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Ten years later

The sun just came down. The wind was cold but it is the best night of the year. The one we wait every year for.

Except, it is far more different.

Mila and Michael have kids now. So do Adelaide and Damon, Elsie and Will, and Quinn and I.

It is so different. We can't step out of line but, Elsie is the mayor of Thunder Bay now. We can do whatever we want when we want to.

''Hey, baby'' I say, kissing the side of Quinn's face. She giggles as she pushes me away.

Of course, the kids are there. They follow her everywhere. And I mean, everywhere.

Damon and Adelaide keep having kids like, every year. I blame it on that bastard, thank god they have Damon's sister to take care of them.

Yes, because Damon has a sister. She is actually very pretty. But not as beautiful as my wife. Or maybe I am just wondering why Banks is so nice to all of us. I think she might have a crush on me.

Quinn doesn't like it but what does she have to complain about? Every time we go somewhere, everyone fucking thinks she's this saint and that she's like seventeen years old. She can't blame me for whatever Damon's sister feels toward me.

''Hi, the others are in the living room'' she always acts like I didn't just kiss her and squeezed her pretty ass.

She loves to have a conversation with me. And I mean, every fucking moment of every day. I don't complain, I love having her with me. More than everything, I love her.

''You coming?'' I ask, twisting my head in her direction. There are so many fucking kids here, my head is swarming to only hear them rambling, quarreling. I don't know how Quinn does it, but, she does. And she looks fucking great too.

''After I feed these kids'' she says and I watch for a couple more minutes before she catches me staring and we walk together, hands in hands, into the living room.

Where I am dying to see all of them.

''Long time no see'' I am the one who breaks the ice. Will is kissing Elsie, Mila is laughing with Michael, and Adelaide and Damon are just staring at us, smiling. They really do make a great pair, don't they?

Quinn clears her throat and when she does, Elsie and Will pull away. I wonder if they make out like this in front of their kids. We're not teenagers anymore, we are adults and we must give our children role models.

But our ducks aren't in a row tonight, just for tonight.

''Hi, Kai'' Elsie says my name with a grin on her lips. Quinn aggressively squeezes my hand and I bite back my smile.

''Elsie'' she's still so beautiful. I can't say that I won't ever find her pretty, because she is. She still looks young and she forever will be. She's perfect in every way.

But, Quinn is so much more than that. I didn't see it before but I see it now. She's the love of my life.

''Devil's night'' Michael says, his face lightening up. Our kids soon enough join us in the room and we all take us in our arms.

''Fire's night!'' Mila corrects her husband. We're still arguing about what the name should be. Devil's Night, Fire's night. I mean, who cares? It all just means the same anyway.

''Yeah yeah, whatever, it's the same thing'' he says and tucks their little girl in his arms. I never thought we would actually all stay friends.

I didn't think we'd become a family. That was foolish of me. We always have been a family, there was no way they'd let us go and we wouldn't either.

''Will, you got to let her go at some point, right?'' Mila chuckles and takes her younger son in her arms, the oldest following and jumping on the couch.

We call him Trouble. His name is actually Trey but he always causes trouble. He is the oldest in the room. But Maya is only one year younger than him.

That's right, Elsie and Will have kids. And they're not adopted. Elsie wasn't infertile, after all.

Her cycle was messed up but when she found out she was pregnant, she knew she had only been wallowing in her self-pity. I think this was the moment she finally began to live.

''Nah, I don't think I ever could'' Will laughs as Maya is on her knees in front of them. Leilah is next to her and Elsie is quick to take them both in her arms, even as Will is still kissing her neck. I was right, they definitely still make out in front of their kids.

Two is having some trouble at walking, he's the youngest of all of our kids. He's doing a great job at walking to his parents but Will doesn't let his baby son walk all the way there.

He lets her wife go and roars until two run to him, almost falling as he does. His name is actually William Grayson IV but we just call him Two.

Adelaide and Damon are circled by their kids. I have no idea how in five years they decided to have five kids. It doesn't make sense to me.

Quinn wanted kids, I did too. We just didn't want to have that many kids. So we have our little girl, Jett. And we have our little boy, Madden.

"Hey, you little beast," I say as Banks gives me my kid. He's two years old and Jet is even younger.

When the girls were pregnant, it worried Quinn. But of course, we took our time and we are happy. We are all happy.

But this is Devil's night.

We really need it.

I am thankful for Banks helping us, as long as my father and my mother. And of course, Adelaide's siblings are here too.

They are all here to take care of our kids. We're one big family. One that doesn't exactly makes sense but it doesn't really matter, does it?

When they walk in, we are all holding our kids and before we know it, they are distracted by the TV. That's our sign to go. They won't miss us, well, not too long.

"You okay, Michael?" Quinn questions. I think she's actually talking to him but no, she's talking to me. Which makes me laugh.

She is very insecure and she loves this revenge of hers. I flipped out when she called me Damon while I was fucking her. Turns out, she holds grudges. I guess she always will.

"Fine, baby" I answer. It just makes them all confused but we don't care. We each have our lives now but of course, we are doing it together.

''So, it's boys against girls?'' Will lets go of Elsie and we all do the same. We are facing our wives and their little smirks make us melt.

They have us, we have been doomed since the moment we heard they existed and were copying us.

''As always''

''Alright,'' I say.

We have been arguing a lot about the name of our fateless night. It was very hard to come up with it but Quinn and I found the perfect one.

We have been facing our fears, the monsters of our pasts together. It's only fear we dedicate to it. To us.

"Let Fear's night begin"

"Let Fear's night begin"

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