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A light in the sky. It appears to be a shooting star. Maybe I am mistaken but the way Addy and Quinn grab onto me tells me otherwise.

''I see why you like to come up here'' Addy nudges my elbow. Her gaze drifts off to something she sees below the building and I keep my smile on. It's hard not to.

Elsie went somewhere, I have no idea where but I guess she's allowed to have her secrets. We all do.

After we watched Alice in Wonderland, she went to her room, got dressed, and left without saying a word. We didn't stop her, nor did we talk about it together. She does that often. Did she go to Derek's place? I know he's helping her produce a song. Maybe that is where she is right now. If it was the case, why would she be so dressed? She looked amazing, gorgeous. She does not like Derek that way and if she did, she would have told us. Or, at least, me.

''Guys, come here'' Addy shouts, keeping her gaze downward. I grasp Quinn's shirt as we walk closer to the edge. What?

''There's someone inside our apartment!'' Addy turns around and almost knocks me down. Thank god Quinn caught me because I would have lost my balance, fallen, and died. Quinn smiles at me, if we weren't friends, I would think she was flirting with me.

''Guys! Come on!'' Addy is already inside the building and I find it hard to walk back inside. This is my place. I took them because they wanted to see what I was doing on the roof. There's this moment at night, I need to get out or else, I-... I won't feel okay.

As we run to get to our apartment, Quinn grabs my hand in hers and I somehow feel uncomfortable. I know if she had a crush on me, she would have made a move already. Yeah, she would have. I am seeing things.

''Wait!'' Addy spreads her arms in front of us, stopping us from going rushing into the door. We take a moment to catch our breaths, eyes wide open as we spot the lights inside. We closed them before climbing to the roof. I know we did.

She's right. I catch glimpses of shadows and some voices, too. What the hell?

I shove Addy away and I press my ear on the door. Quinn beckons me to come back but what are they going to do? Kill me? I am faster. I would kill them before they even have a chance to lay a hand on me.

''Why do you think they're doing it?'' Someone says, sitting on something. Quinn and Addy keep telling me to come back but I hush them with a finger in the air.

''For the same reason we used to'' I recognize that voice. It's Michael Crist. I know I am frowning because what the fuck are they doing in our apartment? Oh, right. They know about us. Are they trying to put us down? Fuck with us? I have got news for them.

I knock on the door twice and I almost laugh as I hear them swear. I turn my head to the side, grinning as I unlock the door and storm in. Quinn and Addy are following behind me because if I opened the door, it's because I know we're not in danger. The four horsemen are a complete joke. What did they think they were doing?

I cross my arms over my chest as I spot them, sitting on our couches. Are they eating ice cream? What the fuck?  Quinn slams the door shut and I smirk as she locks it. They are not getting out of here. Not until they agree to our terms. They know our secret, we can't let them go.

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