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The warm sweet air. The fluffy clouds. Quinn seems fascinated by them. I noticed that the first day after we went back to our normal lives. It didn't last long. The second time I noticed was this morning when she woke up. My window was open and there she sat, with a pillow in her arms.

I did my best not to disturb her. Little trouble needs to learn her lesson but I am still very curious about what happened. She said it was my fault. For all I know, it was about her family. What do I have to do with that?

''We're here'' I say as I hang up. Michael called me. His voice sounded calm but underneath it, I caught a hint of worriness. Of course, he's worried about Mila. He likes and wants her. She's terribly beautiful as well. If I were him, I'd make her mine before anyone had any chances at stealing her.

Elsie, Damon, Adelaide, and Will are at school right now. The good thing is that Will only went so he could drop out, he doesn't need it. Damon is there to do that as well, he thinks it's bullshit. But, Elsie? Elsie is there because it is really important for her, the same thing goes for Adelaide.

The only thing she forgot was that she needed to give her assignment this morning. Will wrote it for her, with the help of Damon. They wanted her to relax and not stress. After what happened, I have no idea where Will stands. I can't even bear to think about it.

''What took you so long?'' I spot Mila in his arms, her shirt open.

The blood keeps dripping down her pale skin and Quinn shrieks beside me. She rushes to her best friend, dropping to her knees. She takes her pulse and glares at Michael.

''What did you do?'' She is enraged. But, her anger doesn't mean anything to us. We have already seen her. We know who she pretends to be and who she really is.

''I didn't do anything'' he snaps and pushes her hands away. Quinn raises her hand. Is she about to slap him?


She hasn't changed one bit.

I catch her wrist mid-air and she twists her head, staring at me. I shake my head and I can see the smirk Michael is trying to hide.

''Stop acting like a child'' I push her away and take her place. We need to stop the bleeding, otherwise, we'll have to go to the hospital. If we can avoid that, it would be perfect.

Michael raises a brow, nodding in Quinn's direction. She's sitting next to me, her hair now tied into a ponytail.

I see right through him.

The next minutes are going to be fun.

Not for Mila, though. They will be terrible.

I throw my shirt over my head. Quinn's eyes are on me, I don't even have to look, I know she's watching me.

Quinn Reyes loves watching, just like I do.

That's what ruined her reputation in Thunder Bay, and mine.

''Did you bring it?'' Michael asks as I take the alcohol out of my pocket. It's going to burn, as fuck.

I first put pressure on Mila's wound. Michael did the best he could with no idea how to help her.
He's not very good at this. Too bad, I am.

Mila jerks her head as I press a bit harder on her stomach. She relaxes when I wash her stomach with a cold cloth. The wound isn't too bad, it just seemed terrible with all the blood around it.

Michael and I share a look. We both grin as I pour the alcohol on Mila's lower stomach. Her eyes fly open and she gasps as I continue to put the liquid on her wound. She moans out of pain and tears spring to her eyes.

After I am done, Mila looks me up and down until she realizes she's in someone's arms. It's like everything comes back to her and Michael uses that to his advantage.

''I've got you princess'' he whispers in her ear. She swallows before Quinn comes into view.

''What are you doing here?'' Quinn's voice is cracking. She clears her throat but she never stops looking at Mila.

I frown wondering what they're thinking about.

''I thought you said you we-''

''I said a lot of things'' Mila exhales and wipes her forehead. Quinn takes a step back, hurt taking over her features.

''Yeah, I can see that'' Quinn breaks into a run and I roll my eyes. She always has a way of being dramatic. We're not children anymore. She should think twice before she acts, it would serve her right.

She can blame me for what happened. Whatever makes her feel better. The truth is she did it to have attention. I am not the one who posted the fucking pictures.

Fortunately for me, there was no proof that it was me in the picture. Quinn didn't get this lucky. Well, I guess that's what happens when you're an attention seeker.

''I want to go home'' Mila says, trying to get off Michael. He lets her do and I am surprised when she doesn't fall. Michael stands but does not touch her. I see what he's doing here. I know what he wants me to do.

As soon as she takes a step forward, she falls into my arms. My shirt is still lying somewhere on the ground but, I do not care. Well, it seems to have gotten her attention.

I pick her up, bride style. She really doesn't like it, I can sense how uncomfortable she is.

''Why are you shirtless?''

I walk to Michael's car before answering. She's so clueless. For someone who exposes everyone, she doesn't act like it. Then again, they all seem very out of place when they are not wearing their masks. We don't have that problem, thankfully. I guess we'll have to make them realize they are so much more than these versions they fake.

''Why? You like the view?'' I tease and as I set her down, she shakes her head. Michael and I chuckle before slamming the door behind us.

''Kai, she's lying. Little devil likes to manipulate us'' Michael says as he starts the engine. I find it hard not to laugh. She did admit to it, so...

So I guess Mila is little devil.

Elsie is little one.

Quinn is my little trouble.

Adelaide is... I don't know. We'll have to find her a nickname.

They are with us now and we'll show them who owns this place. We'll show them how to be powerful.

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