A Bad Night

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"DINNER'S ALMOST DONE. Take a seat, Charlotte," Maura noticed Grace taking a few too many glances at Charlotte. For sure, there was something familiar about her, "so what are you in town for, if I may ask?"
Charlotte grabbed a seat and crossed her ankles. She took a glance around the kitchen, realizing that it hadn't changed either. Everything was almost the same, except for minor renovations.
"Oh, I'm visiting family."
Her tone seemed a bit irritated, yet there was a bright smile on her face. Grace noticed it and Maura did too. Family, huh? I bet I'd know whoever they are.
"That's nice," Charlotte leaned back and checked her phone. She'd already met her family and spent a few hours with them that day, and was heading over the next day. Since it was two days after Christmas, her mother had already given her a lecture for not making it for the day itself.
"Charlotte, do you have any relation to Velma Summers?"
Grace asked and Charlotte nodded. If she suspected correctly, Charlotte was the same little girl who once ran around in her backyard.
"Yes, she's my mother."
Maura's eyes widened. Char.
"Oh my god, you've grown so much. How long has it been?"
"Twenty years?"
Maura pulled Charlotte into a hug, not thinking twice about her boundaries anymore.
"Mama, that's not true," Henry headed into the kitchen in front of his mother and girlfriend, while laughter escaped his lips, "oh, hi."
He noticed everyone and waved. Charlotte pulled away from the embrace and smiled at them.
"Grace, Maura, this is my son, Henry, and his girlfriend, Yasmin," Lee introduced, before grabbing a seat. She looked at Charlotte with a bite to her bottom lip, "I'm Lee, if you were wondering."
Henry scrunched up his nose, noticing his mother's flirtatious tone.
"Are they going to join us for dinner? There's enough for everyone."
Grace smiled sweetly, as she turned off the stove. Wiping her hand on a dish towel, she was oblivious to the way Lee was flirting with Charlotte. Maura didn't notice either.
"Yeah, sure. Grams isn't picking us up for the next hour or so."
They all grabbed a chair at the dining table, as Grace and Maura placed the dishes down.
"So mama, how's the restaurant. Business picking up?" Lee shrugged, "any new recipes yet?"
"You're a chef?" Maura asked with a smile, "I went to culinary school too."
Lee nodded, not wanting to talk about her work life. She poured herself a glass of lemonade and inhaled a breath.
"Your grandparents have been asking about you. When can you take a trip to see them?"
Lee's parents had never been the most involved, just like her. But once in a while they'd have interest in the goings of their daughter's and grandson's lives.
"Maybe for Summer? I'm heading to Venice to visit Rosalie's grandparents for Easter."
Henry swallowed, knowing that Lee might disapprove. But Henry loved visiting Candice and William. They were so fun to be around.
"I see you prefer her over me. What's next? You're going to start calling her mama too?"
"Don't be like that. She's just-"
Henry didn't know what to say. Rosalie had been more of a mother to him, in the past eight years, than Lee had been all of his life. But he couldn't tell Lee that. And it didn't make him love her any less.
Yasmin ate and kept her mouth shut. She'd been getting herself in trouble constantly, so she decided to stay out of the conversation.
"Step-moms are always hard to deal with."
Grace commented, trying to be a part of the topic. Maura agreed, as she continued to eat. As for Charlotte, she observed the conversation, wondering where all that anger from Lee was coming from.
"Mama, they're happy. I'm happy. I know you might not be, but I can't help with that if you don't tell me what to do."
"Maybe not let her consider you her son?"
Lee snapped, feeling frustrated. Seemingly, she didn't care who heard about her outrage.
"I can't do that. Rosalie is like a mother to me. You can't change that, and even I can't change that."
Yasmin swallowed and pressed her lips together. Looking at everyone else, she felt uneasy.
"So how's your stays been so far? Charlotte? Lee?" Grace asked to change the subject, "done anything fun?"
Henry decided to answer.
"We've been in the snow for the most part. Oh, and sledding."
"That's nice. I hope those vacationing lesbians haven't been bothering you."
Henry's fork nearly slipped out of his hand and he gulped. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked around and saw his mother grinding her teeth.
"Not at all."
He forced a smile. Charlotte looked down at her plate with a sigh.
"I don't know why an entire group of them decided to hide out in that cabin for the holidays. I don't like it one bit." So she's homophobic.
Grace continued with a huff, causing everyone but her and Maura to feel uncomfortable.
"Us lesbians have a right to vacation wherever we want, thank you very much."
Kaitlyn leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.
"And the infamous mother is here."
Lee said as Rosalie walked in, almost wobbling on her two feet. The combination of drinks was really getting to her.
