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A fool can play a game unless he decides to let it take over his head. That's what Mila is doing. Skiing is easy, snowboarding is harder. They think they'll beat us, they can try. Hiding and running from us won't change anything.

Mila has been shaken from the previous events. As soon as we arrived at Adelaide's cottage, we almost ran to our room. She wanted to sleep and I was as exhausted as she was.

Fucking Trevor.

I will kill him for what he did, for what my father did. Or, Mila will help me uncover stuff they have hidden to ruin them.

Last night, as I stroked her arm and kissed her head, she asked me if I knew what happened to Elsie. I nodded and when she questioned what happened, I shoo my head. I don't think I even know half of what happened. Plus, it is not my story to tell.

Damon, Kai, and I take the T-bar. The girls are in front of us, gossiping and laughing. I love their friendship. I think they don't know how much they mean to all of us.

''How's Mila?'' Damon is overly protective over all of them. There is something about Elsie, though. A soul connection, maybe. He still cares for the others, as he should. She's mine now. It's still weird to think that she hated me. I have fallen completely for her. Goddamn it.

''She's holding up, Addy and Quinn?'' Kai has been remotely tired and heartbroken. There is something he loved about Elsie. It's like we all have a connection with her. She's my sister, it makes sense to me. Kai was lost, and Quinn was there. He's still an asshole for what he did. But. it happened, can't do anything about it. Damon loves her like a sister, she is his sister, in a way. When shit will go down, we'll face it all together.

''Adelaide will be fine, overly stressed but fine''

''Why is she stressed?''

''Does it matter?''

''Sorry for asking''

I laugh and clap Kai on the back. Damon and Kai have never been so close. However, they'd both give their lives for each other. Watching them argue lights up my day. Not as much as Mila's smile, though. Shit.

''Quinn is okay, I think''

''You think?''

''Give me a break''

''You think she'd give you a break if you were traumatized?''

''What is your problem?''

I chuckle again and lift the bar as I stare at the girls sliding down the little slope. They know what they're doing. Well, it's not going to be as easy as I expected.

Turning my head, I see Elsie and Will giggling and kissing. I whistle, snapping them back to Earth. I feel the cold in my bones and smile.

''Love birds we are going down now'' I turn back around and prepare to not make a fool of myself. I haven't done this for at least three years. When I was with... You know what? It doesn't matter.

Damon and Kai are still arguing as we go down and I make my escape. When I reach Mila, she takes off her glasses and wraps her arms around my neck. She has taken off her skis to do this. I don't think I'll get used to her loving me. If she does love me. If she's not acting. She better not be.

The picture of her body is planted in my mind as she bites my ear gently. She loves to kiss and bite. We'll have fun tonight. I'll make sure we have a good time.

''Ready?'' Will and Elsie are with us now. She's laughing because he has fallen and he took her down with him.

She pulls him up and Mila takes that moment to put on her skis. Our reflection is in the snow and I don't know what to think.

After jail, I never thought I would be happy again. We got caught, big deal. I've just never thought any girl would actually love me. I am a monster. I have done horrible things and there she is. Her black hair is in a low ponytail over her shoulder. In fact, they all have done their hair that way. Is it a tradition?

''We are going to beat your asses'' Adelaide says before jumping down the slope. Quinn winks at Kai before doing the same and Mila gives me a small smirk.

We all stare at each other before we realize what's going on. This is a race, isn't it?

They started before us! We can't beat them now.

''Bullshit'' I mumble as we do our best to go as fast as we can go. Skiing is different than snowboarding. They have fucking ski sticks. They are rapid and we are losing them.

Damon is in front of us and he is going into a straight line. Motherfucker is going to fall, I won't help him get up. If I do, he'll scream at me. I ain't doing that shit.

Kai is behind me and when I see the end of the slope, I spot them already waiting for us. Is this the family hill? It literally took us 60 seconds to get down. This resort better has one that is longer. Otherwise, this is going to be a long fucking day.

When we finally reach the girls, they are laughing so hard, my lungs fill with sweetness. My daydreams have come true, haven't they? How is this possible? They are ours, we are theirs. The girls on fire and the four horsemen, who would have known.

I can't wait for Devil's night.

''Oh baby, is that the best you can do?'' Mila teases and I shake my head. Soft giggles escape her mouth as she comes to kiss my cheek. She's so careful when our skin touch, it makes my stomach flip. Just the sight of her makes my heart race.

''Do we wait for Elsie and Will?'' Quinn asks and she is next to Kai. I don't know if she forgave him but if she didn't, I hope she is planning her revenge of some sort. He's my best friend but he does deserve it.

I twist my head to my sister and her boyfriend. Will is on the ground again and so is Elsie. She's laughing her ass off. I can't blame her, Will is very clumsy.

''No, let them do their thing'' Damon answers.

I nod at the same time as Kai does. It all feels like a dream.

A dream I don't want to wake up from.

A dream I don't want to wake up from

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