Henry's Birthday

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Rosalie bought some art supplies-pencils, paint brushes, a paint set and a sketch pad. She sat at a cozy coffee shop and allowed herself to get lost in the blankness of the paper, turning the page into a beautiful piece of work.
"That's beautiful."
Someone said, making Rosalie's focus falter. She lifted her head up and her eyes met gorgeous, red lips. Dropping her paint brush onto a tissue, she shook her hand to alleviate her tense knuckles.
"Thank you."
Rosalie smiled as the woman leaned closer, her eyes moving over the shades with fascination.
"This reminds me of a piece that I've seen before."
Her long, silver hair was draped over her shoulders and a pair of thin-framed glasses sat nicely on her nose.
"That's possible. Inspiration can be plagiarized, I guess."
The girl chuckled and took a seat on the chair opposite Rosalie's.
"I'm Kelly."
Rosalie smiled and wiped her hand on a napkin. She'd been painting and sketching for hours to take her mind off of everything.
Kelly continued to admire Rosalie's piece, and Rosalie flipped the sketch pad over so that she'd get a better view.
"It's so familiar."
Rosalie quirked her brow. Kelly had probably seen one of Rosalie's paintings under her alias name. She closed her sketch pad and took a sip of her cold coffee.
"So you have a love of art?"
Kelly smiled and placed her hands on the table. She'd notice that face from a mile away-Kaitlyn Watson's daughter.
"Aspiring artist."
Rosalie was intrigued. She'd always enjoyed discussing the craft with someone who appreciated the stroke of a paintbrush or pencil as much as she did.
"Me too."
"You're Kaitlyn..."
"Yes, I am."
A sudden tension rose and Rosalie noticed the blush creeping onto Kelly's cheeks. Rosalie had used her mother's fame to pull advances on women before, not that she really needed it. Her beautiful smile always seemed to do the trick, or so she was told.
"Your mom's like my... everything. She's..."
"Amazing. I know."
Kelly took out her phone and quickly snapped a picture of the two, which made Rosalie uncomfortable.
"She's in Puerto Rico, right?"
Rosalie nodded. At least Kelly did her research. She didn't appreciate being confronted by one of her mother's loyal fans, but there was something about Kelly that made her wonder-why am I not attracted to her? Kelly was definitely Rosalie's type-nerdy and seemingly smart. Rosalie didn't even want to be with Lee, who was someone she loved.
"You probably know her whereabouts more than me. It was nice meeting you."
Rosalie packed away her things and headed to her car. It was Henry's eighteenth birthday and he invited her over for the pool party that Elizabeth was hosting. She wasn't sure that she wanted to be there, because Lee, of course, would be. And hopefully Lee would attend for her son's sake and not just for a chance to see Rosalie.
Traffic was heavy for a Saturday afternoon, and the gift that sat on the front passenger's seat of the car, dazzled in the sunlight. Rosalie sighed as she pulled up a block away from Elizabeth's house and grabbed the gift along with her purse. The street was filled with cars, presumably owned by the other guests that attended the party.
When she pressed the doorbell, Elizabeth opened the door, almost immediately, with a frown on her face. Rosalie stepped inside with a smile, wondering why Elizabeth seemed so upset, and then, she saw Lee standing by the staircase. Rosalie's smile faltered, and a frown, of her own, curved her lips.
Lee pulled Rosalie into her arms, but didn't receive a warm embrace in return. Rosalie felt as though she was suffocating, and those feelings that she'd held close to her heart, for all those years, seemed to be disintegrating.
"Lee, can you let me go?"
Rosalie inhaled a breath as those grey eyes stared sadly into hers. She regretted how harshly the words slipped out, but it was the only way to set her ground. Straightening her posture, she placed the gift, on the table next to the door, with the others.
"I've missed you... I just..."
"You should focus on your son. It's his birthday after all."
Rosalie gritted her teeth and headed into the backyard. She noticed Elizabeth, standing quietly nearby, looking at her. And when she spotted Zoe in a two piece bathing suit, her eyes nearly bulged out. What was she doing there?
Henry ran up to her with goggles covering his eyes, and his entire body soaked.
"You didn't forget your bathing suit, right?"
Rosalie shook her head and gulped.
"Happy Birthday, kid. Soon you'll be taller than me."
Henry placed his arms on his hips and puffed out his chest. He'd gotten taller in a mere few months, and had grown out his facial hair.
"Thanks. You'll join us in the pool?"
Rosalie shook her head. She didn't plan on sporting any pieces for a group of teenage boys to gawk rudely at. But Zoe didn't seem to mind. When Zoe's eyes landed on Rosalie's, she immediately rushed over, her supple breasts seeming as though they'd pop out at any moment. Zoe had definitely changed from the nerdy teenager that she once was. She'd given up glasses for contacts, and sweatshirts for more revealing clothing.
"Rose, I thought you'd never come."
