They Argue

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"THAT WAS SOME smooth flirting, mum."
Rosalie giggled, as they headed to the car. Abbi was worn out for the day, and laid in Elizabeth's arms, since she was too tired to walk.
"Don't be a bitch just because you're tied down."
Kaitlyn scoffed.
"Not tied down, mum. I'm in a committed marriage. So jokes on you."
"Don't brag. Not all of us find what you two have," Kaitlyn sighed, as she opened the driver's side door of the car, "she won't call anyway, I'm a grandmother, for god's sake. She'll go running for the hills when she finds out."
"Oh, so you like her for more than just a one night stand then?" Kaitlyn's eyes widened, "someone's whipped."
"Uh, no," Rosalie giggled again, as they got into the car, "and not every beautiful stranger I see I want to sleep with either, my dear daughter."
"I don't know, mum. She seems like your type, just a lot more smart than your usual acquaintances."
Kaitlyn didn't answer, instead she focused her eyes on the road, as Rosalie and Michelle giggled in the back seat.
Meeting Callie and Megan was a pleasant encounter. It was nice to see young love, especially since none of them were that young anymore.
"Mama," Abbi yawned against Elizabeth's chest, "can I have a baby brother?"
Elizabeth's eyes widened. I'm too old for another baby.
"But you're my baby, don't you want all of the attention to yourself?"
Abbi whispered, nuzzling into her mother's chest. She twirled her fingers in her mother's hair, as she drifted off to sleep.
Rosalie looked at her wife with the biggest smile. Another kid, huh? That doesn't sound too bad.
"Don't get any ideas."
Elizabeth warned, noticing the look in Rosalie's eyes.
"A baby boy."
Rosalie pouted. Maybe he'll be the one to love me the most. Barbara looked at Kaitlyn from the front seat. She was missing Zoe and Andrew terribly, but still couldn't bring herself to head back to New York yet. They needed their privacy, and time together before Margaret was deployed. But Barbara wanted time with Margaret too.
"You can't really want more kids. We already have two," Elizabeth held up her fingers, "that's twice as much as many people have."
Rosalie frowned.
"I only got to raise one. A baby boy, Beth. He'd be the most spoiled boy in the whole wide world."
Elizabeth looked down at her daughter. She loved her kids, but didn't want another.
"I'm happy with the two we have. Aren't they enough?" Rosalie shrugged. What's wrong with adding more to the family? If she was going to be old, at least she could be old with lots of children, "someday, I'd like for us to be able to grow old together, without our kids depending on us. Don't you want to start travelling again when Abbi grows up?"
Rosalie nodded, but sighed.
"Fine. No more kids. But I'm getting a husky."
Elizabeth scoffed.
"Fine. Get a frickin' dog. Just remember that you'll have to clean up after it."
Michelle's eyes widened, as the couple continued to argue. Kaitlyn and Barbara sat quietly and listened, while Abbi stayed fast asleep. The topic shifted from numerous things, before stopping when the car pulled over in front of the cabin.
"Don't be surprised when you end up sleeping with Miss Bear tonight."
Elizabeth grumbled, as she got out of the car with Abbi in her arms, leaving Rosalie behind.
"I have to pick up Henry and Yasmin in about an hour, want to grab a drink at the homophobic bar?"
Kaitlyn questioned, since only the two of them were left in the car. Michelle and Barbara had sped off to their room already.
"Yes, I need a drink.

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