Their Arguement

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After a few hours of painting, Rosalie didn't realize that she'd pulled an all-nighter. She decided that it was time for a much needed break and headed towards the kitchen. Stopping right before the door, she heard Lee's voice.
"I can't take him today Beth, you know how busy it gets around the restaurant." Rosalie ran her fingers through her hair and entered the kitchen, Lee's eyes meeting hers instantly. "Yes. Yes. I know you don't ask me for much."
"I can take care of him."
Rosalie whispered as she walked past her fiancée and over to the pantry. She picked up an apple and pressed her lips together, waiting for a response from Lee.
"Okay, Beth. I'll pick him up from school. Don't worry. Is he gonna have to spend the night, or?"
Taking a bite into the red apple, she tilted her head to the side and admired how her lover looked in tight-fitted jeans.
"Good. Six it is. Bye."
Lee sighed as she placed her phone down on the kitchen counter. She'd always seemed stressed whenever she got off of the phone with Elizabeth or Henry, even if it was just a normal conversation.
"Everything good?"
Lee nodded and wiped her hands on a hand towel. Rosalie took another bite of her apple before throwing it into the trash. She'd take a nap before picking Henry up from school.
"Yes. You are a lifesaver sweetheart."
Lee walked over to her fiancée and wrapped her arms around the woman's neck. She ran the tip of her tongue over the surface of her upper lip before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.
"Anything for you. So what time do I have to pick him up from school?"
Rosalie tilted her head to the side. She'd always loved that Lee was a chef. It was quite sexy to her.
"3:30. I bet those teenagers' jaws will fall out from one look at you."
Lee felt jealousy boiling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't like when anyone flirted with Rosalie, or grew fond of her.
Maybe, I shouldn't let her go.
Rosalie furrowed her brows and cringed. She'd never go for a teenager. The thought alone disgusted her.
"I've only got eyes for their mothers."
Rosalie grinned and Lee slapped her arm. Rosalie knew that for things like that, she needed to make sure Lee knew that she had nothing to worry about.
"That's so not sexy." It'll be fine.
Lee placed a kiss on Rosalie's forehead, then upon her nose. Rosalie smelled as usual-cinnamon and lavender.
"It is to me."
Rosalie placed her hands on Lee's hips and smiled widely. She'd missed Lee, even though her work usually consumed her thoughts when she was in the studio.
"I'm right here, you know."
Pedro mumbled as he kneaded dough on the kitchen counter. It wasn't the first time that he'd witnessed their affection, and it definitely, wouldn't be the last.
"Oh, right. Forgot you're here." Lee placed a kiss on Rosalie's forehead before patting the back of her shoulders and stepping backward. "Let me get back to work, sweetheart. There are two chicken pot pies with my name on it."
Rosalie checked the time on her wrist watch and noticed that it was 11:00 in the morning. She headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs into the loft. Hopping into bed, she wrapped herself up in her blanket. She'd have a bath when she woke up.
The vibration of her phone woke her up and she groaned loudly. She was having a dream about flying vibrators and naked models. And needless to say, she didn't want the dream to end.
'Rosalie! We so have to go out soon. I've missed you, Hun. This weekend we are going drinking and don't allow her to make you say no!'
Rosalie wanted to roll her eyes. She never enjoyed hanging out with Janice at a bar. She'd been left to fend for herself, in a ruthless crowd as Janice made out with a random chick in a corner, too many times to count.
'I'm not going drinking with you, Janey.'
She knew that Janice would be upset. But Rosalie wanted to spend her free time reading her book and being with Lee, not at a bar getting drunk with a sweaty crowd.
'Don't be a pain in the ass. You're twenty five! Live a little!'
She shoved the covers off and headed into the kitchen. There were freshly baked, double chocolate chip cookies on the counter. Rosalie smiled and picked up one as she looked at her phone screen. Deciding to not respond, she placed her phone onto the counter and headed to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
The lyrics to her favorite song started playing and she groaned. She was receiving an incoming call. Grabbing her phone off of the counter, she looked at the caller ID and sighed. Rosalie answered with a frown on her face.
"What Janice?"
"Damn, you haven't changed a bit. So, Saturday, we are going to District Centre, and you can't say no. Or so help me god, I will come over there, dress you myself and drag your fat ass out of that place."
Rosalie furrowed her brows. It wasn't the first time that Janice had threatened her. And as usual, Rosalie called her out on her bluff.
"Wait. Wait. My fat ass can kick your pale, skinny ass to the curb."
"Aw, sure you can."
"I'm picking Henry up from school, so I have to go soon."
Rosalie placed the call on speaker and rested her phone on the counter as she took a bite of the cookie.
