Forbidden Kissing

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She was afraid to turn, because it could be anyone. If it was Lee, she was certainly going to faint. But Elizabeth pressed her lips together and moved over to the fridge, as though what just took place didn't.
"Zoe, we're sticking the cake in a few minutes. Mind telling Henry that he should get out of the pool?"
Rosalie finally turned and the person was certainly Zoe. She let out a relieved breath but her cheeks didn't stop from heating up. It was still embarrassing to be caught kissing your very recent ex-fiancée's ex-wife by your ex-girlfriend from high school, who was also the wife of your very recent ex-fiancée's son's best friend's sister. It sounded more complicated than it was-actually, it was that complicated.
"Yeah, sure, Beth."
Zoe gave Rosalie a motherly look over before leaving the kitchen. Rosalie exhaled a breath and felt all the color drain from her face when she realized what she'd done. As she felt Elizabeth's body moving close to hers, she stepped forward and turned. She couldn't tell what she was feeling-she couldn't understand it, but she knew that she'd love to kiss Elizabeth again. She hadn't felt so turned on by a kiss in a very long time, to think about it.
"I shouldn't have..."
Elizabeth's mouth was sealed into another kiss, her voice unable to let out words. Rosalie wrapped her arms around Elizabeth's neck and pulled her in closer, allowing her tongue to seek for its companion, as though they'd kissed a million times before. Their bodies combined perfectly, and their hearts melted into a pool of emotions. What Elizabeth was feeling was more than just sexual. She didn't want to strip the layers off of Rosalie, instead, she wanted to enjoy the feeling their body heat against the other, the heat of their breaths coinciding, and their bodies melting together.
As Elizabeth's arms snaked its way around Rosalie's waist, Rosalie's conscience realized that what they were doing was wrong. But she couldn't help herself. How could something so perfect be so wrong? She shouldn't be tampering with the strings of a woman's heart-a woman who'd endured enough hurt. How could she kiss the woman who once owned her ex-fiancée's heart? How could she, of all people, feel so instantly connected to a woman who she'd caused so much pain?
Rosalie couldn't move away. She rested her lips upon the tip of Elizabeth's nose as she caught her breath. She'd never been so breathless-not ever. How could she feel so many things at once? How could her judgment fail her? Why didn't she care about her conscience at that moment? One thing for sure was that she didn't want them to get caught. She placed her hands in Elizabeth's and led her to the staircase. They headed up the steps and into Elizabeth's bedroom. Rosalie knew that they had to talk, but yet, she wanted to kiss Elizabeth once more. She'd never thought about Elizabeth in a sexual way before, but god, she couldn't understand how she didn't.
Their foreheads were pressed together. Rosalie towered Elizabeth by a mere two inches because of her heels, but their bodies couldn't help but feel made for the other. How could they feel this way? Rosalie had taken Elizabeth's wife away from her, but did she really? Wouldn't it have been another woman, if not Rosalie? Wasn't their marriage a pending catastrophe regardless?
"I'm not sure what to say."
Elizabeth's heart sped inside of her chest. She'd become fond of Rosalie over the past few weeks. The way that Rosalie connected with Henry would make any mother feel the way Elizabeth was feeling. Rosalie made Elizabeth nervous. The day she'd realized that Rosalie didn't know who Lee truly was, she'd found a spark ignited within her that very night-a spark that she thought about for the next couple of weeks.
"I don't know either. Maybe, we shouldn't say anything and just..."
Rosalie placed a butterfly kiss upon Elizabeth's collarbone, then on her jawline, before sliding her tongue along Elizabeth's earlobe. She moved her hands onto Elizabeth's slender waist, and her mouth gently sucked on the skin below Elizabeth's ear. Elizabeth moaned, and her cries of pleasure were diluted by Rosalie's mouth hungrily tasting her tongue-sucking with a slow pressure.
Elizabeth's fingers ran up Rosalie's back and gripped onto her shoulder blades. She pressed her body firmer into Rosalie's, and when Zoe's voice called out for them, their bodies didn't even part. Rosalie chuckled as she leaned her forehead against Elizabeth's chest and Elizabeth let out a contented sigh.
"We should probably head downstairs."
Rosalie nodded and removed herself from Elizabeth's personal space. She moved her hair behind her shoulders and looked at Elizabeth with the biggest smile that she could muster up. It would be an understatement to say that Rosalie was elated. She'd never felt her heart leap for joy, like it was at that moment. No matter how wrong it was, she didn't regret it one bit, and Elizabeth felt the same way.
As the headed down the stairs, Zoe stood at the end of the staircase with her arms crossed over her chest. She'd think that they'd be more careful, but they were being a tad too obvious with their actions. Rosalie's cheeks were tinted a dark shade of pink, and the grin on Elizabeth's face wouldn't fool anyone.
"You two are unbelievable."
Elizabeth shot Zoe a glare and narrowed her gaze. Her dominant side was portrayed in those dark brown eyes, which made Zoe gulp and retreat to the backyard quickly.
Henry was already in front of his three-decker chocolate cake, and Michelle stood next to him with an amused look on her face. Her sister had already told her about what she'd seen, and Michelle was shocked, to say the least.
Lee stood behind Henry with her hand on his shoulder. She was trying to be the mother that Rosalie wanted her to be. Maybe then, Rosalie would reconsider their relationship. As her eyes fell upon Rosalie and Elizabeth walking out of the slide glass door, she didn't suspect a thing. She definitely wouldn't on that day, but on another, the color would drain from her already pale face.
Elizabeth walked over and stood next to Lee, and Rosalie stayed behind with the rest of the crowd. As she looked at Henry and his mothers together, she felt her doubts kicking in right away. What she and Elizabeth did was definitely a mistake. How could she be so stupid to indulge? She couldn't do that to Henry-she couldn't do it to herself. Because as much as she'd love to explore more with Elizabeth, her relationship with Lee was still in limbo-their breakup was not yet finalized. And she still wasn't sure what she'd do. Was she ready to move on from Lee? Was she ready to forget the four great years they'd spent together? She knew that everything took time, and she didn't want Elizabeth to be her rebound.
So, as she was swallowed up by the crowd, she searched for her purse, and left the party-the house-all her fears behind.

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