Lee's In Town

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Rosalie sat on the swing on the porch next to Elizabeth, as they watched Abbi throw snowballs at Henry. They'd planned to go sledding the next day, and Henry was even more excited than Abbi.
"I love you."
Elizabeth whispered out of nowhere, causing Rosalie's heart to flutter. She pulled Elizabeth closer and took a contented breath.
"I love you too." So very much, babe.
When they saw a vehicle pulling up in front of the cabin, Henry's eyebrows furrowed. That's mama's car.
Lee stepped out, and both Elizabeth and Rosalie felt like they were hit with a ton of bricks. What's she doing here?
Abbi noticed the stranger and stood still, before running over to her mothers. As for Henry, he brushed his gloved covered hands together and met his mother halfway.
"Mama, what are you doing here?"
Lee pulled him in for a hug without saying anything. He hugged her back with concern lining his forehead.
"I missed you," Henry forced a smile, trying to hide his own discomfort, "I thought I'd take the trip up since it's Christmas. Well, I'm a day too late, but I'm still here."
Henry led Lee into the house. As they passed his other mothers, Rosalie lowered her eyes to her daughter sitting on her lap. After their breakup, they'd never gotten along with Lee, especially since she'd revealed Rosalie's secret identity to the world. Lee despised them both for being together too, which is why they were surprised that she was there. What were her intentions?
Abbi jumped off of her mother's lap and rushed in behind her brother. She'd never seen that woman before, and was curious to know who she was.
"Henry!" She called, as she ran into him, almost knocking him over, "who is she?"
She pointed almost harshly. But it was unintentional. Lee felt uneasy that Abbi didn't even know who she was. Was Henry that ashamed to call her his mother?
"This is Lee."
Henry introduced, making Lee's heart sink. She succeeded at a poker face and smiled at the little girl, as Henry lifted her up.
"Is she here to collect her present from mommy?"
Henry didn't know what else to do but nod. How was he to explain to his little sister that he had another mother? They'd never discussed Lee infront of Abbi, since they'd decided it was for the best that she didn't know about her.
Henry trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck. He needed to be saved, but no one seemed to want to confront Lee.
"It's nice to meet you-"
Lee couldn't even remember the little girl's name. Henry mentioned it once or twice over the years, but her memory was failing her.
"Abbi, come here." Right, Abbi.
Kaitlyn called, as she walked out of the kitchen. She looked at Lee with the most uninterested eyes, as though her presence didn't matter.
"Grandma, you know her too?"
Kaitlyn still hadn't forgotten how much hurt Lee had caused to both of her daughters. And she certainly didn't want that woman anywhere near them or her grandchildren. Even though Lee was Henry's mother, for the majority of his life, she never acted like it. What was she trying to achieve by being there? All Lee did was tamper with the happiness of those Kaitlyn loved the most.
"You want hot chocolate? Let's go into the kitchen, shall we?"
Abbi shook her head, but Kaitlyn still led her into the kitchen.
"What are you doing here, Lee?"
Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest, as she leaned against the door. Rosalie pushed past her and headed into the kitchen behind her mother.
"I'm here to see my son for the holidays. I'm sorry if I'm disrupting your peace."
Lee still had a pissy tone whenever she spoke to Elizabeth. Elizabeth closed the door and took off her jacket, the heating in the room warming her up.
"You're not particularly welcomed here, if you didn't realize."
Elizabeth had her own bitchy tone, one that annoyed Lee to a great extent.
"Moms, can we just be civil?"
Henry pleaded, wanting nothing more than for them to get along. It had been so many years, but they hated each other's guts.
"I can. Can Beth be?"
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and shrugged.
"Henry, I'll be anywhere but here. Have fun with," Elizabeth didn't want to say it, "your mother."
He nodded, as Elizabeth headed into the kitchen. Finding her wife leaning against the kitchen island, she sighed and wrapped her arms around her neck.
"Let's be civil. It's a time to be with the ones we love. And she's still his mother."
Abbi's eyes fluttered.
"His mother?" Rosalie placed her hand over her mouth and cursed herself. Fuck my life, "she's his mommy?"
Rosalie hid her anguish and smiled brightly for her daughter. Should I just cover it up with another lie? Rosalie's heart ached. We shouldn't lie to her.
"Yes, babygirl. Before your mama and I were married, she was married to that woman out there, and they had Henry together."
"You're not Henry's mommy?"
Abbi was so confused. Her brother had another mother?
"I am too. When your mama and I got married, Henry became my son as well."
Kaitlyn rubbed her temple in frustration. That woman's just like my frickin' ex-husband-always stirring up drama.
"So I have another mommy?"