"Sadly, Beth doesn't want another kid. So fuck you, Lee."
Lee was confused. What's she talking about? Another kid?
"So you're Henry's step-mother, it's nice to meet you," Grace got up and shook Rosalie's hand, before sitting back down, "there's enough chairs for both of you, if you'd like to stay for dinner."
Rosalie nodded and rubbed her temple. Kaitlyn didn't sit, wondering if they'd heard correctly.
"You really want a lesbian at your table?"
Rosalie's eyes widened, as she turned to look at her mother, before turning her attention back to everyone at the table.
Charlotte's eyes narrowed, realizing that the woman standing by the door was Kaitlyn-the woman she'd met earlier that day.
Both Grace and Maura looked at Rosalie.
"I guess it's time to leave," Henry got up and placed his hand on Yasmin's shoulder, "come on, babe, before this turns into a huge deal."
"You're drunk, aren't you?"
Lee asked Rosalie as she got up too.
"None of your concern," Kaitlyn looked at Grace and Maura, "and yes, we're the lesbians in the cabin. Well, except for that dumb lesbian over there."
She pointed to Lee, being a bit tipsy herself.
"Grams, let's get home."
Grace watched, as everyone got up to leave. Typical lesbians. Always with their drama.
"You do realize that you said that outloud?"
Charlotte said and sighed. She got up too and threw her napkin down, extremely aggravated. That's when Kaitlyn noticed her, and her heart fluttered inside of her chest. God, she looks even more beautiful when I'm intoxicated.
"Mum, let's go before I throw up on these homophobes' carpet."
Rosalie urged, holding onto her stomach. She really needed to stop drinking so much.
"We're not homophobic."
Everyone's head turned to them.
"You do realize that you'd insulted my entire family with one sentence? Let me break it down for you. My daughter is a lesbian, her wife, of course, is a lesbian. That woman over there, I mean Henry's mother, is a lesbian. Henry's best friend is a lesbian. And so and so forth. And well, as for me, I'm open to anything."
"That's repulsing."
Maura muttered with a frown. Henry placed his hand on Kaitlyn's shoulder.
"Let's just go."
"You're not seriously leaving me here, right? I don't want to be here as much as any of you."
Lee groaned, as she walked over to Henry.
"Go grab your things. You can stay with us."
Rosalie grabbed her phone to call Elizabeth, while Charlotte walked over to Kaitlyn.
"You okay?"
Kaitlyn nodded and rubbed her arm, feeling her insides swarming with embarrassment.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bitch fit."
"Charlotte, come over here, and let them all go," Charlotte inhaled a breath, "Charlotte?"
Grace called again when Charlotte didn't move. Charlotte finally turned and clenched her fists.
"If my mother didn't mention, I'm a lesbian too. So I guess I should leave as well."
Kaitlyn didn't know why that made her smile so much.
"Wow, it's everyone these days."
Grace muttered, as Maura shook her head disapprovingly. Charlotte smiled at Kaitlyn, before heading up the stairs to collect her things, along with Lee.
"You do realize that we're human beings too, right?" Rosalie asked, "I'm happily married to the most amazing woman in the world, even if she doesn't want any more kids. You keep your judgement to yourself."
Lee was heading down the stairs and overheard Rosalie. They really do love each other. It made her feel so irritated, because in all seriousness, she was still in love with them both, in some way or another.
"I don't know how the only two people who booked rooms for the holidays turned out to be lesbians, Maura."
Grace mumbled, as she began to clear the table. Henry and Yasmin were already out by the car, and Rosalie was waiting on her mother to leave.
"Mum, isn't that your lady friend from the cafe?" Kaitlyn nodded and Rosalie smiled, "I'll be waiting outside then. Don't take too long."
When Charlotte walked down the stairs, Kaitlyn looked at her with her big, brown eyes.
"You know any other places with rooms available? I really don't want to stay with my overbearing mother."
Charlotte smiled at Kaitlyn, as they headed out of the doors, leaving Grace and Maura to themselves. They were in shock, to say the least. Who knew that Velma Summer's daughter was a lesbian? The same Velma who was the most homophobic woman in town?
"Not sure. There's plenty of room at the cabin where us lesbians are at, if you'd like to stay with us."
Rosalie overheard and attempted to help with the situation.
"Yeah. There's a spare bedroom since Zoe and Margaret left."
"I wouldn't want to intrude."
Charlotte actually liked the idea, not that her mother would be happy with it.
"Please, it's the least I can do, after all that happened back there."
Kaitlyn could barely hold back her excitement. Having a closer look at Charlotte, the woman had to be in her forties, but beautiful nothingless.
"Okay, fine. Only because I like to be around a bunch of lesbians."
