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Rosalie had waited for this day anxiously. Exactly one year, two months and three days after their engagement, it was finally time to walk down the aisle. Kaitlyn had tears in her eyes for the entire walk toward the priestess. She'd never been more supportive of her daughter's choices. Elizabeth was indeed an amazing woman, and they'd all been anxiously waiting and planning for the perfect wedding day. They both wore dresses, of course. And the wedding was kept at the beach house in California that Rosalie had bought. For sure, it was mostly for the benefit of Henry, since he was attending UCLA. But it was also the perfect place for the wedding. They'd organized the small event for just close family, which mostly consisted of their little group.
When Kaitlyn gave her daughter away at the altar, she almost bursted into tears right there. She hugged Elizabeth and kissed her cheek.
"Take care of her."
Kaitlyn whispered. She'd loved Elizabeth as her own daughter, and Henry as her own grandson. They were the family she'd always dreamed of for Rosalie.
"I will, with all that I can. I promise."
Elizabeth assured as she placed her hands in Rosalie's. Rosalie was such a beautiful bride. Elizabeth's heart was soaring. She couldn't believe that they were finally there, in that moment. Sure, they'd fought over their period of time together, but as any good couple, they'd worked their differences out, and developed their bond more and more.

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