More Sexy Time

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There's nothing better than having your family under one roof for the Easter holiday. Abbi was outside enjoying the fresh, warm breeze, while holding onto her rainbow kite as fiercely as her two hands could. Henry was overlooking her, instructing her how to grip and pull, sending the kite further up into the air.

As for Rosalie and Elizabeth, they were enjoying mimosas made by William, while overlooking the light blue, sunny sky.

"Can't get better than this, babe," Rosalie inhaled a deep breath, "I'm so relaxed."

Elizabeth gripped her wife's shoulder with her arm, and leaned her head against Rosalie's.

"Want to take a swim?" The pool looked so cool to dive into. Rosalie hadn't seen her wife in a bikini since their trip to California, so she was more than excited.

"Only if you wear the new bikini I bought you," Rosalie grinned, "please?"

"It's too tiny. How am I going to cover my old skin in that?"

"Old skin?" Rosalie scoffed, "are you talking about the wrinkles again?"

"Yuck. That too," Rosalie sat up, and took her wife's hands in hers, "I don't feel confident enough. I'm sorry."

Elizabeth sighed and bit down on the inside of her cheek. I'm definitely not wearing it.

"You're beautiful. Need me to show you how beautiful you are?"

Rosalie sank her teeth into her bottom lip. Elizabeth's eyes flickered, and they both looked around. Candice and William were busy enjoying a sunbath, and Kaitlyn was off to god knows where. She left early that morning and hadn't been back since.

"I don't think we should-" Rosalie stood and pulled her wife up, leading her upstairs and into their bedroom.

"We haven't gotten to since I came back from Dubai," Rosalie swung her arms around Elizabeth's neck, "I need you so badly."

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and swallowed. It was so hard to resist Rosalie, especially when she was only in a pair of shorts and a bikini top.

"What if Abbi comes looking for us?" Rosalie placed a gentle kiss against the side of Elizabeth's neck, then upon her collarbone.

"She won't," Elizabeth's eyes closed, as Rosalie's lips trailed onto her chest and towards her cleavage, "you seem to be enjoying this."

Elizabeth gripped her wife's sides, and pushed her against the wall. The hunger in her eyes sent waves of excitement through Rosalie's body, including her own.

"I think I'm in love with you," Elizabeth smiled and whispered against Rosalie's earlobe, "really in love with you."

"A marriage and a kid later and now you're confessing this?" Rosalie giggled, "I'm in love with you too, baby."

And with that, the passion simmered, and both of their hearts fluttered.

"Maybe we can cuddle for a bit? I've missed your warm arms just for myself."

"Yeah, I'd actually like that too."

They got under the covers, and Elizabeth positioned her head onto her wife's chest.

"I can't believe it's already been a year," Elizabeth mumbled, draping her arm over Rosalie's stomach. Ever since their move to that little town, everything seemed to be fitting into place.

Abbi was enjoying public school, and made enough friends to fill the backyard and then some. Business was booming, and they were planning to venture into more real estate.

And even with those closed minded people still stuck in their ways, the family found a way to live their lives happy without any interference. Esme still didn't approve of Kaitlyn dating her precious daughter, but some people don't have the ability to change their way of thinking.

"And I couldn't be happier," Rosalie smiled widely, "times like this, I often wonder what it would be like if Romario was still around."

"I know. He would have been a great uncle."

"Yeah. I'm sure he would have been."

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