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It is impossible to be brave if one does not fear anything. I am afraid, all the time. Does that make me brave? I do not think so. Fear makes my gut tremble at its core. It kicks my ass until I learn how to control it.

Do I control it? Maybe. I don't know the difference between feeling afraid and actually being terrified. There's only one night I can let it all go. We've been doing it ever since we met. A musician, an athletic, a figure skater, and, a nerd. It sounds like the start of a bad joke. Who knew we could be so powerful. Together, no one can stop us. The truth is, if I didn't have them, I wouldn't have made it. We agreed to never stop doing these. Deep down, I know it's probably our last.

On one night, we organize the biggest party and the biggest pranks the city has ever seen. The best is no one knows it's us. I can't grasp why they didn't figure it out. They still haven't but hey, I am not complaining.

I damn the four horsemen. In Thunder Bay, they used to do the same thing we are doing. That is before they got arrested. See the difference, we would never get arrested. We are untraceable.
We started doing these after we met, after the four horsemen went to jail. We didn't copy them. We took their ideas and made them better. A night everyone needs and especially us. We all need a reason to do stupid things, this is our reason. It's ours and they will not be taking it away from us.

People call us the girls on fire. Way better than the four horsemen, am I right? Even though they are here, in Meridian City, we will still be doing Fire's Night. That's how we call it. Devil's Night is a great name, I have to give them that. The craziest thing is we all live in the same building. Delcour. We didn't know it was a Crist building. Quinn's parents also forced us to buy a penthouse otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to come. It's better this way. We barely see each other even in our apartment. I am always working and college just started so, we don't have time to chit chat every time we see each other.

Only, today is the thirtieth of October. Fire's Night.  I wonder if people expect it. If they think we quit. When I said no one knows it's us, I meant it. They have no idea we are behind this. And they'll never ever know.

Being a woman is a tool we use to our advantage. We have power over men and they dare to think they are better than us. Sick motherfuckers. Whether we like it or not, our body is our greatest weapon. Men fall in love with what they see. This is a fact. They're like the gasoline you put just before lighting the match. And we are the match.

''Is Derek hosting the party?'' I ask, scrolling through my purse, searching for my keys. Quinn turns to me as she ties her red hair. She chuckles quietly and ignores me. Yes, I am stressed. It has to be perfect. Everything needs to go as we planned. Mainly because this is our last. We've all been working our asses off this past year, we need this. Well, I need it.

''Don't worry El, go get your books'' Addy shoves her cap on my head. I take it off and throw it at her. They always find a way to make fun of me. Now, I'll have to do my hair again. Perfect.

''This isn't funny. When I get back you guys better have done everything on the list'' I finally find my keys. I slam the door shut and wait before walking away. Before you ask, I didn't make the list. Mila did. She likes everything to be organized and it helped us a lot over the years. She's a genius. Sometimes I wonder if she learned everything she knows in books. Probably, probably not. If she weren't with us, Fire's Night wouldn't be such a success. No matter what, she has the better pranks. Addy's pranks are usually about revenge. So are mine and so are Quinn's. We do what we wish we would have done before. On the other hand, Mila's are also about revenge but they have nothing to do with her. She avenges people she doesn't even know. Even as a criminal, she's noble.

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