Fuck no. She's not related to any part of you. Instead of voicing her thoughts, Rosalie mustered up her biggest smile.
"No," she gritted her teeth, "she's only Henry's mommy, not yours, babygirl." If you call her mommy, I'll fly you out to Milan right away.
"How does Henry get three mommies and I only have two?"
She held up two of her little fingers. At least the two that you have love you unconditionally.
"Sweetie," Rosalie lifted her daughter up and placed her onto the kitchen island to sit, "because your mama and I have enough love to give you. You don't need another mommy."
Abbi frowned and wiggled her fingers.
"Do I have a daddy?" Oh bloody hell, just shoot me with a horse tranquilizer.
"I'll take it from here."
Elizabeth said, noticing that Rosalie was lost for words. She took Abbi into their room to answer all of the questions that she had. Rosalie plopped down on a kitchen stool, and her mother poured her a glass of wine.
"We both need a drink."
Kaitlyn said, as she gulped down the entire glass. Just looking at the conversation unfold gave her major anxiety.
"God," Rosalie picked up the glass, "my mouth has never gotten me in so much trouble before," Kaitlyn nodded, as Michelle walked into the kitchen, confusion written across her face, "take a seat, Michelle," Rosalie poured a glass for her, "today's a hectic day."
"Uh," Michelle sat down, "what's Lee doing here?"
Rosalie sighed. Was Lee once again trying to be the mother she should have always been? Was she going to back out like always?
"It's the holidays, Michelle. Let's just make the best out of the situation."
Michelle grabbed her glass of wine. She'd need something a lot stronger to get through the day.
Lee entered the kitchen alongside Yasmin. Henry had introduced them a while back, not that anyone else had known.
"I see that you two know each other."
Kaitlyn pointed out, knowing that they couldn't have just met and be so comfortable around each other.
"A few months back, I think."
Lee answered, causing Rosalie to down the rest of her wine and pour another glass. When Elizabeth finds out, she'll go ballistic.
"I see something's bothering you. You don't drink unless that's the case." Yeah, you are bothering me, if you didn't know.
"Actually, I enjoy a glass of wine now and then. Let's just say it's a new habit." Don't question my choices as though we're still together.
Lee nodded and looked around the kitchen, not oblivious to the frown on Kaitlyn's face.
"I'll be spending a few days in town. I booked a room at the bed and breakfast a few miles away."
God, save us all. Rosalie forced a smile and poured herself another glass. At this rate, it's best to just start drinking from the bottle itself.
Abbi rushed in and collided with Lee's thigh.
"Mama said that you're Henry's mommy. Doesn't that make you my mommy too?" Fuck, I already told you no, Abbi.
Rosalie felt her face flushing.
"No, sweetie. I'm your mommy," Rosalie pushed her glass to the side and got up. She knew that she shouldn't have drank anymore, since she didn't want to set a bad example for her daughter, "Henry has his parents, and you have yours. And just because I'm his mother too doesn't mean that she's your mom, okay?"
Abbi nodded, still confused. Lee wanted to chuckle. His mother? She scoffed, making everyone's heads turn.
"Did she say something wrong, Lee?"
Kaitlyn questioned with the raise of her brow. She couldn't digest the fact that Lee was standing right next to her daughter and grandchild.
"Hmm, just wondering," Lee knew that it would just cause a scene to voice her opinion, "it's nothing. I'm just here to enjoy the holidays with my son."
Your son? You mean the son that you forget about for the majority of the year? Kaitlyn stood and took her granddaughter's hand in hers.
"We'll be watching tv, if you need us, honey."
Kaitlyn said to her daughter and left the kitchen, while Zoe, Margaret and Andrew were heading in the same direction. They didn't know Lee all that well, and preferred to keep to themselves, knowing the drama that her being there entailed.
"We try to keep it the least complicated for the sake of Abbi. I know you don't appreciate me referring to Henry as my son." Technically, I am his mother. Even if I'd married you instead, he'd still be my step-son.
Lee shrugged as Henry walked in, overhearing the conversation.
"Everyone being civil?"
No one nodded. Instead, Rosalie headed toward the pantry for another bottle of wine. Fuck it. I might as well get drunk off of my ass if she's going to be around.
Elizabeth observed everyone in the kitchen from where she was standing. For sure, everyone was uncomfortable. And she felt sick to her stomach.
Yasmin sat back, not knowing the history between Lee and Rosalie. She assumed that their hostility toward each other was just because Lee was Elizabeth's ex-wife. She didn't know that it was much more complicated than that.
"I quit my job."