They chuckled. Henry was the designated driver for Kaitlyn's car, since she'd decided to ride in Charlotte's to direct her to the cabin. Rosalie sat in the back seat with Yasmin, while Lee sat in front with Henry. Lee's car was apparently at the mechanic's shop, how convenient.
"Remind me not to drink anymore."
Rosalie groaned, as she buried her face in the palms of her hands. Fuck, Beth's going to kill me for getting so drunk.
"You've always been a lightweight."
Lee commented and Rosalie ignored it. Yasmin helped Rosalie out of the car and into the house. When Elizabeth saw her wife's condition, she ushered Abbi inside.
"What happened to her?"
Elizabeth asked, as Rosalie plopped onto the swing.
"Too much wine, beer and tequila shots."
Kaitlyn said, as she helped Charlotte with her bags. Elizabeth smirked, as she recognized Charlotte's face, and gave her mother-in-law a wink.
"You should know better. She's a lightweight."
"I've been told, Beth," Rosalie groaned and pulled her wife to sit on her lap, "can you make me chicken soup. I think I have a cold."
"You're just drunk, my love. But of course."
Elizabeth caressed Rosalie's cheeks with the pads of her fingers with a smile.
"Charlotte, this is my daughter-in-law, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, you remember Charlotte from the park."
Elizabeth nodded and stretched her hand out. Charlotte reciprocated the gesture, forming a handshake.
"Elizabeth Harper?" Elizabeth nodded as Charlotte looked at Rosalie, "you're Roses, right? I knew you looked familiar. I'm a huge fan."
Rosalie's eyes widened.
"Am I really drunk, or did she just call me Roses?" Rosalie giggled, "thank you. But how do you recognize Beth?"
"From the magazines. Oh now it makes sense, you're Kaitlyn Watson. I knew your face looked familiar too," Kaitlyn nodded. Rosalie's must be loving this, "wow, I absolutely adore your paintings, I've wanted to buy one for a while now."
Rosalie smiled proudly, as they headed inside and into the kitchen. Abbi rushed over to Rosalie and grabbed her arm.
"Mommy, where were you?"
She sniffled, stretching her arms to be lifted up. Rosalie rubbed her eyes and picked up her daughter.
"She's so adorable. How old is she?"
Abbi rested her head onto her mother's chest and yawned. She woke up looking for Rosalie and wouldn't sleep again until she came home.
"Five. And yes, she's the most precious thing to walk the planet."
Rosalie placed a kiss on Abbi's forehead and took her to bed. Elizabeth leaned against the kitchen island, as she looked at Charlotte.
"Lee came in pissed. What happened?"
Kaitlyn sighed.
"Just some homophobes at the bed and breakfast. So Lee and Charlotte are going to stay here."
Elizabeth groaned, making Charlotte feel intrusive. She realized her reaction and shook her head.
"Not you. Lee's my ex-wife, so it makes things so fucking complicated."
"I'm right here," Lee made her presence known, as she entered the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of wine, she leaned against the fridge, "I don't enjoy your company that much either, Beth."
"Just shut up and watch tv, you old hag."
Elizabeth placed her hand over her mouth. Where did that come from?
"You make a woman feel so good about herself," Lee huffed, as she walked out of the kitchen with the bottle of wine, "this hag's going to spend some time with her son, if you don't mind, Elizabeth."
Damn, that's some tension. Charlotte noticed, as she settled her attention on Kaitlyn.
"So grandkids, huh?" Kaitlyn nodded, "I never got around to actually having kids. Pretty much a lone duck all my life."
"I can't say the same for myself. I've always had Rosalie and then the grandkids came along. Hectic, but rewarding."
"Mommy, no!"
Abbi ran into the kitchen in only her underwear. She hid behind her mother, as Rosalie rushed in.
"But you have to brush your teeth, sweetie," Rosalie was having a severe headache, "I'll give you a hundred dollars if you listen to me."
Elizabeth glared at her wife.
"What did I say about trying to bribe her? I'll handle it."
Elizabeth picked up Abbi and headed back to their room. Rosalie frowned and grabbed a bottled water from the fridge.
"Mum, get her settled in. She can take the empty bedroom and Lee will take," she yawned, "she'll sleep on the couch or something. I really don't care what she does."
So much hostility. Charlotte followed Kaitlyn to the bedroom.
"The shower's right next door. Rosalie's in the only self-contained room," Charlotte nodded and placed her handbag onto the bed. Looking around, the smile on the other woman's face caught her attention, "I'll be in the living room if you need anything."
Kaitlyn closed the door behind her. Charlotte bit down on her lip, as a swarm of butterflies enveloped her stomach. That woman's too adorable.

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