Meeting Her Father

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ROSALIE LOOKED AT her father, attempting to burn the moment into memory, because she knew that she might not have seen him again for a really long time.
"How have you been, dad?"
She asked, trying to break the silence. He'd taken the drive to Winter Springs, but she knew that he only did so, because of the money that he was getting.
"Good. Good."
Allen placed his hand on the table, and she noticed his tremor. He had been retired for almost ten years already because of it.
"Where do you live now?"
She wondered, making him lean back and shrug. He seemed so uncomfortable. Why is he acting so weird? Rosalie sighed, knowing that he probably didn't want to see her to begin with.
"Oh, here and there. I move around every now and then."
"Ever been back to Milan?" Allen shook his head. He looked at his daughter and tapped his fingers against the surface of the table, "you know I'm married, right?"
"Yes, probably saw it on a newstand in passing," he waved his hand, as though it didn't matter, "you got a kid, right?" Yeah, your grandkid, if you didn't realize.
"Yeah, she's five now."
Rosalie closed her eyes for a moment and recollected her thoughts. This really is a mistake.
"Your doing pretty well for yourself, huh? Never thought that you'd actually follow in your mother's footsteps." Why did that sound like he's judging me?
"It pays the bills and then some. Are you doing anything since you retired?"
"I'm teaching a class at a university right now." Why so vague? "So I was wondering if you can lend me some-"
"I'm not giving you any money, dad."
Allen furrowed his brows. I raised her and she's so ungrateful.
"Wow, okay. As your father, I'd think you would be-"
"As my father, you're a crappy one. And I know that mum already gave you money to pay for your bloody taxes. What else do you want?"
"I raised you for-"
"Eighteen years?" Rosalie frowned. You didn't even financially support me, mum did, "do you even care that I'm your daughter?"
Allen shrugged. He had enough kids to worry about. He didn't need to worry about her, especially since she was so goddamn stubborn.
"You're not the only one."
He said bitterly, making her lean back and inhale a deep breath. I've got siblings, wow.
"My wife encouraged me to see you at least one last time, you know, since I probably won't ever again."
He scoffed. Wife? He shook his head with disapprovement lining his forehead.
"That's fine by me."
Allen mumbled. Rosalie sighed, hurt flashing across her face. He really doesn't care.
"You can go back to your life. I'm going to give my daughter a hug," Rosalie got up and grabbed her wallet from her bag. She threw a hundred onto the table to pay for their untouched coffees, "don't contact mum ever again, if you do, then you and I will have a problem."
She walked away, being tempted to turn back, hoping that he'd come to his senses and pull her into a hug. But that didn't happen. Instead, she ended up in her car, with her forehead against the steering wheel.
I have a beautiful family. I've got an amazing mother, great friends, loads of money and I'm happy. I don't need him to love me.
Rosalie wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She drove back to the cabin and headed inside, only to spot her wife on the couch.
"How did it go?" Rosalie shook her head, tears once again filling her eyes. Elizabeth jumped from her seat and rushed over to her wife, pulling her in for a hug, "I'm sorry, bunny."
Rosalie swallowed and closed her eyes, clinging to her wife as though her life depended on it. Kaitlyn walked into the living room and her heart immediately dropped. Fuck, that wasn't even half an hour.
She looked at her daughter quietly cry in Elizabeth's arms. She wished that she could take away all of that pain, but she couldn't. Charlotte walked beside her and laced their fingers.
"It didn't go well, huh?"
Kaitlyn shook her head and looked into those beautiful blue eyes. Leaning against Charlotte's chest, she exhaled a loud breath.
"I'm too old to feel this way."
Kaitlyn complained, as Charlotte ran her fingers through her hair.
"You're not old."
Abbi rushed toward her mothers with her arms stretched out.
"Mommy! Why are you crying again?"
Rosalie wiped her eyes and picked her daughter up. She's getting so big.
"I'm just a little sad. How do you feel about making snow angels?"
