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Anger is one thing I feel a lot. Rage is one thing I don't. Right now, it's consuming me.
How dare he? How dare he come here? Remember when I said life is full of shit? It's so much more than that. It is unfair. And that's just one word to describe it.

''Look who we have here'' Martin crosses his arms and looks at Elsie up and down. Michael is behind me and he's keeping me from launching at him.

''Hello Elsie'' he winks at me and as I try to take a step forward, Elsie grips my arm. Michael walks toward us so he's on my right. Kai and Damon do the same except they are shielding Elsie.

Why is this happening? Why is he fucking here? Hasn't he done enough?

''Hello,'' she ventures cautiously. The girls step walk next to Michael and we are all standing in a line. They helped us beat the shit out of them. We are all in this together.

''It's been a while'' Martin fucking says. I clench my jaw and close my eyes.

I want to kill him. There are ways to get rid of a body that are more than easy. The guys will help me and the girls will do it for Elsie. This is up to her. I'll do it if she wants me to.

''Not long enough'' Elsie tilts her chin up. She's trying to appear strong. I know she thinks it's working, but it isn't. Not for me anyway. She's at her lowest right now, she can't confront him.

Martin chuckles and Elsie closes her eyes like it just reminded her of a bad memory.

I am overthinking this. He fucking raped her. How are we all just standing here?

''Congratulations Will, you've turned her like Emory'' Bile rises in my throat. For a second, only a second, Elsie loosens her grip on my hand before gripping it again. This second means too much.

''Martin, walk away'' Michael says, taking a step forward. Elsie takes this opportunity to breathe. She had not done that since she saw him.

''Or what?'' Michael gets in his face and grips his collar. He throws him into a locker before his hand catches his throat. Martin's eyes fly open and it takes a minute for him to stop punching at Michael.

Kai and Damon circle them, making sure he gets the message. Meanwhile, I twist Elsie so she's facing me. She looks shaken up and her eyes are wide open. She's afraid.

''Look at me'' I whisper and she does. There are no tears, no traces of sadness rising inside her. What I see are fear and anger. Elsie has been keeping this for too long. She wants out now. She just doesn't know how to. She is the strongest person I know. If anyone can do it, it's her.

''Can I...?'' She doesn't finish her sentence because I know what she has in mind. I can read her like an open book now.

She slowly walks to Michael with my hand clasped in hers.

''You can't do anything'' Martin tries to spit in Michael's face which is unsuccessful.

''Are you sure about that? She's got the scars to prove it'' Michael calls out. Elsie doesn't move anymore.

Adelaide, Quinn, and Mila all turn to her. If they can put two and two together, they have figured it out. If not, well, they're just confused. Knowing the girls on fire, they aren't dumb. They are clever and especially Mila. She knows it. I can tell by the look on her face, she realizes what happened to her friend. Or at least, she knows Martin Scott has hurt her.

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