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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Michael must feel like he made it through my heart. He's far from there. I only grabbed his hand because of this moto.

His hand fit perfectly in mine and my heart fluttered as I laced our fingers together. But, it doesn't mean anything. I just need to know that they aren't a threat.

And if they are, I won't mind sending those videos across the world.

''What happened?'' Elsie sounds genuinely concerned and she is. The mistake she does is clenching Will's hand.

''Quinn's with Alex, she'll be fine'' Michael answers. I don't look at him because if I do, he'll realize that I am playing him.

''These assholes were worried about you'' Addy is mad and I don't blame her. If Elsie and Will had answered their phones, they wouldn't be here right now. Our friend is crying at the door next to us and here they are, making everything worse.

''What? Why?''

Oh my god, shut up! Just fucking tell them you're okay and then they'll leave. For the sake of everyone, Elsie fucking do the right thing.

''Because of what happened earlier'' Kai stands up and sits next to Elsie. He takes her hand in his and she doesn't push him. Why isn't she pulling away?

''What happened earlier?''

No one answers. I guess we really are losing ourselves.

''You know what? I don't care. Get out'' Addy snaps as she stands up. Damon is quick to shut her up. His hand comes down on her throat and they share a look, full of secrets. Words are said and unsaid. Whatever, we don't need this.

''I am fine, you can go'' Elsie speaks up, turning to Will. She hasn't once looked at me since they came in. I know why.

''Are you sure?'' No, she isn't. Why would she be? I was scared Will was playing her but I should have been scared she would pick their sides over ours. Is that what she's doing? Picking sides now?

''Yeah, I'll text you'' She doesn't want to be fussed over. Elsie has always been different. I have never seen her take home a guy before. Or even kiss someone. She has this little world she keeps track of and hides from everyone. She's scared to let us in and that is stupid. We barely know anything about her.

She always used to say that friendship never relies on secrets. I agree. But our friendship is something else. We are criminals running around town. If we don't know each other's secrets and the four horsemen do, we've done something incredibly wrong.

It stops here.

It ends tonight.

''Okay babydoll'' Will kisses her cheek before standing up. I cross my arms over my chest and open the door for them to walk out. Kai is the first to go, his eyes never meeting mine. Damon is next and he keeps glancing at Addy. There's something there as well. Another thing we'll have to talk about.

''Can I kiss you?'' Elsie asks and Addy snorts.

This is some bullshit.

They act as if they're in love but it is all bullshit. They don't know each other. Sure, Will might know some stuff about her past because they've been digging into us. That doesn't mean they know each other. They can't be in love if the other is a complete stranger.

''See you later, princess'' Michael gives me a quick peck on the lips and I am so taken aback, I don't close my eyes as his lips linger on mine. He strokes my collarbone and I glance at Addy who's watching us with a teasing smile covering her face.

I push at his chest and he laughs as he walks to his friend. Will is next to go and I feel a sort of relief when I slam the door behind me.

You feel something when they're all in the room. A tension or I don't know, something deep inside you reveals itself. I am scared of what stands out now. We are all different. I am not sure this is a good thing.

''What happened to-''

I wave my hand towards Elsie and she understands fastly. She sits back on the couch, and a look of defeat flashes across her features.

As I said, it ends tonight. If I have to tell them everything, I will. They are my friends and I will not let the four horsemen come between us. Not again.

''Hey,'' Alex says, getting out of Quinn's bedroom. We don't know what happened. When we came into our penthouse, Quinn was on the floor, begging us to get Alex.

''Quinn will be okay, she just needs you guys.''

I spot the wet spots on her shirt and assume this must be Quinn's tears. It breaks my heart. I want to be there for her. We all should be there for her. Yet, we're not.

''I am gonna go'' she points to the door and we all nod.

If Alex had met us sooner, she would be on our team. And she might as well be. We do it for the thrill. I have no doubt Alex would have enjoyed Fire's night.

She walks away without another word. We don't even thank her, we let her slip away. I have no idea how she's holding up and I feel bad for what I did. The mayor deserved it. Alex didn't. Maybe she knows who we are and that is why she looks down now when she speaks to me. I'll have to ask Quinn about it. Someday.

Elsie is the first one running to Quinn's room. She was there for her last year. Something happened, we don't know what but Elsie was there for her. I've said it before and I will say it again, Elsie always has been there for us. We haven't returned the favor, yet.

I follow after Addy inside only to find Quinn in Elsie's arms. She has this pain look plastered on her face. We crossed her sister and mother as we went to the elevator. We are not stupid, it's about her family.

''I just can't believe it'' she sobs and Elsie kisses the top of her head, soothing her. She's like a mom when it comes to us. I guess we've been a bit too harsh on her. To be fair, she is banging the enemy.

''Breathe'' Elsie says. We walk to her bed and sit at the edge of it. Elsie and I always have been closer. And Addy and Quinn always have been closer. Maybe this is the time these walls fall apart. This is our inner circle, we should welcome it instead of burying it.

''My mom she-'' Quinn breaks into another set of tears. This is good. She's letting go of her emotions. She has to feel it in order to heal it. If only I would listen to myself.

''She doesn't want me anymore'' she finishes. Addy sends me a look and Elsie hugs our friend tighter.

''We're here, Quinn, we're here'' she whispers, glancing at us occasionally. I have no idea what she means by that.

She doesn't want me anymore?

I am so close to asking her what happened again but I can't bring myself to do it. Our secrets need to be shared. But maybe this isn't the right time to do so.

However, it all comes down tonight.

It stops here.

It stops here

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