Abbi's Questions

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BARBARA NOTICED MICHELLE texting and smiling. It worried her that Michelle was involved with a married woman, but she didn't know what to say. Michelle had always been stubborn, and never listened, especially since she'd moved out.
Abbi tried to drag the teddy bear into her room, but couldn't manage by herself. Henry and Yasmin helped her, and nearly knocked down a few things on the way.
When they opened the bedroom door, the last thing Henry wanted to see was a topless Rosalie on his mother's lap. As harmless as a massage was, it was a terrifying sight.
"Fuck, sorry."
He placed his hand over his mouth, realizing that he'd swore in front of Abbi. Abbi rolled her eyes and stormed into the room, not caring that her mother was hurrying to hook her bra.
"Mommy's always half naked. Don't worry Henry. Her back hurts sometimes and mama rubs it for her."
Rosalie slipped on her shirt and helped them with the teddy bear. Placing it next to the bed, Abbi jumped on and hugged Elizabeth.
"I love you, mama."
She yawned and snuggled closer, nuzzling her mother's chest.
"I love you too, sweetie."
Rosalie checked the time and noticed that in twenty minutes it would be Christmas day. Henry and Yasmin headed to their room, and Rosalie got changed into her pajamas.
"Mama, do you have sex with mommy?"
Elizabeth's eyes nearly fell out. She quickly recovered from her shock to answer her daughter's question.
"When two people love each other-"
Rosalie listened to her wife attempt to explain what sex meant to their daughter. She got under the covers and pulled them over their bodies.
"Mommy, do you like having sex with mama?"
Rosalie almost cringed. Hearing her daughter say the word sex made her feel so uneasy.
"I love her, so yes. And it's only for grown ups who are married."
"So Henry and Yasmin don't have sex?"
Rosalie closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm down the thumping in her chest. She's only five and already asking these questions.
"No, they don't."
Elizabeth kissed Abbi's forehead. I hope lying to her doesn't backfire.
"Can Miss Bear sleep with us on the bed?"
Abbi sat up and looked at her lonely teddy bear. Miss Bear needs a wife.
"She won't fit, sweetie." But she's so alone.
"Can I sleep on the floor with her then?"
Rosalie yawned. She wasn't going to let Abbi sleep on the floor.
"No. She can have the bed. I'll sleep next to grandma tonight," Elizabeth reached for her wife's hand, "I'll be in the living room, if you need me."
Rosalie kissed Abbi's forehead, before pushing the bear onto the bed, barely leaving enough space for Elizabeth.
"Thank you, mommy. I love you."
Rosalie checked the time again and yawned. It was past midnight, but Abbi needed to sleep, so she wouldn't tell her that it was already Christmas day.
"I love you too, babygirl," Rosalie moved over to her wife and kissed her forehead, "I love you too."
"I'll miss you."
Elizabeth whispered with a frown. She much preferred her wife than a bear who kinda creeped her out.
"I can sleep right here on the floor. It'll be like a sleepover."
Rosalie grabbed blankets and spread them on the floor next to Elizabeth's side of the bed.
"Make a space for me. This bear's taking up all."
They laid on their backs and looked up at the ceiling. The last thing that they'd expected was to be kicked out of their bed by Miss Bear that night.
"Merry Christmas, Elizabeth."
Rosalie turned on her side, and Elizabeth did too. They entwined their hands and looked sleepily at each other.
"Merry Christmas, bunny. I love you so much," Elizabeth yawned loudly and pulled Rosalie closer, "I can't wait for you to open your presents."
Rosalie sighed against her wife's chest, sleep invading her entire body.
"I can't wait for you to open yours."
Elizabeth looked up at Abbi and Miss Bear and they were both asleep. Sinking into her wife's arms, she allowed sleep to take over her as well.

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