Back In Winter Springs Part1

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EVERYONE GOT SETTLED in by the time Elizabeth and Rosalie came out of their bedroom. Rosalie found her little girl asleep on her grandmother's lap, while still in her winter coat.
"I'll take her to bed, mum."
Kaitlyn nodded, as Rosalie picked Abbi up and took her into the bedroom.
Elizabeth grabbed a seat next to Kaitlyn, and tried to get in on the conversation that Yasmin and Michelle were having.
"Mom, I really hope you don't mind. Grams called me and said she wanted it to be a surprise."
Henry shrugged and leaned back in his seat. Kaitlyn loved that Henry considered her as his grandmother. It warmed her heart.
"Totally fine. There's plenty of space."
Rosalie came back out and plopped onto the floor in front of Elizabeth's seat on the couch.
"A warning would have been nice. My head's still hurting from the fall," Elizabeth slid her fingers into Rosalie's hair and massaged her scalp, "oh yes. That's the spot."
"We don't want to hear your cries of pleasure, my dear daughter."
Michelle giggled and nudged Henry's shoulder playfully. The scowl on his face amused her.
"Don't judge my happy marriage. At least I'm not screwing lecturers anymore."
"But I'm still screwing coeds."
Kaitlyn hadn't changed at all. She was still unfortunately an opened book.
"So what's new? Rosalie and I are planning to buy a house in Milan."
Kaitlyn scoffed.
"Why? What's wrong with the lakehouse?"
She glared at her daughter. Rosalie pursed her lips and shrugged.
"We need something of our own, mum."
"And didn't I offer you the deed to the lakehouse hundreds of times over the past seven years?"
Rosalie sighed. Kaitlyn was as stubborn as her. She'd told her mother countless times that she didn't want the lakehouse in her name.
"There's this great neighbourhood in the suburbs. Best part is that there's a lesbian couple next door and many gay couples through the street."
"So you want to live in gaytown? Honey, Abbi doesn't need to see a bunch of queer families to know that hers is a perfectly fine one."
Rosalie didn't want her daughter to grow up feeling like an outcast.
"I told her that we're not buying that house. Why she keeps bringing it up? I don't know."
"It costs a lot, huh?"
Barbara finally tuned in. It had been difficult for her to get a word in with so many blabbermouths around her.
"Beth always says if she can't pay half, then no."
Rosalie wanted to roll her eyes. She gained a thump on the shoulder from her wife and a sulk on her face.
"What's the point of having a sugar baby if you're not going to let her buy you things?"
Michelle giggled, earning a glare from Elizabeth. Rosalie, Henry, Zoe and Kaitlyn laughed too.
"That's not nice, Michelle."
Barbara scolded her daughter. Margaret walked into the living room and took the seat next to her wife.
"I didn't know you're here, Margaret."
Rosalie wanted to gag. She didn't ever quite get along with Margaret, especially since the woman just stared at her rather than talk.
"Yeah. I was making a phone call."
Elizabeth got up and headed into the kitchen, and Kaitlyn followed her. Rosalie sighed and moved onto the couch. Her head was starting to really hurt from all the voices around her.
"Michelle, how's the girlfriend hunt going? Dating anyone?"
Michelle shrugged and thought for a moment. She couldn't say that she was dating anyone, since she was just fooling around.
"Nope. I'm just playing the field for now. Mom thinks that I should find a nice girl and settle down."
Henry chuckled. He couldn't imagine seeing Michelle in a committed relationship.
"Have you ever even been with one woman for longer than two weeks?"
Michelle scoffed, but couldn't deny the fact that she'd never been in a committed relationship. But she was still young and had lots of time.
"Whatever. Not all of us fall in love with the first girl that likes that horrible beard that you have."
"Hey, Yasmin loves it. And don't be a bitch just because I've got a girlfriend and you don't."
Rosalie sat back and listened to those two go at it as though they were still teenagers. Margaret and Zoe were in a corner talking and Rosalie realized that she didn't see their kid anywhere.
"Where's Andrew?"
Zoe's eyes fluttered, as she looked at Rosalie.
"He's asleep already," Rosalie nodded and exhaled a breath. She wasn't sure what to do with herself, "Rose, tell Margaret about the time I won the pie competition. She doesn't believe that I ate an entire cherry pie."
Rosalie giggled and nodded.
"You did throw up after. All over my shoes too. It was so gross," Elizabeth came out of the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand, "can I have some?"
Rosalie begged with puppy dog eyes. She'd pour a glass for herself, but she loved teasing Elizabeth.
"No grape juice for you, bunny," Rosalie frowned, as Elizabeth pecked her forehead, "there's an opened bottle on the kitchen counter. Go get yourself a glass."
"Yeah, it's right next to where you were on your knees earlier."
Henry's mouth fell open, as everyone in the room giggled. Rosalie stormed into the kitchen with a huff.
"You're never going to let that go, huh?"
Elizabeth asked. Kaitlyn shook her head.
"Never. It's too much fun to tease her."

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