Michelle said to break the silence. She'd sent an email to her boss letting her know that she'd resigned. She'd decided against giving a two weeks notice, because she knew that if she saw Joselyn, the woman would try to change her mind. And she didn't want to give herself the choice, because she was indeed developing feelings that she shouldn't have been. For god's sake, she's married. Why does it hurt so much to let her go?
"That's great. I'll give you the low down on everything when you're ready. For now, it's just handling my website. I'm not firing Mallory until we've got the gallery up and running."
Lee listened and wondered about the goings of Rosalie's life. She's opening a gallery?
"Yeah, I just have to clear out my apartment, put a few things in storage and hire a u-haul to bring all my shit here. Fuck, I need to look for an apartment here first."
"Michelle, you don't have to move here till Summer. Beth and I have to deal with things back in Milan before we actually move here. We decided that Abbi should finish this school year first."
"Wait, I already quit my job."
Rosalie took a deep breath.
"You can handle the website in the meantime. And work from wherever you like."
Michelle grinned. I can be vacationing in Hawaii and working at the same time.
Rosalie handed Elizabeth a glass of wine, causing her to smile and place a peck on her lips. With their eyes, they told each other I love you.
"You guys should get a room," Yasmin giggled, where even Michelle didn't join along, "what?" She looked around, attempting to lighten the mood. Henry nudged her shoulder and shook his head. He probably should have explained everything to her before introducing her to everyone, but definitely didn't expect Lee to randomly show up, "you know, just because your wife married another woman doesn't mean that you guys can't get along."
Once again, Yasmin's mouth was getting her in trouble. Couldn't she see that it was a very sensitive topic?
"I'm guessing that she doesn't know."
Lee said, as she grabbed a seat. Stretching her neck, she placed a hand over her mouth, as she yawned.
"She's just trying to be funny," Henry explained, wrapping his arm around Yasmin's shoulder, "Yasmin, there's probably something I should have told you-"
"You two need to start communicating more," Michelle butted in, "these are important things to discuss with your girlfriend."
"Am I embarrassing myself again?"
Yasmin asked. Rosalie draped her arm over Elizabeth's back and sipped her wine. She could already feel herself becoming tipsy.
"Kinda." You've got a huge potty mouth.
Rosalie pressed her lips together and closed her eyes. Her head was spinning.
"What don't I know this time?"
The biggest elephant in the room. Michelle grabbed the bottle of vodka that she'd stored in the fridge. Lee and Rosalie looked at each other. Rosalie felt a tightening in her chest, as flashbacks invaded her mind, making her cringe.
"I was engaged to Lee a while back."
Rosalie said nonchalantly, as her heart thumped in her chest. Yasmin was confused for a moment, before she started to put the pieces together.
"Wait, what?"
She looked at her boyfriend in disbelief. What kind of love triangle is that?
"Lee was married to Beth. Then cheated on Beth with me. They got divorced. Then her and I got engaged. Then when I found out that she'd cheated on Beth with me, I broke off our engagement. After all that, Beth and I, well, you get the idea," Rosalie was probably more drunk than she'd realized, "fuck, it's so complicated."
She placed her hands over her face when Elizabeth took the glass of wine away. My head's hurting so badly.
"That seems about right."
Elizabeth sighed and rubbed Rosalie's back. Lee gritted her teeth and tapped her fingers against her thigh. It didn't make sense to deny it, because it was true-she did have them both at the same time.
"So you were sleeping with them both at the same time?" Yeah Yasmin, just go ahead and voice what's on everyone's mind.
Yasmin asked Lee, causing Rosalie to run over to the sink. Spilling all the contents in her stomach, Elizabeth glared at Yasmin and grabbed a paper towel for her wife.
"Thanks for pointing that out, Yasmin."
Rosalie said sarcastically. She slid down to the floor and leaned against the cupboard beneath the sink. God, just the thought makes me queasy. Lee fucked us both for two years.
"Babe, maybe it's time that you and I head to our room?"
Henry ushered his girlfriend out of the kitchen, making sure to give Elizabeth and Rosalie apologetic eyes.
"Well, this is turning into a crappy Christmas."
Michelle muttered. She poured herself a glass of vodka and headed into the living room. Abbi will think it's water. She found her mother asleep on the couch, while everyone else was watching tv.
"I'm happy that you've decided to come see Henry, but are you really going to spend a few days?"
Lee shrugged. I can do what I want, Beth.
"It's not like I'm staying here. I'll be a few miles away so you two can cuddle up with one another without worrying."
Lee said bitterly.
"I'm going to take a nap. Wake me if," Rosalie placed her hand against her chest, "the house is burning down."
She got off of the floor with Elizabeth's help and headed toward their bedroom.
"Make yourself at home."
Elizabeth smiled weakly and left the kitchen too. Sure. Lee grabbed a glass and poured herself some wine.

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