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I am filled with bad decisions. You get what you give. And I have a feeling he's coming straight for my head. I can't stop him but hasn't he done enough? Haven't they?

Right now I am scared Will is playing Elsie. They want to mess with us, we've known this since the beginning. But the way he kissed her? It doesn't seem fake to me. And if he dares to break her heart, we will end him.

''Shit!'' I yell and look at my watch.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

How could I forget? How could I fucking forget?

No, no, no.

What about Alex? I completely ditched her and I didn't even realize it until now. She needed to talk to me and it was important. How could I do this to her? Ugh! Where's my fucking phone?

''What's wrong?'' Mila asks as Addy starts the car. I fasten my seat belt as I look around everywhere. Addy is driving but not fast enough.

''Where's my phone?'' I ask, calmly as I can. I just can't believe I forgot about Alex and my family meeting. They are going to hate me as if they didn't already.

''Here'' Mila turns to me and smiles. I try to breathe as my trembling hand takes my cell. I close my eyes in anticipation. My sister must have texted me, saying I am a mistake and I should die. Stuff like that. It wouldn't be the first time.

But as I click on the home button, nothing comes up.

No calls, no texts, no alerts.

That's weird. It was today, I know it was. Why didn't they text me? Something is wrong. And as this thought crosses my mind, I only think about Alex.

She hasn't messaged me either. Is my phone broken? Or has she given up on our friendship? I don't care, I call her.

The ringing in my ear echoes through the car, making my head hurt. I can't believe myself. How could I do this?


''Alex, thank god'' I breathe out. Chuckles fill me and hearing her voice calms me. Is she mad? She should be mad.

''What do you want?'' Her tone is calm but I know she's upset. I would be too.

''I am sorry, I don't have an explanation. I just-''

''Forgot?'' I hear the amusement in her voice and it is hard not to laugh. She does this thing where she makes you think she's mad but then you realize she's only manipulating you. Alex used to manipulate me a lot. But if she found out how many times I manipulated her, she'd be too stunned to speak.

''Yeah,'' I don't apologize again. Alex has this theory that we should all own our feelings instead of avoiding them. We have to own our mistakes or they will own us. And yes, with her? It's easy to do this. With my family? They would never understand.

''Okay well, I'll come by your apartment later. Is that okay?''

I nod even though she can't see me.

''Yes, of course'' and just like that, I hang up. This is bad, really bad. I am in trouble. What if they know I am the one who stole from them? I stole from my own family. Guess they should have handed me the business instead of giving it to my sister. The only reason she had it and I did not was because my sister was there for my mother when my father left. Did she expect me to help her? I was ten for christ's sake.

I own this, I stole from them. But if they knew, they would kick me out of the family and never speak to me again. Which is likely to happen. They already threatened me about it. And I can't explain why I feel so out of place. Why does it affect me this much? It shouldn't. I am used to it and it still hurts. My mother never came once to my competitions since my father left. I guess it reminds her of when my dad and her would come. It's been nine years. She should fucking move on.

''Is everything okay?'' Addy asks and pulls up into our parking. I jump out of the car and do not wait for them. I take the elevator and call my sister.

She doesn't answer.

I try three times and she sends me straight to voicemail.

This bitch.

Fuck her. I shouldn't have forgotten but if only she had the decency to talk to me. That would be extremely appreciated.

And as I end up on voicemail again, I ring my mother. She'll answer, won't she? She has to. She never calls me and I never call her. But she answers when I need her to.

After what happened in Thunder Bay, I understand why my sister hates me. But my mom? Shouldn't she be on my side? It was a mistake.

One I would do again if I could go back in time.

What Kai did was cruel. And I am not so sure he did it. Out of all the four horsemen, he was my favorite. I was fourteen, he was eighteen. He could have been in major legal problems if he did do it. He probably had a part in it, though. I suspect someone else shared the pictures.

I run to my apartment, finding the door unlocked. I don't even question it as I slam it behind me. My purse comes flying down on the floor and so do my boots and coat.

''Um um'' someone clears their throat. I stop dead in my tracks, my spine-shivering as I realize who's behind me. This is it. This is my biggest dream and nightmare.

I slowly turn around to find my mother and sister standing near the living room. My lips press themselves together as I don't dare to look away. My mother has black hair, not as black as Mila's but close. My sister is like a clone of her and I am a clone of my father.

''Well, long time no see'' Melissa, my mother says. It's hard to miss the judgment on her face. I am wearing a tight white dress. Yes, it is cold outside but it's never too cold to wear a dress. That is so stupid and so true.

''Hi'' is all I manage to say. My sister has this evil grin on her lips and when I look down at her hands, my heart falls apart.

The pictures.

''We've had enough of your bullshit. If you come near us again, we'll spread these photos everywhere in town'' she says so lightly that I can't stop the sob in my throat.

''We have a restraining order against you. The papers will be delivered shortly'' Melissa grabs her purse and leave without sparing me another glance.

I thought the pictures had perished. I thought mom said she hired someone to erase them. I guess she lied. I thought I was one step ahead of them, I was wrong.

''See ya, sis'' she blows me a kiss before kissing my counter, exactly like I did on fire's night. I knew she knew. How could she not? I never thought she would go this far to punish me, though. They disowned me. They disowned me.

''Good luck'' she follows after Melissa and I fall to my knees.

You get what you give. But I never gave them this.  I don't deserve this, do I? I never did something to put them in danger. All I did was love them even though I was never able to show it. All they did was push me away and now, they've pushed me away for good. Quinn Reyes. What a stupid fucking name.

 What a stupid fucking name

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