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There are places I will not talk about. The color of the trees might be the only thing I remember about those awful years. It helped me survive. As some say, it was the light. I smiled through those terrible days. I was a doll. We were seen as the perfect family. When you don't look through the curtains, we were.

I'd like to say that my friends saved me. On the contrary, I felt like I had to lie to more people and they are people I care about. It wasn't easy.

Every day started to blend together. Like an endless suffocating nightmare. 

''There will come a soldier, a king that will change your world'' my mother used to tell me. I wanted to believe it. But, as the years went on, believing in fairytales wasn't my cup of tea. I had to put on a brave face for my little sister and my brother. They needed me more than they want to admit. I was keeping them together.

And there he was.

The boy with the dark hair.

There were rumors our parents had been associating business and stuff like that. I didn't know him that well. I didn't know him at all.

Yet, he still caught my attention. It was the way his hair fell perfectly without him touching them. His blue eyes took my soul from me. He ripped me in two. If this wasn't love at first sight, I don't know what is.

I didn't talk to him at first. I kept my eyes on him, though. I ignored everything our parents were saying. I was fourteen and seeking someone to love me. I hadn't met the girls before. I had seen Elsie and Mila around but I never talked to them. Until Quinn forced us to become friends. Thank god she did.

When our parents left, they locked the door behind them. The boy with the dark hair started freaking out, he must have been eighteen and he seemed so out of place. This was my house, I knew how to get away. And I didn't want that.

''Are you going to stand there and do nothing?'' I recall his voice was harsh but his eyes were soft.

The fucking manor I was living in felt like Wasteland. I wanted to be alone with this guy, and even with his mean tone, I smiled.

It took him off guard, I remember when he tilted his head to the side. I had picked his curiosity. I bet people trembled under his demands. I guess that's what happens when you're used to getting what you want. The role is inverted now.

''If you ask nicely, I might help'' I tucked my hands behind my back and kept my sweet smile.

The dark-haired boy took a step forward and shrugged.

''Can you please get us out of here?'' I chuckled, not resisting the urge to walk toward him.

''I said might'' At this, he laughed in my face before sitting in one of the chairs around the huge ass table we don't ever eat at. We never ate there unless we had guests.

Call me dumb but I did the same. I sat in front of him, my heart racing as he stared at me again.

''What's your name?'' he asked. I wanted to lie, like I always did. Somehow, he kept me from doing so. It's like he synthesized me and controlled me. I couldn't lie, not to him.

''Adelaide, yours?'' I was biting my lip so hard, that it drew blood. I know he noticed because he started biting his. He was mocking me and I didn't care. I had his attention, that's what mattered.

''Damon Torrance'' he raised a brow as I didn't move.



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