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She flew away from me. She flew away from us. I don't know the exact moment it happened. But, it did. It isn't because of the four horsemen or fire's night. I think it happened way before we even got to college.

I recall seeing her in high school. Addy, Quinn, and I had already met. And there she was, in the corner of the library, reading Alice in Wonderland.

Elsie doesn't like to read as much as I do. She loves music too much for that.

She always read the same book.

Alice in Wonderland.

I never asked why. I assumed she loved it as a child or maybe she was even obsessed with it. It fascinated me, for whole two seconds. Then, I'd go back to what I was doing. I never asked why she read that book and only that book.

Maybe I should have.

''View is a paid actor, don't you think?'' I ask as I spot Michael's shadow. I've been sitting here for the past hour. Wondering if I should go talk to her or not. She must be expecting me, expecting me to come back with money.

It's been a while since I haven't gone.

If I can make amends with Elsie, if she can forgive me for never truly caring for her, maybe my mother would understand. If she's willing to listen, maybe things will get better. Yet, I know that's a big lie.

''It is, do you come here often?'' he sits beside me, his eyes gazing at the sunrise. Even though I slept in his bed, in his arms, it doesn't mean anything. It can not mean something.

Our plan has gone down the drain but the four horsemen will be our downfall. I just- I just know it. And I can not let it happen. Michael believes he's a king while he's a pawn. So is everyone else. I am nowhere near the board. I am pulling the strings. One bad move and everything goes to shit.

''Sometimes'' I admit, pulling my hair into a ponytail. He kept me warm last night, he reassured me about my friend. I am not sure that qualifies him as the monster everyone thinks he is, the one I thought he was.

My feelings can wait. They don't matter, not right now.

Quinn confessed to me that she knew Kai before we took their ideas. Which, I knew.

I lied.

I did dig into them. I wanted to know if I could trust them and if it was the easiest way to do it. The only person I never crossed that line with is Elsie. Right now, I am starting to think it would have been a great idea to know.

''Elsie's awake'' he mumbles and my eyes grow wide. I rush to stand up and nearly fall off the building.

Something is very wrong with her and I have no idea how we lived that long before we finally realized it. When I think about it, there were signs. She was screaming for help and no one, not even her best friends, noticed. She must have felt lonely and alone. She's always been there for all of us. I can't believe we never thought of returning the favor.

As I stroll into Michael's penthouse, I spot Will, sitting on the kitchen counter. He looks lost in thoughts. His light green eyes don't feel the same. He's scared.

Aren't we all?

''I'll go talk to her'' Michael says and strangely, Will agrees. Recently, there have been more tensions. From the four horsemen and us. We are all so drawn to them and not only because they are attractive, they have something that keeps calling us.

It's weird.

''Will Grayson III'' I cross my arms over my chest.

''What has ever gotten you so down?'' I ask because I am interested. If I can figure him out, I'll figure out the others. Only then will I know when to strike.

''Is that even a question?'' The rudeness in his voice takes me back. Is he that worried about her? I get it, I am, too. But, Elsie is so strong, she'll get through this. And even as I plead myself not to show him, I do.

''Is that what I think it is?'' His eyes shine for a second and I can feel the ache in his heart. Will and Elsie are not a couple, yet. I'd be lying if I said they weren't in love. Everyone can see it. They belong together.

''It's not mine, it's... Elsie's'' I wave her diary in the air before pressing it against my chest.

''Don't worry, she loves you and your fancy hair. I know, it's written in here'' I give him my best smile and his eyes find the ray of light he has within him. I never thought about it. Well, I never think about anything twice. I am not Elsie.

''She thinks it's fancy?'' he slightly touches his hair which makes me giggle. I understand why Elsie likes him. They click so well together and he has a lovely personality when he displays it. I don't know Kai and Damon all that well but, I can guarantee, we would in fact work well together. I just don't think it will happen.

''What's going on?'' Will's eyes widen before a soothing grin appears on his lips. It almost stops me from assuming the worst.


''Elsie, baby. Come here'' he orders and she does. She walks past me, heading straight for Will's arms. She's wearing his shirt and some sweatpants I assume are his, too.

It takes a while before Elsie turns to me, her whole body going rigid.

''I know how much you like writing in it'' I hand her journal to her and she snaps it out of my hands.

What the-

''And you read it?'' Something inside her eyes makes me shiver. What is in that diary? I am not stupid. I know one plus one equals two.

Her diary is the answer to it all.

''Well, no just.. just a little bit'' I only read about recently. Can you blame me? I am worried about her.

''Come on Will'' she laces her fingers with Will's before walking to the living room.


''Save it, Mila'' I watch her stroll down the hallway.

I have messed up.

Like I always do.

I should go to my mother. Maybe she can tell me how invaluable and unworthy I am. Because it is the truth.

We are slowly losing each other. I could have stopped it and I didn't. I guess now I'll pay the consequences.

 I guess now I'll pay the consequences

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