There's Not Always An Expiration Date

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"MOMMY, MOMMY, LOOK what I drew."
Abbi came rushing into the living room and jumped onto Rosalie's lap. They'd adopted a baby girl exactly four years and ten months previous to that very day, and both Elizabeth and Rosalie knew that it was one of the best things they'd done. They loved Abbi so much. Everyone did. She was always the sunshine in the room.
Elizabeth came rushing into the room behind Abbi with a pair of pants in her hand.
"Sweetie, you need to put on your pants."
Elizabeth placed a kiss on her wife's lips as she lifted her little girl. Rosalie looked at the drawing the Abbi made. It was a rose. Abbi had even colored it with her different shades of red crayons.
"Mommy, do you like it?"
Abbi wiggled in her mother's arm and giggled. Rosalie pressed the paper against her chest and nodded.
"I love it, baby girl. But not as much as I love you and your mama."
Rosalie jumped up from her seat and began to tickle Abbi's sides.
"Mommy, stop!"
She squealed as she sprinted out of her mother's arms and ran into the kitchen. They both ran behind her and saw her hiding, in the cupboard, under the sink.
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
Abbi giggled.
"It's Miss Cuddles, and her friend, Red."
Elizabeth nudged her wife's arm.
"You're trying to fool, my child?"
Rosalie stepped forward and grinned. She's fallen more and more in love with Elizabeth as the years passed by. Nothing could be more perfect.
"Have I told you how much I love you this week, Elizabeth Watson Harper?"
"Maybe, once or twice, Rosalie Watson Harper."
"Mama, it's too dark!"
Elizabeth knelt down and opened the cupboard. Abbi lept into her arms and nuzzled her face into the crook of Elizabeth's neck. She was just like her mommy with the nuzzling.
Rosalie looked at her beautiful daughter and wife and couldn't think of anything better in the world. She still often wondered how she'd gotten so lucky. How could life be so wonderful? She'd never imagined to be so happy every day, and hoped that it would continue for the rest of her life with her family. Rosalie loved her family more than she could describe. She wished that her brother was there to experience all of it with her-all the laughter, and the fun, the good times and even the bad. She just wanted him there, but as Zoe said, those we've lost will always be in our hearts.
Rosalie found out that happiness didn't always have an expiration date. Six wonderful years with the actual love of her life proved that, and she knew that they had much more wonderful years ahead.

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