A Gigantic Teddy Bear

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AFTER LUNCH AT the pizzeria, everyone splitted up and headed into various places in town. Rosalie and Elizabeth took Abbi to the bar, but not inside.
"This is where our home will be, babygirl."
Rosalie looked at her daughter, whose eyes flickered excitedly.
"And mama's gonna redesign it? I'll have a bigger room? And everyone else will have a room too?"
Rosalie looked at Elizabeth, as she studied the structure of the building, already knowing that she was contemplating her ideas.
"It'll be our home; just for us. But hopefully we'll have a few spare bedrooms."
Abbi nodded and wrapped her arms around Rosalie's leg.
"Mommy, will Henry live with us?"
They walked down the street. Abbi walked between her two mothers, holding both of their hands.
"No, sweetie. He has his own home in California. Did you know that's where your mama and I got married?"
Abbi looked between her moms and giggled.
"Really? Did you kiss her a lot on your wedding day too?"
Abbi wasn't going to let that down. Rosalie nodded, as they stopped in front of a toy store.
"Of course I did. I kissed her so much that her cheeks got so, so red."
Abbi continued to giggle, as they took her inside of the store. When she saw all of the toys, she immediately got excited and ran down an aisle.
"Do we really kiss that much?" Rosalie shrugged, as she leaned in to kiss her wife, but was met with a palm to her lips, "I see what Abbi's saying. I'll call you kissy lips from now on."
Rosalie pulled her wife down a random aisle and pressed her against a shelf.
"Call me whatever you want, but I'll never stop kissing you, or loving you."
Elizabeth's heart fluttered.
"Gosh, I love you."
"My name's not gosh, babe," Rosalie pecked Elizabeth's lips playfully, "but I love you too."
"Stop kissing and come with me."
Abbi dragged her mothers into another aisle and showed them the biggest teddy bear that they'd ever seen. Rosalie gulped, as her daughter attempted to reach for it on the shelf.
"That's so-"
"Mommy, please can I have it. Pwease?"
Abbi knew that Rosalie could never say no, not even when the teddy bear would have to be strapped on top of the car just to make it back to the cabin.
"Is there a u-haul anywhere around here?"
Elizabeth whispered, as an employee of the store walked over to them.
"It might not even fit in one."
Rosalie whispered back, looking at her daughter. She definitely couldn't say no, especially with Christmas so close by.
"You should get what you need now, in a bit the store's going to be piled up."
Rosalie pointed to the bear on the shelf.
"Do you do gift wrapping too?"

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