Kaitlyn's News

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Everyone was surprised to see Kaitlyn entering the house with company, "Charlotte!" Abbi screamed and ran over to the woman.

"Hey, now, don't break an old woman's bones," Charlotte chuckled as the young girl gripped her shoulders.

"You're always full of surprises, mom," Rosalie commented. Abbi pulled Charlotte away to the backyard, while Kaitlyn went on to explain something important to everyone else.

"You know me," Kaitlyn smiled and tugged her jacket off, "there's something that I want to talk to everyone about," she led Rosalie and Elizabeth into the living room, and waited for her parents.

"What is it?" Candice and William walked in and sat beside each other on the loveseat, while Rosalie fought Elizabeth for space on the recliner, even though there was another empty couch.

"I just wanted to talk to everyone about it, but we've actually already set a date," Kaitlyn gritted her teeth as Rosalie's eyes widened. She jumped up with her eyes beaming.

"I'm gonna be the maid of honor, right?"

"Sure," Kaitlyn smiled.

"What do you mean by sure? I'm your only daughter!" Elizabeth tugged on Rosalie's hand for her to calm down.

"I did predict wedding bells, but I thought that it was going to be for Henry," Candice giggled and walked over to her daughter, "but Charlotte is a good woman, and you deserve that special someone in your life, for better or worse."

"So, you don't think that I'm too old?"

"Of course not!" Abbi ran into the room and tackled her grandmother, "can I be the flower girl? I love throwing flowers."

"Yes, honey, you can throw as many flowers as you'd like."

Abbi smiled widely, "is Henry going to be the flower boy?"

Henry's eyes widened as he walked into the room. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, "what did I miss?"

"Grandma's getting married!" He furrowed his brows.

"What?" He looked at Kaitlyn, "that's great!"

"I gotta take out that dusty suit from behind the closet," William got up.

"Dad, I'm not getting married right now. It'll be a few months."

"Sure, that's what all lesbians say. Then boom, five cats and a baby from China," Candice nudged her husband.

"I'm pushing sixty, I can't have more kids."

"Neither do we want any," Charlotte looked at Abbi. She adored kids, but didn't want one of her own.

"Right. I've got grandkids to take care of, and Charlotte could rent a baby if she'd like," Charlotte glared at Kaitlyn, "I mean she can borrow one of my grandkids when the maternal need gets to her."

"I'm too old to do that, so you're stuck with Abbi, Charlotte," Henry humored.

"Are you going to be my other Mommy?"

"No!" Rosalie placed her hand over her chest. What's with this child wanting a house full of moms?

"But then Henry and I will have equal mommies. Charlotte," she looked at the older woman with pleading eyes, "will you adopt me? Pweasee?" Her puppy dog eyes made Charlotte almost say yes.

"Abbi, you don't need another mom. But you will have another grandma."

"Really?" Charlotte gulped. Somehow, she preferred the mother position.

"Okay, I'm cool with that," she smiled widely.

"Now that that's settled. How about we decide on what's for dinner. I'm not cooking for a full house," Candice wasn't sure that she had enough steaks to feed the pack of wolves that she called family.

"I'll order in some pizza, how's that sound?" Rosalie suggested.

"Just pizza? At least let us look at the menu," Henry pulled up a nearby pizzeria's menu on his phone and started browsing.

"I want garlic knots," Abbi pulled the phone away from Henry to choose which toppings she wanted on her pizza, "and pepperoni pizza."

"I want Hawaiian," Henry said.

"Get me something with some spinach on it," William called.

"Okay, okay, everyone just-"

"Do they have any pasta?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, they do, just give me a sec."

"You should order some soda too, we only have diet coke in the house."

"One at a time, please?" Henry sighed and added what everyone wanted to check-out.

"You should put it on my card," Rosalie grabbed her debit card from her wallet and handed it to him.

"Always have to pay for stuff," Elizabeth wrapped her arm around Rosalie's shoulder.

"Of course, I love taking care of my family."

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