Roses Revealed

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"YOU'RE BEING TOO hard on yourself, bunny."
Elizabeth rubbed Rosalie's back as they laid in bed together. Rosalie had called her whilst crying, and she immediately left work to head to the hotel room. Kaitlyn had gone outside to make a phone call, and had been giving Elizabeth strange looks since she got there.
"I'm an awful person. It was so depressing. All of them looked at me as though I held the answers to their future. I don't want a future with any of them, I want one with you. Only you, Beth."
Elizabeth placed a kiss upon Rosalie's lips and pulled her closer. Rosalie wasn't a bad person. She was just a victim of hungry eyes. Beauty was sometimes a woman's greatest enemy, especially when situations got forceful. Elizabeth thanked the heavens that Rosalie had never found herself in a situation like that. Many girls fell prey to the unwanted touch of a woman or man-too much, actually.
"It'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I just can't believe that Lee said such awful things to you. The next time I see her, I won't hesitate to give her a..."
"You're so much like my mother."
Rosalie sat up and straddled Elizabeth's lap. Her cheeks were red and puffy, and her eyes were constantly watering.
"I'm not sure what to say to that. You're not going to call me mommy when we make love, right?"
Rosalie slapped Elizabeth's arm and chuckled. It was exactly what was needed to lighten the mood, as inappropriate as it was.
"I can't say for certain. Does this mean that on mother's day I have to get two bouquets?"
Elizabeth chuckled.
"It would be nice, since you're my girlfriend now. I'd think you're obligated to treat me nice on mother's day."
Rosalie nodded and smiled widely. It made her so happy to think of spending holidays with Elizabeth-Christmas, Thanksgiving, even Cinco de Mayo.
"I'm falling for you... extremely hard." Rosalie wasn't sure how Elizabeth would react to her confession. But when her mother entered the room and slammed the door behind her, she knew that they'd have to wait to talk about it. "What's wrong, mum?"
Rosalie moved off of Elizabeth and stood from the bed. Kaitlyn seemed upset-pissed, actually.
"Your ex-fiancée just outed you to the public. It's all over the bloody place. I've been receiving calls like crazy... dammit. Honey, I'm so sorry. But, it's time."
Rosalie groaned. She couldn't believe that Lee actually did that. What was she going to do? She didn't want to be recognized-not at all. Sure, she'd considered it, but it wasn't the right time, if there was ever a right time.
"She could be telling a lie. Rumors spread so much and..."
"Remember the time someone claimed to be you, what happened to them? The paparazzi stalked them everywhere. You're like gold to magazines. Revealed secrets are what keeps them in bloody business."
Kaitlyn's face was turning red. She wanted to give Lee a piece of her mind, Elizabeth wanted to as well.
"You can hide out for a bit until you're ready to face the cameras. The trip is in a week anyway."
Rosalie had almost forgotten about the trip to Milan. She sighed and sank back into the bed and Elizabeth's arms.
Kaitlyn watched her daughter's actions closely. It brought warmth to her heart from the affection that the two shared, but she was still worried. What mother wouldn't worry?
"We need to leave this hotel now, before paparazzi make it here. Lee hasn't mentioned anything about your relationship. Probably an ego thing, but that doesn't mean that someone else will not."
"We'll head to my cabin in Vermont before we head to Milan. Is there any way that you can push up the date for that private plane?"
Kaitlyn nodded and headed into the bathroom with her phone.
"I'm so sorry for everything."
Rosalie apologized as her tears began to pour again. She felt like a wreck, and probably looked like one too.
"It's not that bad. You're not a celeb, right? If anyone approaches you, it's just for now. It'll wear off. Look, it's better this way. You won't have this secret on your shoulder any longer, and who gives a fuck what anyone has to say about you? You're beautiful whether you dress like a nineties cartoon character or not. And I'm falling for you too, Rosalie. So, please don't cry."
Rosalie pulled Elizabeth into a hug and wiped her tears away with the back of her palm. If only one thing could get Rosalie to stop being sad, it was definitely that.
"I know. It's just been a secret for so long. It's hard to accept that it isn't anymore. Being an introvert sucks."
"I know, bunny. The bright side of it is that she has nothing on you anymore. Now that she's spilled it, you definitely have nothing to do with her."
"She doesn't want anything to do with me regardless. Apparently, I'm a slut because I'm with you."
Elizabeth ran the pad of her thumb over Rosalie's lips and inhaled a deep breath. Lee was venomous. It wasn't her secret to tell, and Rosalie had to face the consequences.
"The cabin has a fireplace. We'll roast marshmallows and sing folk songs. And maybe, I'll even pull off another romantic gesture."
"Don't you have to work though?"
Elizabeth had put work over the important people in her life for as long as she could remember. It was time that she'd interchanged her habits.
"You're more important."
"You never fail to take my breath away, Elizabeth. Thank you for being here for me. I really appreciate it."
"It's my pleasure, bunny. You're worth it."

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