Abbi Finds Extra Gifts

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KAITLYN FIXED HER glasses onto the bridge of her nose, as her daughter showed her photos that she'd taken throughout the year.
"Wait, that's one of me."
Rosalie giggled and nodded. Kaitlyn frowned, looking at the photo. She looked older than she actually was.
"Mommy!" Abbi yelled, "I found more presents."
She rushed into the living room with a box filled with little gift-wrapped presents inside.
"Where did you find those?"
Rosalie questioned, getting up from the couch. Abbi smiled widely and placed the box down on the ground. Picking up one, she tore off the gift-wrapping. Elizabeth rushed out of the kitchen with petrified eyes.
"Rosalie, grab it from her."
Elizabeth ran over and snatched the box, her heart thumping inside of her chest.
"What is this, mommy?" Rosalie swallowed as she grabbed the item from Abbi's hand, "is it a remote?"
Rosalie threw it into the box. Elizabeth took the box into the closet and placed it onto the highest shelf. Kaitlyn looked between the three of them extremely amused.
"Yeah, that's presents for some of my friends, sweetie. Come, let's go get something to drink."
Elizabeth threw herself onto the couch, as Kaitlyn held her chest and laughed.
"What were those?"
She asked, already realizing.
"Nothing. Just remotes."
Kaitlyn laughed even louder, making Barbara and Michelle walk out of the kitchen, wondering what the laughter was about.
"Yeah, remotes. Do remotes vibrate?"
Michelle's eyes lit up. She loved having something to tease Elizabeth on.
"All shapes and sizes?"
She questioned jokingly, not really knowing what the conversation was about, but assuming that it had to do with sex toys.
"Seems so. There were lots in that box that Abbi ran out with."
Barbara's eyes widened, as she tried to hide her laughter behind the palm of her hand. Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest unamused.
"Those were personal presents. I didn't think she'd look under the bed, okay?"
"Are you planning on popping my daughter's fake dick cherry, Beth?"
Elizabeth's eyes widened and she cleared her throat, deciding not to answer.
Henry walked into the living room at the same time, to his dismay. He wished that he'd minded his own business and stayed in his room a little while longer.
"Why's it that I always walk in at the wrong times?"
He cringed and headed into the kitchen. Yasmin shrugged and stayed behind, wanting to here the juicy details, unlike her boyfriend.
"So it took you seven years to finally decide to introduce her to the good side of life?"
Kaitlyn couldn't help herself. Michelle felt like falling to the floor and rolling around as laughter escaped her lips.
"Henry!" Michelle called for him. He groaned as he popped his head out of the kitchen, "take the kids outside. Us ladies are having a show and tell."
He cringed and headed over to the closet for his jacket. Andrew and Abbi followed him and when they made it outside, Michelle rubbed her hands together.
"So where are these toys you speak of?"
Rosalie walked out of the kitchen with her hands crossed over her chest. Elizabeth sighed in relief, knowing that Rosalie wouldn't allow anyone to touch them.
"No, what?"
Michelle mimicked teasingly.
"Leave my private life private, please? No show and tell or anymore talk of my sex life."
Rosalie walked over to Elizabeth and sat down. Kaitlyn shrugged in agreement.
"You can't touch their goodies, Michelle. It's unsanitary."
She chuckled, earning glares from them both. Elizabeth laced her fingers with Rosalie's and sighed. She should have found a better hiding place for those gifts.
"We'll talk about this later."
Rosalie whispered against her wife's ear and she gulped. Hopefully, she wasn't in trouble.
Michelle huffed out a breath and decided to drop the topic, especially because of the disapproving look on her mother's face.

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