her age.
Everyone looked at Yasmin's reaction and noticed the paleness of her face. She looked as though she'd just seen a ghost.
"But isn't Henry's mother-"
"Forty seven? Yeah, I am."
Elizabeth's brows knitted together. Did Yasmin have a problem with their age difference? Zoe and Margaret gave each other looks, and decided to head into their bedroom with Andrew.
"Oh, cool."
Yasmin mumbled and rubbed her arm. She seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden.
"Is that a problem?"
Henry asked, confused himself. What was the big deal? He didn't expect his girlfriend to react in such a manner.
"Oh, nothing."
She tried to brush it off, but failed to do so, especially with the look on her face.
Rosalie decided to take her daughter for a run in the snow, just to be away from the unnecessary drama. If Yasmin disliked her lifestyle, that was only her problem.
Elizabeth joined her wife, and Kaitlyn joined too. As for Barbara, she headed into the kitchen to make a cup of tea just to escape the awkwardness.
Michelle was the only one willing to stay and have a little chat with Yasmin about the situation, which didn't seem like a difficult one to her.
"Henry, give us ladies a few minutes."
He nodded and headed into the kitchen for a cup of tea that Barbara was making.
"I totally embarrassed myself, didn't I?" Michelle tried to play it off as though she didn't, but she wasn't fooling anyone, "fuck, I'm such a dumbass." You can say that again.
Michelle couldn't deny that, but she wouldn't let Yasmin fret about something so trivial.
"Anyone could make a mistake like that. When you're a mom, you look ten times older, they say."
"Who said that?"
Michelle bit down on her bottom lip.
"People? I don't know, Yasmin. It was a stupid mistake. Apologize so that we can focus on the holidays."
Yasmin sighed, as Henry came back out of the kitchen with two cups of teas in his hands.
"That's so nice of you to bring-"
"It's for Yasmin," Michelle frowned. That's always the case. She headed into the kitchen for her own cup, "everything okay, babe?"
"I guess."
She took the cup with a sigh.
"You don't really have a problem with it, right? I mean, it's only fourteen years, and they are really happy together."
Yasmin shook her head.
"No, no. Of course I don't have a problem. I'm just embarrassed that I embarrassed your step-mom."
"Totally fine. We all make mistakes. Just don't talk about a woman's age anymore. You might get yourself in trouble."
Henry chuckled and Yasmin slapped his arm.
"I won't."

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