Zoe pulled Rosalie in for a hug, her hardened nipples pressing against Rosalie's upper torso. Rosalie was about two inches taller than Zoe, with an additional five inches with her heels. Clearing her throat and feeling her cheeks heating up, Rosalie stepped backward and focused her eyes completely on Zoe's face.
"Fancy seeing you here. Where's Margaret?"
Lee observed Rosalie and Zoe's conversation. She felt jealousy boiling in the pit of her stomach as she walked over to them and wrapped her arm around Rosalie's shoulder.
"She's somewhere with Michelle... You must be the wife."
Zoe and Lee shook hands and Rosalie stepped away from the two. She walked over to where Henry was sitting at the edge of the pool. He immediately jumped in when he noticed that his mother was walking over. Those angry eyes gave him warning while he was growing up, and he didn't intend to be caught in one of her bitch fits, as they say.
"I'm not in the mood, so leave me alone."
Lee crossed her arms over her chest and scoffed. Zoe studied Rosalie's facial expression from afar, and realized that Rosalie was certainly not happy in her relationship.
"I'm not just going to run away like you've been doing. I actually care about you. I care about us, and our relationship."
Rosalie closed her eyes as her chest tightened with anger. How dare she? It was Henry's birthday, but Lee was so selfish, that she couldn't leave her own issues at the door. She wanted to instigate a fight. And that's what she was going to get, because Rosalie was done being the good girl. She lifted her hand up and wiggled her fingers. She hadn't placed her ring back on since she took it off that night, and wasn't intending to.
"If that doesn't tell you to fuck off, I don't know what will."
Lee's jaw tightened and she stared at Rosalie with fury in her eyes. How could Rosalie take off the ring? How could she give up on their relationship so easily?
Zoe continued to speculate as she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She smiled as Margaret placed a kiss on her cheek. But felt unsettled as she watched Rosalie and Lee's pending argument. It was hard to watch the woman she'd loved for most of her teenage years be in so much pain. She could see the pain that Rosalie carried on her shoulders-actually, she could feel it.
Rosalie stood and tilted her head to the side. Lee had nothing to say? It was unusual to think that the woman in front of her was lost for words. Rosalie expected a snarky remark.
"So, that's it? You're done?"
Everyone in the backyard heard what Lee said, and intently waited for Rosalie's response. But unlike Lee, Rosalie wasn't selfish. She didn't want to ruin Henry's birthday. So, instead of answering, she decided to leave.
"You should spend your time with your son."
Rosalie said with a forced smile and hurt spreading through her entire body. She was about to turn to walk away, when Lee grabbed her arm to stop her. Lee applied unnecessary pressure as she held onto Rosalie, making Rosalie shove her in the chest.
"As much as I hate to make a scene, touch me like that again, and I won't think twice to deal with you in the right way."
"You're gonna fight me?"
Lee was only an inch taller than Rosalie and about twice in weight. Rosalie was slim, but she knew how to defend herself, more than anyone knew.
"No. I'd probably break you. I know how much you like to be torn."
Rosalie placed her hand inside of her pocket. She'd kept the ring with her ever since she'd taken it off, but after that encounter, she'd probably throw it into the Onondaga Lake. She walked over to Zoe and narrowed her gaze.
"We're not married, so I'd appreciate it if you don't call her my wife."
Rosalie said bitterly before walking away. She hated that they'd caused a scene, and as she entered the house and noticed Elizabeth leaning against the staircase, a sigh escaped her lips.
"You two should keep your problems away from my house and away from my son."
When Rosalie heard what Elizabeth had to say, she felt that she was being blamed wrongfully-she didn't do anything but try to avoid conflict.
"Beth, I..."
"You should go."
Elizabeth said as she walked into the kitchen. Rosalie followed behind her without a thought. She knew that something was bothering Elizabeth, and that it probably had to do with Lee.
"Beth, I'm sorry."
Rosalie found herself apologizing once more to Elizabeth. But Elizabeth knew that Rosalie shouldn't. She wasn't upset because of Lee, or that they almost ruined Henry's birthday party. She was torn with her feelings-feelings that she thought she'd gotten rid of.
"Rosalie, please go."
Elizabeth insisted as she placed her hands on the surface of the kitchen island. Rosalie stepped closer, her body too close for Elizabeth's liking. Elizabeth turned, and as those enticing brown eyes met hers, she placed her hand on Rosalie's cheek and leaned into a kiss. Rosalie was surprised, but reciprocated the contact. She felt her heart jumping inside of her chest. Her hands moved over Elizabeth's scapula and down the length of her arm. The kiss intensified, and Rosalie felt her body shuddering as she pressed Elizabeth against the kitchen island. Elizabeth's hand caressed Rosalie's cheek as her other hand gripped onto Rosalie's waist. They both didn't know what came over them, but didn't want to stop. And as they heard someone clearing their throat, Rosalie immediately stepped back with widened eyes.

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