"Who's Henry?"
"Lee's son."
"Oh, I forgot that she has a kid. Aren't you and him the same age?"
"Don't be a dumbass, he's seventeen."
Rosalie groaned and rubbed her temples with her index and middle fingers.
"Close enough."
Janice chuckled, making Rosalie scrunch up her nose. She could be childish sometimes.
"I don't need another lecture about how I don't fit into her life, so I'm going to go."
"You can do better."
"I can do what I want."
Rosalie gritted her teeth. She didn't appreciate Janice talking negatively about Lee. She, then, realized that Lee had been standing beside the staircase, for god knows how long.
"You know how much I dislike your girlfriend."
Rosalie inhaled a deep breath as Lee crossed her arms over her chest, and tilted her head to the side, wordlessly telling her to hang up the phone.
"It's fiancée. I have to go. Bye."
"But Rosalie..."
Rosalie hung up and clutched her phone tightly in the palm of her hand.
"Janice?" She nodded and swallowed. "She really doesn't like me? What did I do?"
Lee mumbled as she walked closer to Rosalie and placed her hands on the counter.
"She doesn't know what she is talking about. Don't bother with her."
Lee quirked a brow. She'd heard enough to know that there was a problem.
"Really? She seems to be trying to break us up. I don't think you should talk to her anymore."
Rosalie stuffed her phone into her back pocket. She didn't appreciate Lee telling her what to do.
"Really Lee? That's pretty childish."
Lee clasped her hand in front of her body and shook her head. It had to be done-negative friends had negative effects on a relationship.
"She's not good for you, sweetheart. All you need is me, right?" That's what I say.
Rosalie swallowed and nodded hesitantly. Lee was using her words against her. And she didn't like it one bit.
"Yeah... but, she's my friend Lee. I can't just drop her like that."
"She wants you to drop me, just like that."
Lee never liked Janice. She always seemed to have feelings for Rosalie, and that obviously troubled Lee.
"It's not like that."
"What's it like then?"
Lee snapped and gripped onto the edge of the counter, her knuckles becoming white.
"Why should I just stop talking to one of my closest friends because you say so? You're not the boss of me."
Rosalie gritted her teeth and narrowed her gaze. She'd never allow anyone to control her, especially when she'd fought so hard to help her mother out of a controlling marriage. She'd never let herself fall victim to one.
"But I am your fiancée now and I have a say in your life."
Rosalie stepped back and shook her head. That was absolutely crossing the line, and it pissed her off.
"I've never seen this side of you. What changed? The ring you put on my finger? Because you can have that back along with whatever you think I must do and what you have a say in my life."
Rosalie was furious. If she'd known that Lee would end up doing that, she wouldn't have accepted her proposal.
"I'm only looking out for your best interests. You're young and you'll make mistakes. I'm here to help you avoid as much as you can..."
"What mistakes? We were talking about you wanting me to drop Janice, now I'm suddenly making mistakes? Enlighten me, darling."
Rosalie threw the rest of the cookie into the garbage can and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. Lee walked up behind her, and wrapped her arms around her waist.
"I didn't mean it like..."
"Just leave me alone."
Rosalie pulled away from Lee's hold and walked into the living room. She was angry-heart-wrenchingly furious.
"Sweetheart, you're overreacting."
Lee followed behind her lover. She'd never been good with words, but she always meant well, or so she thought.
"Am I? Go deal with your restaurant. I'm going to get dressed to go pick up your son from school, since you're obviously too busy to do it yourself."
Rosalie felt sick to her stomach. She needed a shower and air to breathe-time away from Lee.
"You volunteered, sweetheart."
"Yes I did."
Rosalie mumbled as she walked into their room and slammed the door. She was fuming-extremely so. She took a shower and got dressed-ripped, skinny jeans, crop top, leather jacket, and ankle high, leather boot heels. After getting ready, she grabbed her keys from the nightstand and opened the bedroom door. Lee wasn't there.
Rosalie exhaled a low breath and headed downstairs, moving as quickly as possible out of the restaurant without any distractions, but Pennelope called out for her.
"Looking good, bestie."
She gave her friend a smile as she passed by the bar and strutted straight to the doors. Customers were already beginning to pile up.
Rosalie walked over to the parking lot beside the restaurant. She slid into the front seat of her red sports car and placed the key into the ignition. Pulling onto the road felt like walking through her high school hallway on the first day, all over again-scary. She was usually confident sporting her ride that she'd spent a fortune on. But that day, it felt different. After her argument with Lee, she felt small. Her confidence level plummeted, and her heart ached inside of her chest.

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