Rosalie's Sad

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ELIZABETH DECIDED THAT they should all go ice skating, something to help Rosalie out of the mood that she was in. Rosalie held onto her little girl for the entire ride, running her fingers through her hair and kissing her cheek constantly. She wanted Abbi to know that she was loved, unlike how she was feeling.
Kaitlyn felt her own grief seeing her daughter in the state that she was in. Maybe it was because of the holiday season that made Rosalie feel more depressed about the non-existent relationship between her and her father. Usually, it didn't bother her that much, since she'd learned to cope with those feelings over the years.
"Mommy, I love you."
Henry had given Abbi advice to help cheer Rosalie up, which included being smothered to death.
"I love you too, babygirl."
Rosalie smiled, as Abbi wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.
"Why are you sad, mommy?"
Abbi couldn't help but ask. It was rare to see her mother in such a mood. Rosalie usually had up a brave face for Abbi, no matter the circumstance.
"I'm just a little sad. I'll be okay, I promise."

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