Abbi pouted and touched her mother's cheek, wiping away a tear.
"Mommy, did mama say something bad?"
Rosalie shook her head, looking over to her wife. Elizabeth quirked a brow, wondering why her daughter would think that.
"No, no. Your mama's the best."
Rosalie forced a smile, and kissed her daughter's cheek. Abbi leaned back, studying her mother's facial features.
"Tell me why you're sad, mommy."
She demanded, forming her funniest duck lips with the crossing of her arms. Rosalie sighed and bit down on her bottom lip. Should I just tell her? But she'll have so many questions.
"Mommy's just having a rough day, sweetie. Don't you cry when you're frustrated?"
Abbi groaned. She knew that they were hiding something from her.
"But why's she frustrated?"
The little girl was becoming irritated. She wanted the truth. Kaitlyn slipped away from Charlotte and walked up behind Abbi. She looked at Rosalie and nodded.
"I didn't tell her that I'm going to spend some time in Chicago, and she's going to miss me." Ugh, I hate lying. But it's for the best, at least for now.
"What? I thought you're moving in with us, granny?" Abbi's eyes saddened, "you don't wanna live with us anymore?"
Kaitlyn pulled Abbi into her own arms and shook her head.
"No, honey. I'm just going to spend some quality time with Charlotte. I'll visit you."
"But you won't be around."
Abbi was then crying. Her grandmother wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead. One day I'll be back to stay, I promise.
"Doesn't mean I love you any less. And think about it, your mothers are going to have to bring you to see me. Don't you want to visit Chicago?
Abbi's eyes sparkled. I've never been there.
"Okay, but you have to promise to come back here when you're old. Who else is gonna take care of you, huh?"
Kaitlyn's eyes widened. You make that seem sooner than it's supposed to me. I'm only fifty-six, for god's sake.
"I promise."
She answered with a sigh. At least I won't be thrown into an old folks' home.
"Mommy, don't cry. We'll still see her, okay?"
Rosalie nodded, and wiped away a few more tears. She looked around the room, feeling herself becoming even more emotional.
"Rosalie?" Elizabeth led her wife into the kitchen, "you know I love you, right?"
She nodded. Of course I do.
"I'm just emotional. It'll pass."
They were leaving for Milan the next day, and Elizabeth wondered what she could have done to cheer her wife up before that.
"I've got a romantic gesture in mind," actually I still have to come up with it, "get dressed in something sexy, and I'm taking you out for a night on the town."
Rosalie smiled sheepishly.
"Something sexy? It's like thirty degrees."
"Wear a jacket, will you?"
Elizabeth kissed Rosalie's forehead and then her lips. She wrapped her arms around her wife's waist and inhaled a deep breath.
"Fine, but how sexy are we talking? I don't think I packed anything but jeans and sweaters."
Rosalie laughed, remembering what Michelle had said. Elizabeth leaned back and thought for a moment.
"Actually, I might have packed your red dress that I love so much in my suitcase."
Elizabeth grinned, causing Rosalie to furrow her brows. Has she planned this?
"Just in case I wanted to take you somewhere special. It's the holidays, after all. And you do only wear jeans these days."
Rosalie scoffed. What should I wear? A mini skirt? I'm a mother, for crying out loud.
"Are you trying to say that I dress unattractive?"
"You just don't like to gain attention anymore, but you do still rock those jeans. Your ass... mhmm," Elizabeth slid her hand down to grab Rosalie's behind, "still perfect,"
"I want wine, and good sex after. Maybe we'll try that double doe again."
Rosalie whispered the last part, making Elizabeth's cheeks heat up.
"Yes, please. But what are we going to do about Abbi?"
"There's this motel a few miles away. Mom will watch her."
Elizabeth smiled widely. Fuck, I could use some good sex right now.
"Sounds like a plan, bunny."
Rosalie looked into her wife's eyes and felt all of her worries completely fade away. This is all I need-my beautiful wife, and my loving family.

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