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The world is not an easy place. Some people learn it harder than others. You can't spot people who had it easy. It's impossible. For all I know, I am the golden girl. I am happy all the time, with a smile on my face. And for most of the time, I am happy. But, no one knows what happened and they don't know why I act the way I act. They don't know who I am. Sometimes I am scared I might be an ugly person? I am not sure. I let it go on Fire's night, maybe that's why I cling to it so much.

Mila's stunt was impressive. Quinn's was out of spite. Addy's was out of revenge. Mine will be out of fun. I want to play them. Make them feel like fools. Because they are, they all are. Seeing them confused is what makes me laugh so bad, it hurts. Men will be men. It's easy to toy with them.

''Are you in?'' I hear Mila's voice in my ear. I smile to myself as I press on the little button.

''I am'' I answer and walk to the counter. There's a reason why I am wearing a dress so revealing. Not only because it makes me feel powerful but because men can't take their eyes off me.

''Hi,'' I am in front of the man behind the counter. I am still wearing my mask because who knows, maybe the police will come and look at the cameras. We can't risk that.

''Hello'' the man looks down at my chest and I smirk. He must not know who I am.

''I am Allie, the new stripper?'' shit, that sounded weird.

''Um. Yes! Yes, of course!'' the guard exclaim. He wants a turn later in the night, funny. He won't get it.

''I'll call someone, they'll lead you to the room'' he presses some buttons on his weird telephone and I shake my head.

''I can show myself'' I answer and walk quickly down the hall. He shouts my name but I never look back. He will not come and find me. Why? Because who would lie about this? Everyone knows Hunter-Bailey is a club for men. It isn't just a gentlemen club's. They have a restaurant, a steam room, a gym, a pool, and a lot more. No wonder the building is so large.

I walk, never stopping. Mila opens some doors that are locked unless you have a membership. She is a fucking genius.

''Whoah, what are you doing here?'' A man stops me, his hand on my chest. I smile and I take his hand.

''What are you doing here?'' I challenge. The man takes a step back and I notice the way he's breathing. He knows us.

''That's what I thought'' I walk past him and some other men. I stay through to my words. I go to the stripper room. I feel oddly confident about this.

As soon as I enter the room, I feel the heat reaching me. God, it's hot in here. I take a step forward, watching my surroundings. Women are 'dancing' in front of men, I assume, who have already paid them. I chuckle to myself. How easily they can be fooled by a woman's body.

''El?'' Mila asks in my ear.

''Everything is going according to plan'' I walk towards the waitress and ask her where the bar is. She stares at my mask longer than she should and I know, she knows who I am. I am L to them. I am one of the girls on fire. They think I am the leader and they aren't wrong. Unlike Michael Crist, I just don't boss around my friends.

''Want us to come with you?'' I hear Addy in the background. I shake my head and it takes me a moment to realize she can't see me.

''I'll tell you when'' I reply, sitting on a chair at the bar. My back turned on the waiter behind the counter. I am still watching everyone. Displaying what is about to happen in my head. I smile and keep my eyes on the crowd until I spot them.

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