The Wedding Part2

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The ceremony had all the attendees in tears, even Michelle had smudged eyeliner, and she was the toughest cookie to crack.

By the time the reception came along, Abbi was dancing off-tuned to reggae music, while everyone watched in amusement, "babe?" Rosalie slid onto Elizabeth's lap and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I think it's time for us to add a new baby to our household," Elizabeth's eyes widened, "I know exactly which one to adopt."

"Bunny, you're not seriously-" Rosalie showed her the picture of the baby.

"Isn't she adorable? We'll name her Roxy," Elizabeth shook her head and smiled. It's just a puppy.

"I think that's a great idea. You've wanted one for a while now."

"Yeah, this little husky will be the most spoilt pup in the whole wide world," Rosalie grinned.

"You just want more people in your life to spoil."

"Of course, babe. That's what I love to do," Elizabeth decided to ask the question that had been bothering her.

"I found a ring in your coat pocket," it wasn't for Kaitlyn or Charlotte for sure. She'd seen their rings and they weren't anything close to that one, "what's it for?"

Rosalie cupped Elizabeth's cheek with her palm and tilted her head to the side, "it was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday."

"It's for me? Bunny, why would you-"

"Buy something so expensive?" Elizabeth sighed. I can't control this woman's spending habits. Rosalie slipped her hand into the pocket of her blazer-yes, she wore a pantsuit for once.

She retrieved the little red box and presented it to Elizabeth, "I really don't-"

"You're a great wife and mother. I only had to trade ten of my best paintings to buy this," Rosalie took the ring out of the comfort of the box. Henry noticed the sweet exchange between the two and was encouraged to finally pop the question to Yasmin. But he needed to buy the ring first, and find the perfect setting.

"How many rings do you have now, mama?" Henry walked over to them as Rosalie slid the ring into Elizabeth's finger, "I'm blind!" He looked at the two diamonds on his mother's finger, one a lot larger than the other.

"Maybe you should wear the other one on another finger," Rosalie suggested but Elizabeth shook her head.

"It's my wedding ring. I'm not going to replace it for anything in the world, not even this rock you just gave me."

"I guess that's fine by me," Rosalie smiled, as Kaitlyn and Charlotte approached.

"Are you trying to steal our thunder? This is our wedding day, not yours."

"I'm sorry, mom. But she found it and probably thought I bought it for some side-chick," Elizabeth smacked Rosalie's arm.

"Shut up," Elizabeth admired the ring on her finger, but it was so frickin' heavy. So typical for a rich person to complain about their millionaire lifestyle.

"Well, damn," everyone surrounded the two, and Yasmin's eyes nearly bulged out.

"I'm never going to wear this, you know that, right?"

"Why not, babe?"

"It's too fucking heavy!" Elizabeth giggled, "and you know that I don't care for stuff like this."

"Fine," Rosalie took another box from her pocket, "here, you were looking for this."

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes as she opened it. The diamond earrings I've been looking for.

"The diamond got loose on one side. I took it to the jeweller and now it's as good as new."

"What am I going to do with you?" Elizabeth leaned in for a kiss.

"Love me, that's all I need."

"Mommy!" Abbi tackled the two, "I want a diamond ring too. Please, can I have one?" Elizabeth looked at Rosalie and shook her head. Rosalie grinned, not knowing what to say.

"Fucking millionaires," Michelle rolled her eyes.


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